Asthma Flashcards
What are the characteristic symptoms of an asthma attack?
- Dyspnoea (shortness of breath)
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Chest tightness
- The unexpected and sudden nature of the attacks can promote anxiety, which exacerbates the symptoms.
How is asthma diagnosed?
- Medical history
- Physical examination
- Objective measures of lung function by spirometry.
- Spirometry is used to measure the FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) and PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate) β reductions in these values indicate airway obstruction.
- The reversibility of obstruction is diagnosed by rapid improvement in lung function after inhalation of a short-acting bronchodilator.
How can the severity of an asthma attack be determined?
- Clinical history
- First is the clinical history.
- A recent hospital admission or previous life-threatening attack suggests greater severity
Intensity of symptoms
- Symptom intensity can be assessed by a clinical examination.
- Measurements include the general appearance of the patient and difficulty in speaking
Lung function
- Thirdly, lung function can be assessed with spirometry.
- Spirometry is used to measure the:
- FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in one second)
- PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate).
- In addition, the FEV1/PEFR ratio can be calculated.
- Reductions in these values indicate airway obstruction, with the magnitude of reduction correlating with severity.
- The magnitude of the improvement in lung function following bronchodilator administration also indicates severity.
- Can be explained in terms of Poiseuilleβs Law
Blood gases
- Fourthly, arterial blood gas measurements are obtained as indicators of pulmonary ventilation
- These include PaO2, PaCO2, SaO2, and plasma pH
Outline the different grades of severity
Moderate attack
- A moderate attack is indicated by:
- Worsening symptoms
- FEV > 50% of predicted
- Worsening symptoms
- A moderate attack is indicated by:
Status asthmaticus
- An acute, severe attack, also known as status asthmaticus (SA), is indicated by:
- Dyspnoea severe enough to impair speech
- Accessory respiratory muscle activity (sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, abdominal muscles)
- Paradoxical pulse > 12 mmHg
- Heart rate > 120 bpm
- Breathing rate > 30 per minute
- FEV1 < 50% of predicted
- SaO2 < 91%
- The patient is hypocapnic (low PaCO2) and alkalotic (high blood pH) because of hyperventilation, which is a result of juxtacapillary receptor activation in response to lung oedema.
- An acute, severe attack, also known as status asthmaticus (SA), is indicated by:
Life-threatening attack
- In life-threatening SA, fatigue of the respiratory muscles due to prolonged effort leads to hypoventilation and CO2 retention resulting in:
- A rise in PaCO2 to normal.
- A fall in blood pH to normal.
- Other indicators include
- FEV1 < 30% of predicted
- Silent chest
- FEV1 < 30% of predicted
- In life-threatening SA, fatigue of the respiratory muscles due to prolonged effort leads to hypoventilation and CO2 retention resulting in:
Near fatal asthma
- In near fatal asthma, respiratory failure leads to a rise in PaCO2 and fall in plasma pH.
Outline the steps for the pathogenesis of asthma
- Triggers
- Sensitisation
- Inflammatory response on re-exposure
- Pathological consequences
- Late asthmatic response
- Airway Remodelling β long term consequence
Outline the triggers for asthma
Extrinsic asthma (atopic)
- Thought to be mediated by a genetic predisposition
- to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE) against common environmental aeroallergens resulting in a type I hypersensitivity reaction
- Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction increases the number of T helper 2 (Th2) cells and immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the airway mucosa.
- to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE) against common environmental aeroallergens resulting in a type I hypersensitivity reaction
- Atopy is defined as a genetic predisposition to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE) against common environmental aeroallergens such as dust mites, moulds, pollens and animal dander. About 80% of patients with asthma are atopic compared with 30% of the general population.
- Thought to be mediated by a genetic predisposition
Intrinsic asthma
- Unknown aetiology and is poorly understood.
- Triggering stimuli:
- Exercise
- Stress
- Cold air
- Infections
- Activation of the airway epithelium by pollutants / microbial infection leads to the release of IL-33, IL-25 and thymic stromal lympho-protein
- Cytokines activate dendritic cells that bind the allergens and present them to CD4+ T cells.
- DERP 1 produced by house dust mites cleaves occluding junctions and can be presented by CD4 T cells as well allowing access to adjuvants, stimulating an immune response
- This stimulates a TH2 cell response and increases cytokine secretion
- IL-4 and IL-13, which stimulate B cell IgE production
- IL-5, which stimulates locally recruited eosinophils
- This contributes to the inflammatory soup
- B-cells produce allergen specific IgE that binds to FcE receptors
- This leads to mast cell sensitisation
How is histamine released? What is its effect?
- Histamine released rapidly from pre-packaged granules
- Effect
- βVasodilation
- Mucus secretion
How are leukotrienes/prostaglandins released? What are their effects?
- Formed from arachidonic acid by COX enzyme activation
- Effect
- Bronchoconstriction
- Prostoglandins result in vasodilation
What are cytokines released in response to? What are their effect?
- TNF alpha & IL-4
- Local infalmmation
Discuss the pathological consequences of asthma
- Airway obstruction (decreased lumen diameter) is a consequence of:
- Bronchoconstriction
- Mucus accumulation
- Oedema
- Eosinophil recruitment
Explain bronchoconstriction
- Bronchoconstriction is generated by the action of inflammatory mediators on bronchial smooth muscle.
- Histamine binds to Gq-linked H1 receptors on smooth myocytes, stimulating contraction via an IP3-mediated increase in [Ca2+]i.
Other mediators
- Prostaglandins and leukotrienes also stimulate contraction via action on smooth muscle GPCRs.
- Leukotrienes also promote an increase smooth muscle mass that contributes to obstruction.
- Hyperreactivity is also mediated by IL-13
- Shifts the dose response curve of the smooth muscle to the left, so a smaller stimulus is needed for contraction
Explain mucus hypersecretion
- Mediator action on goblet cells leads to mucus hypersecretion and blockage of the small airways with mucus.
- The mucus is initially aqueous, but increases in viscosity as the disease progresses, making it harder for the mucociliary escalator to remove.
- Viscosity increases due to an increased sympathetic drive that increases mucin and a decreased parasympathetic drive that decreases water movement into the lumen
- IL-13, IL-5 and IL-9 from B cells stimulate goblet cell hyperplasia increasing production.
Describe mucolytics
- Reduce the viscosity of the mucus, making clearance from the airway easier
- e.g. N-acetyl-cystine
- It acts by:
- Breaking down disulphide bones in mucoprotein complexes
- Antioxidant effect that reduces oxidative stress and mucus secretion
Explain oedema
- Oedema of the airway wall is a consequence of increased capillary permeability and vasodilation.
- It leads to swelling of the tissue that obstructs the airway.
- Oedema also activates juxtacapillary receptors in the lung parenchyma, which feed in to the respiratory control system and evoke rapid and shallow breathing that gives the sensation of dyspnoea.
- Dyspnoea can result in a decreased PaO2 which is then countered by tachypnoea (exacerbated by anxiety and increased sympathetic nervous control)
- This results in a reduced PaCO2 and respiratory alkalosis (no CO2 retention at this early stage)
When does eosinophil recruitment occur?
- This acute pathology (referred to as the early asthmatic response) is followed by a late asthmatic response.
- It occurs 3-12 hours later
- Caused by the inflammatory processes activated during the acute phase
- Explain the mechanism of eosinophil recruitment.
- What secretes IL-13?
- What do eosinophils release?
- IL-13 is secreted by activated mast cells, TH2 cells and B cells to drive recruitment of eosinophils.
- Eosinophils release:
Major basic protein
- Induce epithelial apoptosis and epithelial damage
Cationic protein
- Stimulates histamine release from mast cells
- Thus acts as a positive feedback loop β mast cells secrete cytokines that activate eosinophils, which secrete protein that degranulates mast cells
Major basic protein
Describe evidence for airway remodelling as a long-term pathological consequence of asthma
Cadaver analysis: Houston et al, 1953
- Selected patients who had died in asthma attacks with no other underlying cause of death
- Analysed their lungs with sections that were stained with H&E
- Showed that there was:
- Thickening of the airway wall
- Increased collagen and mucus
- Goblet cell metaplasia and hyperplasia
- Increased collagen and mucus
- Sub-mucosal fibrosis
- Cellular spirals of leukocytes
- Thickening of the airway wall
- This all pointed to the inflammatory nature of asthma, but the mediators for it were not yet known.
Describe epithelial desquamation - how it occurs and what it can contribute to
- Desquamation = skin peeling
- Shedding of outermost membrane of tissue
- Another important change is desquamation of the bronchial epithelium by the actions of:
- Major basic protein (MBP)
Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP)
- From eosinophils
Bronchial hyper-responsiveness
- Removal of overlying epithelial cells exposes subepithelial irritant receptors, C fibres and immune cells to irritants in the lumen, contributing to the bronchial hyper-responsiveness that is characteristic of asthma
- Loss of cilia
- It also increases the risk of infection that can exacerbate the asthma due to the loss of cilia to move mucus