Assorted Missed Certamen Questions Flashcards
What tribe is Arminius from?
What does Cincinnatus Mean?
Curly Haired
Where did Rullianus defeat Etruscans in 310 B.C.
Lake Vatemo
During Avidius Cassius’s rebellion what two tribes were Marcus Aurelius fighting?
Quadi and Iazyges
How did Avidius Cassius die?
Killed by his own troops
Where did Marc Antony meet Cleopatra?
Tarsus, Cilicia
When did Marc Antony and Cleopatra marry?
37 B.C.
What king of Numidia Allies himself against the Romans in 204 B.C. and fights in Campi Magni
What lake did Claudius unsuccessfully drain
Who was Julia Maemaea’s sister
Julia Soaemias
Where in 255 B.C. did a Roman fleet engage the Carthaginians before engaging in a land invasion?
Cape Hermaeum
When was Pompeii leveled before
63 A.D.
Where does Diocletian renegotiate the Tetrarchy 3 years after his retirement?
Where was Septimius Severus Declared Emperor
What ended the election Military Tribunes
Lex Licinia Sextia
What tribe were Gratian’s bodyguard of Archers made up of?
What southern Gallic city did Antoninus Pius’s family originate from?
In what city 10 miles west of Rome did Antoninus Pius die?
Who established the Limes system?
Antoninus Pius
Where in 57 B.C. did a Belgic alliance fight Caesar as he approached their territory?
Axona River
Which emperor’s murder led to a breakdown in peace negotiations with the Vandals
Valentinian III
What year was Aegates Islands fought?
241 B.C.
Who did Romulus kill to win the spolia opima?
What country is Augusta Rauriciorum in?
Where did Agricola defeat the Britians in 84 A.D.
Mt. Graupius
Who was the son of Massinisa?
Where was Agricola born?
Gallia Narbonensis (40 B.C.)
In what year was the office of quaestor increased to four elected officials per year when the office was opened to plebeians?
422 B.C.
What ancient Volsci city was also the home of the Octavii Gens and the place where Augustus spent much of his childhood?
Velitrae (modern Velletri)
How many tables were there in 451 B.C.?
At what battle did the Romans first encounter elephants?
What two Scipiones led the battle in Spain against the Carthaginians before Africanus?
Gnaeus and Publius Scipio
What first engagement between the Gnaeus Scipio and Hanno led to the Roman foothold between the Ebro and the Pyrenees in 218 B.C.?
Battle of Cissa
In what battle of 217 B.C. did Hasdrubal fail to dislodge the Romans from modern Northern Spain?
The Battle of the Ebro River
What famous early Roman augur refused Tarquinius Priscus’s attempt to increase the number of equestrian centuries and name them in his honor on religious principle, and was subsequently killed and made into a statue?
Attus Navius
Which assassin of Caesar was declared imperator by his troops in 43 B.C. after a victory over the Bessi?
Marcus Iunius Brutus
What is the exact date of Caesar’s Rubicon crossing?
January 10th 49 B.C.
Ambigatus/Ambicatus/Ambitgatus was a legendary king of what tribe during which Roman kings reign?
Bituriges (A Celtic tribe); Tarquinus Priscus
Which son of the sister of Ambigatus led a Celtic migration to Italy?
What city did the Celts that Bellovesus led across the Alps found?
Mediolanum (Milan)
Who led another group of Celts into Italy after Bellovesus, where they settled in Verona and Venetia?
What battle of 110 B.C. did Jugurtha beat Aulus Postumius Albinus?
Who led the Romans after their defeat at the battle of Carrhae in 53 B.C. and protected Syria as a Propraetor from further incursions?
Gaius Cassius Loginus
What Roman deserter helped lead the Parthian invasion of Syria in 40 B.C.?
Quintus Labienus
Who, under Antony successfully defeated the Parthians in Cilicia before inflicting a massive defeat against them at Mt. Gindarus?
Publius Ventidius Bassus
Who led the Parthian re-invasion of Syria in 38 B.C.?
Pacores, son of king Orodes II
Where was the Parthian prince Pacores defeated by Bassus?
Mt. Gindarus
What tribune transferred the command against Mithridates VI from Sulla to Marius?
Sulpicius Rufus
Mt Vesuvius and Antium are battles in what war?
Great Latin War
Who did the Romans take Antinum from?
The Volscians
What was the year of the second battle of Pydna?
148 B.C.
What was Hadrian’s wife’s name
What is the name of Lucius Varus’s wife
Which Burr burr governor of Roman Britannia supervised the construction of a 37 mile wall from the Forth to the Clyde under Antoninus Pius?
Who supervised the construction of an 80 mile wall from the Tyne to Solway Firth under Hadrian?
Under which emperor’s reign was the Antonine wall abandoned?
What fort does Hamilcar Barka use as a base in Sicily?
After what battle does Octavian establish control of all the senatorial legions in 43 B.C.?
Where and when did Trajan die?
Selinus 117 B.C.