Asthma Flashcards
Asthma brief:
Most common chronic respiratory disorder in childhood affecting 15-20% of children. Implies reversible airway obstruction. Diagnosing asthma in preschool children is often difficult - half of all children have wheeze at some point during first 3 years of life.
What are the 3 patterns of wheeze?
1) Transient early wheezing
2) Viral induced wheezing
3) Persistant and recurrent multi-trigger/IgE associated wheeze
Asthma brief?
- Frequent wheeze triggered by many stimuli
- The presence of IgE to common allergens such as pollen, pets, dust is associated with persistence of wheezing beyond pre-school years.
- Recurrent wheezing associated with evidence (skin-prick or IgE blood test) of skin allergy to one or more inhaled allergens is ATOPIC ASTHMA.
- Atopic wheezers have persistent symptoms and decreased lung function.
- Atopic asthma is strongly associated with other atopic diseases such as eczema, rhino-conjunctivitis and food allergy.
Risk factors for asthma?
1) Family history of asthma or atopy
2) Low birth weight
3) Pollution
4) Atopy
Pathophysiology of asthma?
- Up to 40% of all children are atopic
- Genetic predisposition, atopy and environmental triggers all contribute to bronchial inflammation.
- Bronchial inflammation results in oedema and excessive mucus production, with infiltration of cells (eosinophils, mast-cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes).
- This causes bronchial hyper-responsiveness causing exaggerated twitchiness to inhaled stimuli.
- Airway narrowing (bronchoconstriction)occurs causing reversible airflow obstruction (peak flow variability).
- Narrowing is responsible for symptoms (wheeze, cough, breathlessness, chest tightness)
What are some environmental triggers for asthma/atopy?
1) Pollen
2) Pollution
3) Pets
4) Dust
5) Exercise
6) Cold air
7) Smoking
Clinical presentation of asthma?
1) Polyphonic wheeze on expiration
2) Dyspnoea/SOB
3) Cough worse at night
4) Interval symptoms between acute exacerbations
5) Symptoms worse at night and may have triggers - pets, exercise, dust, cold air
6) Examination of chest usually normal but in long standing asthma - hyperinflation of chest, polyphonic expiratory wheeze and a prolonged expiratory phase
Differentials for asthma?
1) Viral induced wheeze
2) Bronchiolitis
3) Pneumonia/TB - confirmed on CXR
4) (Croup)
5) Recurrent aspiration of feeds
6) Inhaled foreign body
7) Cystic fibrosis
Diagnosis of asthma?
1) History of recurrent wheeze (should be suspected in any child with wheeze more than once) - exacerbations usually precipitated by viral respiratory infections.
2) Skin prick testing for common allergens can aid in diagnosing atopy.
3) NO CXR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4) If uncertain - peak expiratory flow rate can help: uncontrolled asthma leads to increased variability in PEFR - both diurnal (worse in mornings) or day to day variable.
- FEV1:FVC <70%
5) RESPONSE TO TREATMENT!!!! Measure PEFR after inhaling bronchodilator (10-15% increase)
Treatment of Asthma (OVER 5 YRS)?
1) SABA - Salbutamol (reliever)
2) SABA + ICS (budesonide/beclametasone)
3) SABA + ICS + LABA (Salmeterol) if LABA is ineffective use LRA (Montelukast) or Theophylline
4) ICS MAX DOSE, + SABA + LABA/LRA/theophylline
5) Add daily oral steroid of prednisolone and refer for specialist care - may need immunosuppressant or immunomodulation (Anti-IgE) therapy
Treatment of Asthma (Under 5 YRS)
2) SABA + ICS (budenoside or beclametasone)
3) SABA + ICS + LRA, and refer to specialist if child under 2yrs.
4) Refer to resp paediatrician
Bronchodilators info:
SABA - Salbutamol - rapid onset of action and effective for 2-4 hours, ‘reliever’.
LABA - Salmeterol - First choice add on therapy for children over 5 yrs, effective for 12 years. SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT ICS.
ICS info:
What are some side effects of ICS?
E.g. Budenoside, Beclametasone
Prophylactic drugs ‘preventers’, that are only effective if taken regularly. Act to decrease airway inflammation resulting in decreased symptoms, exacerbations and bronchial hyperactivity.
Systemic side effects:
1) Impaired growth
2) Adrenal suppression
3) Altered bone metabolism (in high doses) - dose linked with bone mineral density that can affect patient in later life. Weight bearing exercise has great effect on BMD so correct asthma with ICS and do weight bearing exercise.
LRA info:
What is the main side effect of Montelukast?
What alternative is there to LABA and LRA and what are the side effects?
Montelukast oral - first choice add on therapy for children under 5 years, can also be used in children over 5 if LABA is not effective.
Side effect: NIGHT TERRORS
Theophylline is used as an alternative to Montelukast but not commonly used in children due to side effects of vomiting, insomnia, headache and poor concentration.
What are some reasons that treatment is not effective?
2) Diagnosis
3) Environmental triggers - allergy to pets or passive smoking
4) Choice of drugs/devices - TECHNIQUE
5) Bad disease