Asthma Flashcards
Asthma definition?
Chronic inflamm of airways,
Intermittent obstruction (U) reversible,
Hyper-reactive airway
Asthma risk factors?
Hx of atopic dz Family hx Tobacco exposure GERD RSV Vocal chord dysfxn
Asthma sxs?
dyspnea cough (> in p.m.) wheeze tight chest exacerbated w/ triggers
Asthma initial approach:
Establish baseline
nocturnal sxs, risk fxr/triggers, recent URI
inhaler frequency, ER visits, hospitalization, intubation, lifestyle Δs
Asthma presentation?
Expiratory wheeze Prolonged expiration Tachypnea Tachycardia (U) from abuterol use Accessory mm use Atopic dz Pulsus paradoxus (↓ pulse on inspiration)
Asthma initial diag w/ PFT?
> 12% in FEV1 w/ bronchodilator
methacholine challenge: FEV1 ↓ by 20% (can be false +)
Asthma monitoring?
spirometry response to tx
Asthma classification in steps: Step 1?
intermittent, all ages
sxs < 2/wk < 5yo N PFT in b/w sxs brief exacerbation FEV1 >80%
Asthma classification in steps: Step 2?
mild, persistent
sxs >2/wk 0-4yo: >2 nights/mo >5yo: 3-4 nights/mo minor activity limit FEV1 >80%
Asthma classification in steps: Step 3?
moderate, persistent
sxs daily 0-4yo: 3-4 night/mo >5yo: >1 night/wk exacerb >2/wk, lasts days, ↓ activity FEV1 60-80%
Asthma classification in steps: Step 4?
severe, persistent
sxs always 0-4yo: >1 night/wk >5yo: (U) every night ↓↓ activity FEV1 <60%
Asthma meds?
B2 agonists (short and long acting) SABA, LABA
Corticosteroids (inhaled or systm) ICS, SCS
Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (LTRA)
Tx for Step 1, children?
For Step 2, children?
short B2 agonists PRN
low-dose ICS + SABA
Tx for Step 3, children?
0-4yo: med-dose ICS
5-11yo: med-dose ICS OR low ICS + LTRA/LABA
Tx for Step 4, children?
0-4yo: med-dose ICS + LABA/LTRA
5-11yo: med-dose ICS OR low ICS + LABA