Asthma + COPD Flashcards
Incidence of asthma and peak age
Peak age 5
Drug ladder in asthma management
- SABA (if using 3 times a week or night symptoms –> step 2)
- SABA + inhaled steroid (beclometasone 200-800ug/day)
- Add in long acting B2 agonist
(options: benefit but not full control –> increase steroid to 800
no benefit - stop and increase steroid
Poor control - trail leukotriene receptor antagonist (montelukast)) - trial of beclometasone up to 2000ug/d, oral leukotriene antagonist, oral B2 agonist modified release, theophylline
- Add regular oral pred, refer
Asthma symptoms
Tight chest
Intermitted dyspnoea, SOB
Asthmatic on SABA + inhaled steroid, what is next step
Add LABA (salmeterol 50ug BD)
Asthma severity:
PEFR: 50-75% predicted
RR less than 25
Moderate acute asthma
Features of life threatening asthma
Life threatening - 33 92 CHEST Cyanosis Hypotension Exhaustion Silent chest Tachy/brady arrhythmia
PEFR 33-50%
Unable to complete full sentences
Severe asthma attack
Discharge asthmatic when
Off nebulised drugs and stable on regular asthma therapy for 24h
PEFR >75%
Prevalence of COPD
10-20% of over 40s
MRC dyspnoea score
- dyspnoea only on vigorous exertion
- SOB on hurrying/walking up stairs
- Walks slow/stop for breath
- Stops for breath after less than 100m
COPD complications
Acute exacerbation Polycythaemia Pneumothorax Long carcinoma Cor pulmonale
ECG and spirometry findings in COPD
ECG - p pulmonale (r atrial hypertrophy), RVH, RAD
Spirometry - FEV1
Severity of COPD
Mild - FEV1 >80%
Mod - FEV1 50-79%
Severe - FEV1 30-49%
Very severe - FEV1
Stop smoking, pulmonary rehab, influenza + pneumococcal vaccine, mucolytics (carbocisteine)
Medical manage
- Breathless and/or exercise limitation
- Exacerbation/persistent breathless
- Persistent exacerbations/breathless
- SABA and/or SAMA PRN, SABA PRN may continue at all stages
- FEV1 =/more 50% - LABA or LAMA (stop SAMA)
FEV1 less 50% - LABA + ICS combo or LAMA - LABA + ICS + LAMA, consider home nebs, theophylline mat be considered
Indication for LTOT
Clinically stable non-smoker PaO2 less than 7.3
PaO2 7.3-8 + PHT/cor pulmonale/polycythaemia/nocturnal hypoxaemia