Assurance Flashcards
What are the five IFAC fundamental ethical principles?
Integrity Objectivity Professional competence and due care Confidentiality Professional behaviour
What are the five threats in the IFAC code of ethical standards?
Self interest Self review Familiarity Advocacy Intimidation
What is the sixth assurance threat in the FRC ethical standard (that is not in the IFAC code)
What are the 3 parties involved in a statutory audit assignment?
Auditors (Practitioners)
Shareholders (Users)
Management/Directors (Responsible party)
What are the two main aspects of limited assurance?
Moderate/Low level of assurance
Negatively expressed conclusion
What are the two main aspects of Reasonable assurance?
High level of assurance
Conclusion/opinion expressed positively
Which threat is this:
The auditor is reluctant to take actions that are adverse to the interests of the audit firm
Which threat is this:
The auditor is predisposed to accept/reluctant to question the work done by others in the audit firm
Self review
Which threat is this:
The auditor is predisposed to accept work done by the audit client
Which threat is this:
The auditor takes managements side, adopting a position closing aligned with management
Which threat is this:
The auditors conduct is influence by fear
What is audit risk?
The risk of an auditor arriving at an inappropriate conclusion
What three risks make up audit risk?
Inherent risk
Control risk
Detection risk
What three levels of inherent risk are there?
Industry level
Entity level
Balance level
What is inherent risk?
The inherent chance of a material misstatement