Asthma Flashcards
What are potential triggers for asthma?
- Infections
- Viruses
- Cigarette smoke
- Allergens
- Pollutants
- Cold air/changes in temperature
- Excitement/stress
- Exercise
What is asthma?
- Reversible obstructive lung disease
- Due to increased reaction of airwaus to triggers
- Chronic inflammatory disease
- Acute exacerbations or flare ups
What is the pathogenesis of asthma?
- Inflammatory cell infiltration with eosinophils, neutrophils, and lymphocytes
- Goblet cell hyperplasia
- Plugging of small airways with mucus
- Hypertrophy of smooth muscle
- Airway edema
- Mast cell activation
All lead to airway hyper-responsiveness and airflow limitation
What are the 2 primary pathophysiological factors contributing to asthma attacks?
Bronchoconstriction and inflammation
This is the strongest identifiable predisposing factor for development of asthma
What are risk factors for the development of asthma?
- Obesity
- Pollutants
- Respiratory irritants
- Viruses
- Aspirin/NSAIDS
- Weather
- Stress
- Family history
- Exercise
- URIs
- Beta blockers
- Environment
When is the most common age for asthma to begin?
1-5 years
77% of asthma begins in children ____
<5 years old
What are types of asthma?
- Extrinsic: allergic
- Intrinsic: uncommon
- Mixed: combo of extrinsic and intrinsic
- Occupational
- Drug induced: NSAIDs or ASA
- Exercise induced
- Cough variant: common, especially in children
How is asthma diagnosed?
- clinical suspicion
- History with focus on symptom patterns (triggers)
- Physical exam for signs of allergies/asthma
- Confirmed with spirometry
- Allergy testing
- Clinical response to bronchodilators
What are signs and symptoms of asthma?
- Cough
- Chest tightness
- SOB/dyspnea
- difficulty breathing
- episodic wheezing
Frequency is variable
What can you see on physical exam for asthma?
- Increased nasal secretion, mucosal swelling, and/or nasal polyps
- Signs of atopy/allergic rhinitis
- Wheezing or prolonged expiratory phase, hyperexpansion of thorax, use of accessory muscles, appearance of hunched shoulders
- atopic dermatitis or eczem
What are signs of atopy/allergic rhinitis?
- Conjunctival congestion
- ocular shiners
- salute sign
What should you inspect during the lung exam of a patient with potential asthma?
- Shape (hyperinflated in severe asthma)
- Movement of chest (silent is life threatening, retractions)
What should you palpate and expect to palpate during the lung exam of a patient who might have asthma?
- Tactile fremitus may be decreased
- Normal chest expansion may be decreased
What should you percuss/what do you expect to find during a lung exam of a patient who may have asthma?
normal to hyperresonant
What do you expect to hear on auscultation of a patient with asthma?
- Rhonchi to wheeze (usually expiratory)
- Prolonged expiratory phase
- Silent chest in severe asthma
What are the spirometry criteria for diagnosis of asthma?
- Less than lower limit of normal FEV1/FVC based on age, sex, height, and ethnicity AND increase in FEV1 >12% after bronchodilator
What adjunct diagnostic testing can be performed if spirometry is nondiagnostic?
- Bronchoprovocation testing
- Exercise challenge
- Peak flow meters
- Chest X ray
- Skin testing
- Measurement of sputum for eosinophils
What is bronchoprovocation testing and when would you not use it?
Use of inhaled histamine, methacholine, or mannitol to induce asthma attack
Do not use if FEV1 is <65% of predicted
What is a peak flow meter especially good for?
Monitoring asthma
What would a chest x ray look like in an asthmatic patient?
Normal or hyperinflated, bronchial wall thickening, diminished peripheral lung vacular shadows
May not be able to see these findings
What are indications for CXR diagnostic testing?
Initial asthma diagnosis or uncertain diagnosis
Should you use CXR during acute asthma exacerbations?
Why would a chest x ray be helpful during status asthmaticus or no improvement in acute asthma attack?
- Excludes CHF or pneumonia
- Excludes pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum
What labs can be helpful for asthma diagnosis?
- ABGs
- Sputum sample
What may be present on ABG of a patient with asthma?
- Hypoxemia
- Hypercarbia with decompensation
What may be present on CBC of a patient with asthma?
- Eosinophilia
- Increased levels of IgE
What may be present on a sputum sample of a patient with asthma?
- Casts of small airways
- Thick, mucoid sputum
- Curschmann’s spirals
- Charcot-Leyden crystals
What is the methacholine challenge?
- Patients breathe in methacholine and perform spirometry after each dose
- Increased airway hyperresponsiveness with a >20% decrease in FEV1 up to 16 mg/mL max dose
Done in the hospital
How is asthma different from COPD?
- Earlier onset
- Symptoms vary from day to day (COPD is progressive)
- Symptoms at night/early morning (COPD is during exercise)
- Allergic/rhinitis/eczema also present (COPD is usually due to long smoking history)
- Family history of asthma
- Largely reversible (COPD irreversible)
In addition to COPD, what diagnosis may be similar to asthma?
Allergic rhinitis, sinusitis
FB in trachea or bronchus
Vocal cord dysfunction
Vascular rings or laryngeal webs
Laryngotracheomalacia, tracheal stenosis, bronchostenosis
Enlargend lymph nodes or tumor
Viral bronchiolitis
Bronchopulmonary disease
Heart disease
Recurrent cough
Aspiration from dysfunction of swallowing mechanism or GERD
What is the golden rule related to asthma?
Not all wheezes are asthma?
What are some important diagnosis to consider with wheeze?
- Pulmonary edema
- Pulmonary embolism
- Anaphylactic reaction
- pneumonia
- Foreign body aspiration
- Cystic fibrosis
What are complications of asthma?
- Exhaustion
- Dehydration
- Airway infection
- Tussive syncope
- Pneumothorax
- Respiratory failure
- Chronic lung disease
Once you have established a diagnosis of asthma, what should be done next?
- Determine severity
- Develop treatment plan
- Education of patient
- Close monitoring
What are characteristics of mild intermittent asthma?
- Daytime asthma fewer 2 or less days/week
- <2 night awakenings per month
- Use of SABA/rescue inhaler less than 2 times per week
- No interference with normal activities between exacerbations
- FEV1 measurements between exacerbations consistently within normal range (>80% predicted)
- FEV1/FVC ratio between exacerbations is normal
- 0-1 exacerbations requiring oral glucocorticoids per year
What are characteristics of mild persistent asthma?
- Symptoms more than 2 days weekly
- 3-4 night-time awakenings per month
- Use of SABA to relieve symptoms more than 2 times/week
- Minor interference with normal activities
- FEV1 measurements within normal range and normal FEV1/FVC ratio
- 2 or more exacerbations requiring oral glucocorticoids per year
What are characteristics of moderate persistent asthma?
- Daily symptoms of asthma
- Nighttime awakenings more than once per week
- Daily need to SABA for symptom relief
- Some limitation in normal activity
- FEV1 between 60-80% of predicted and FEV1/FVC below normal
What are characteristics of severe persistent asthma?
- Symptoms throughout day
- Night-time awakenings nightly
- Need for SABA several times per day
- Extreme limitation in normal activity
- FEV1 <60% predicted and FEV1/FEC below normal
What are goals of treatment of asthma?
- Minimal or no chronic symptoms in the day, night, or after exertion
- Minimal to no exacerbations
- No limitations on activities
- Near normal pulmonary function
- Minimal use of rescue inhaler
- Minimal or no adverse effects of medications
What are the classes of asthma medications?
- Inhaled corticosteroid
- Combined agents
- Inhaled anticholinergics
- Theophylline
- Leukotrienes
- Cromolyn
- Racemic epinephrine
- Monoclonal antibodies
What medications are considered SABA’s?
- Albuterol
- Levalbuterol
Usually referred to as rescue inhalers