Astronomy 109 Lab 1-5 Midterm Fall 2022 Flashcards
Scientific Notation: when the decimal is moved to the left the exponent is?
positive or +
Scientific Notation: when the decimal is moved to the right the exponent is?
negative or -
Scientific Notation: what is a million and prefix?
10^6, mega
Scientific Notation: what is a billion and prefix?
10^9, giga
Scientific Notation: what is a trillion and prefix?
10^12, tetra
Scientific Notation: what is a millionth and prefix?
10^-6, micro
Scientific Notation: what is a billionth and prefix?
10^-9, nano
Scientific Notation: what is a trillionth and prefix?
10^-12, pico
What is one degree equal in arcminutes?
60’ arcminutes
What is 1’ or 1 arcminute?
60” arcseconds
Astronomical Unit ( AU):
-used to express the average distance between earth and sun
- distance between earth and sun= 1 AU
What is 1 AU in miles and kilometers?
- kilometers:1.49x10^8
-miles: 9.29x10^7
Light year (ly):
the distance that light travels in a year, used to expressed distances of nearby stars
Celestial Sphere:
dome in which we see the sky
Declination ( DEC):
the angular distance of how high or low something is to the equator, analogous to latitude
Right ascension ( RA):
measured along the eastward equator, measured in time, ranges from zero point to vernal equinox
What is the equatorial co-coordinate system?
right ascension and declination
Parts of the celestial sphere
- Horizon:
the apparent line that separates earth from the sky
Parts of the celestial sphere
the point directly overhead on the celestial sphere
Parts of the celestial sphere
is the great circle passing through the zenith, due north and south points on the observers horizon, a star reaches its maximum height above the horizon when its on the median
Parts of the celestial sphere
- celestial poles:
the projection of the earths poles onto the celestial sphere
Parts of the celestial sphere
- celestial equator:
an extension of the earths equator onto the celestial sphere
the angle measured eastward from the true north to the point of the horizon below the star and ranges from 0 degrees to 300 degrees
- how far above the horizon an object is seen in the sky
- altitude of Polaris = observers latitude ( in northern hemisphere )
What is Horizon Co-ordinate System?
Altitude and Azimuth
-pattern/groupings of stars named after
mythological animals, “characters” or objects
-examples: Andromeda, Perseus, Crux, Orion
-Asterisms are the shapes within the
constellations, sometimes patterns are also formed by stars
in different constellations.
-example: The Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major,
Summer Triangle, Winter Triangle
Never-Set Stars:
DEC > 90 – LAT
Never-Rise Stars:
DEC < -90 + LAT
Rising/Setting Stars:
DEC < 90 – LAT and DEC > -90+ LAT
What is the importance of Polaris: the pole star?
- Polaris indicates the direction of true north as it sits on the NCP
- Altitude of Polaris = Observer’s Latitude (In Northern Hemisphere)
is the apparent shift in position of an object when the observer
views it from two different lines of sight
r to a celestial object
Finding the distance: r to a celestial object using the small angle formula:
Small-Angle Formula: r=(206265”)(d) divided by (a)
what does d represent in the small angle formula for finding distance?
where d is the separation between two perspectives
what does a represent in the small angle formula for finding distance?
𝛼 is the parallax angle in arcseconds
true or false: do you have to convert a into arcseconds in small angle formula for finding distance?
Finding the diameter: formula for celestial objects using the small angle formula
𝒅= (r)(a) divided by (206265”)
what does r represent in the small angle formula for finding diameter?
where r is the distance to the celestial object
what does a represent in the small angle formula for finding diameter?
𝛼 is the angular diameter of the object in arcseconds.
true or false: do you have to convert a into arcseconds in the small angle formula for finding diameter?
what is the formula for finding the mass of Jupiter?
Mjupiter=(4)(pi^2)(d)^3 divided by (G)(P)^2
what does P stand for in the formula for finding the mass of Jupiter?
- is the orbital period of the moon in units of seconds
what does D stand for in the formula for finding the mass of Jupiter?
- orbital size/distance of the Jupiter’s moon in units of meters
what does G represent in the formula for finding the mass of Jupiter?
-G is the gravitational constant
- 6.673x10^-11 m^3/kg/s^2
what is the formula for finding the volume of celestial objects?
what does r represent in the formula for finding volume of celestial objects?
where R is the radius of the object in meters
what star is in the summer triangle?
what star is in the winter triangle?