Asthma and COPD Flashcards
What is the WHO definition of COPD ?
COPD s a lung disease
characterised by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with
normal breathing and is not fully reversible.
What is Chronic Bronchitis?
Productive cough on most days for
at least 3 months a year, for at least 2 consecutive years.
What is Emphysema ?
Abnormal and permanent enlargement of the airways distal to the terminal bronchiole.
What is the symptomatology of Emphysema ( Pink Puffers) ?
These are thin patients who presents with orthopnea, dyspnea on exertion and at rest. They may appears to have anxiety, pursed lip breathing, speaks in short jerky sentences, barrel chest, prolonged exertional time, hyperresonance on percussion and minimal cyanosis.
What is the symptomatology of Chronic bronchitis ( The blue puffers) ?
They appear very cyanotic, they have recurrent productive cough and airflow problems. They often have exertional dyspnea and bilateral pedal edema. They often have hypoxia, hypercapnia, respiratory acidosis. They may also have high Hb,digital clubbing, and cardiac enlargement.
What are the C-XR findings in COPD ?
- Hyperinflation marked by > 7 anterior and > 11 posterior rib visibility above diaphragm.
- Flatent diaphragm and hyper lucent lungs.
What are the risk factors for COPD ?
- Active and passive smoking
- Occupational and environmental factors.
- Alpha one anti-trypsin deficiency.
What is the GOLD classification of COPD ?
*GOLD 1 - mild: FEV1 ≥80% predicted
*GOLD 2 - moderate: 50%≥ FEV1 <80% predicted
*GOLD 3 - severe: 30% ≤ FEV1 <50% predicted
*GOLD 4 - very severe: FEV1 <30% predicted
What is the GOLD group A COPD ?
Low risk (0-1 exacerbations per year, not requiring hospitalization) and fewer symptoms (mMRC 0-1 or CAT <10)
What is GOLD group B COPD ?
Group B: low risk (0-1 exacerbations per year, not requiring hospitalization) and more symptoms (mMRC ≥2 or CAT ≥10)
What is GOLD group E COPD ?
Group E: high risk (≥2 exacerbations per year, or ≥1 requiring hospitalization) and any level of symptoms.
What is modified MRC dyspnea scale ?
What is COPD Assessment Test CAT ?
What is the general management of COPD ?
- Smoking cessation
- Exercise
- Vaccinations
- Manage co-morbidities
What is the GOLD recommendation for the initial pharmacotherapy of GOLD group E COPD?
- Long Acting Beta2 Agonist ( LABA) + Long-acting muscarinic antogonists (LAMA)
- LABA+ LAMA + ICS if eosinophil counts ≥300 cells/μL.
What is the GOLD recommendation for the initial pharmacotherapy of GOLD group A COPD?
What is the GOLD recommendation for the initial pharmacotherapy of GOLD group B COPD?
What are the causes of acute exacerbation of COPD ?
- Infective: bacterial, viral, mycoplasma, atypicals.
- Non-infective: non compliance, environmental triggers.
What is type 01 respiratory failure in COPD ?
hypoxemia, PaO2 <8kPa
What is type 02 respiratory failure in COPD ?
hypercapnia, paCO2> 6kPa
What are the lab findings in compensated or non acidotic type 02 respiratory ?
pH Normal
PaO2 normal or <8kPa
pCO2 >6KPa
HCO3-Elevated to Compensate.
What are the lab findings in decompensated or Acidotic Type 2 Respiratory Failure ?
pH low<7.35
Pa PaO2 <8kPa
HCO3- Normal or elevated
What is the relationship between COPD mortality and acidosis ?
*12% if the presentation pH is the lowest value reached
*24% when acidosis worsens after presentation
*33% when acidosis only develops after admission
What are the complications of COPD ?
- Secondary Pneumothorax Majority need chest drain,
recurrent need VATS + pleurodesis - Cachexia/ weight loss
- Depression
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Cor Pulmonale
- Anaemia of chronic disease affects 25%
- Polycythemia