Astronomy Flashcards
Defination of Astronomical Unit.
The distance from center of earth to the center of the sun and its total distance is 149.9 million Kilometer.
What is Light Year?
The Distance light traves in One year.
Ex: It travels 9.4607*1012 km.
The Meaning of Parsec?
Parsec is the Unit of DIstance in Astronomy
Ex: 3.25 Light Year
Define Nebula.
Gas and Dust in outer space.
What is constellation to you?
Constellation is when stars forms patterns
When does plaetesimal happen?
Bodies getting to together to form a planet.
Protoplanetary Meaning.
Dust and gas taht surround the core of a solar system. It eventually develops into a planet or asteroids.
Terrestrial planets are.
In details define nuclear fusion?
Neclear fusion is a thermonumetar reaction of nuclear of the light atoms.
In your own words define gas giant planets?
Gas giant planets are the planets made entirely with gas. These are the some of the panets entirely made with gas, Jupiterm Saturn, Nranus and Neptune.
What do you know about comet?
I know that comet is a celestial body that orbits the sun.
Meaning of the word Asteroid.
Asteroids are small rockey bodies that orbit around the sun.
Cosmologist is someone who studys?
Cosmologist is someone who studys the physical universe.
What is Angular velocity?
Angular velocity is speed , motion, and swiftness consisting of an angle.
Orbit happens when.
Orbit happens when the earth or other bodies in the space go around the sun completly .