Association rules Flashcards
Support of a rule
How often do the LHS and RHS appear together
What is confidence
Given LHS, how often do we see RHS
What is lift
How often does LHS appear with RHS, compared to what chance would predict?
Confidence (X->Y)
n(X & Y) / n(X)
Is confidence symmetric
Lift formula (X->Y)
s(X&Y)/s(X) x s(Y)
Interpret lift (X->Y) = 5
Shoppers who buy X are 5x (500%) more likely to buy Y than the average shopper
Lift = 1 interpretation
Indicates almost no correlation
Events seem independent
Lift > 1 interpretation
Positive correlation
Cooccurrence is more likely than chance
Complementary products that are often bought together
Lift <1
Indicates negative correlation - co-occurance is less likely than chance
Customers who buy one item (or a given item set) are less likely (than average) to purchase the other