Asthma Flashcards
When is an ER referral indicated in a pt with asthma?
Vitals: RR >30 rpm, Pulse >120 bpm
Pulse Ox: <91% or >91% with decrease below upon walking (Decompensation)
Peak flow: <50% of predicted
Any of the following symptoms:
Cyanosis, pulses paradoxus (pulse amplitude dec with inhalation), AMS, unable to speak d/t dyspnea (STRONG), use of accessory mm to breathe
What scenarios require referral to pulmonologist or allergist for asthma?
- After life-threatening asthma exacerbation
- After hospitalization for asthma
- 2+ oral corticosteroids needed in a yr
- Step 4+ in person >5 yo indicated
- Step 3+ in person <5 yo indicated
- Not controlled after 3-6 mo of active therapy and monitoring
- Unresponsive to Tx
- Asthma Dx uncertain
- Special testing needed: skin testing for allergies, bronchoscopy, complete PFTs
- Allergen immunotherapy candidate
What co-morbidities in a pt with asthma should lead to a referral to pulmonology or allergist?
Nasal polyposis Chronic sinusiitis Severe rhinitis Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis COPD Vocal cord dysfunction Etc.
What are 4 things that would warrant a consideration of a referral in a pt with asthma?
Step 3+ care in person >5 yo
Step 2+ care in person <5 yo
Psychosocial or psychiatric problem is interfering with asthma
Peak flow is 50-60% of predicted (STRONG)
What are 3 things that must be completed at EVERY visit for a pt with asthma?
Expiratory peak flow
Pulse ox (Resting, Ambulatory)
Asthma action plan (complete, review)
What are some things that should be asked at EVERY visit in a pt with asthma?
Freq. of Sx
How often Sx lead to inhaler use
# of night time exacerbations
For the stepwise approach to asthma, what age should it be used in? Does it replace clinical decision making? How do you choose btwn different Tx options listed within a preferred or alternative therapy? What do you do before stepping up?
12 yo and up
Alphabetical order (weird)
Try the preferred Tx first after discontinuing the alternative (if an alternative was tried) then step up
What should happen at every step of asthma Tx?
Pt education
Environmental control
Management of co-morbidities
What Tx is preferred for Step 1?
Inhaled SABA PRN
What Tx is preferred for Step 2?
Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid with inhaled SABA PRN
What Tx alternatives are within step 2?
Leukotriene receptor antagonist
What must be monitored with Theophylline use?
Serum concentration levels
What should be considered for patients in levels 2-4 of stepwise Tx for asthma?
SubQ allergen immunotherapy for allergic asthma pts
For asthma exacerbations patients can use their SABA how many times and in what interval?
3 x with 20 minute intervals
may need short dose of oral steroids
What easy measure (relating to SABA use) can tell someone they are not managed at their current level and need to “step up”?
Using SABA 2+ days per week for Sx relief (not prevention of exercise induced bronchospasm)