Associate Exam Flashcards
Prepare with these:
Is locking happening automatically?
What is “terraform taint” command?
Informs Terraform that a particular object has become degraded or damaged. Terraform represents this by marking the object as “tainted” in the Terraform state, in which case Terraform will propose to replace it in the next plan you create.
Command to create new workspace
terraform workspace new NAME
Flag used to identify the specific version of a provider required.
In which config block Terraform-specific setting are declared?
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
version = “>= 2.7.0”
source = “hashicorp/aws”
Which command allow to retrieve a list of resources that are part of the state file?
terraform state list
Where local state is stored for a workspaces?
directory called terrraform.tfstate.d
Can Terraform backed be migrated without de-provisioning the resources?
Where is the workspaces local state stored?
Directory terraform.tfstate.d
What kind of resource dependany is stored in terraform.tfstate file?
Both implicit and explicit
The most verbose logging level
How to hide the output value in CLI?
use “sensitive” parameter
Which command will upgrade the provider to the latest acceptable one?
terraform init -upgrade
Can you publish your own modules in Terraform Registry?
Connection types supported by remote-exec?
- ssh
- winrm
What’s the purpose of remote-exec?
Invokes a script on a remote resource after it is created
Features exclusive to Terraform Enterpise
- Audit logs
- Clustering
What are limitations of SENSITIVE parameter?
The values are stored in the Terraform state and available using the terraform output command, so cannot be relied on as a sole means of protecting values.
Two Terraform versions
- open source
- enterprise
What is terraform import?
This allows to take resource created by some other means and bring it under Terraform mangement.
The purpose of “terraform validate” command.
Validates the configuration files in a directory, referrring only to the configuration and not accessing any remote services such as remote state, provider API, etc.
What is a downside to using the Vault provider to read secrets from Vault?
Any secrets that you read and write to be persisted in both Terraform’s state file and in any generated plan files. For any Terraform module that reads or writes Vault secrets, these files should be treated as sensitive and protected accordingly.
When writing terraform code, HashiCorp recommends that you use how many spaces between each nesting level
After executing a terraform apply. you notice that a resoruce has a tilde (~) next to it. What does this infer?
The resource will be updated in place
How local path must begin for local module
”./” or “../”
Which type of variable allows multiple values of several distinct types to be grouped together as a single value?
- object
- list
Which command can be used to view th specified version constraint for all providers used in the current configuration?
terraform providers
Is Role Based Access Control free?
When should you use the force-unlock command?
Automatic unlocking failed
In order to reduce the time it takes to provision resources, Terraform uses parallelism. By default, how many resources will Terraform provision concurrently?
What can outputs be used for?
- User reference
- Input to other resources being created via terraform
What is the statement that follows the resource in a terraform block called? IE resource “” “” {
Resource block
For an output what happens if you do not supply an attribute?
The output will provide all the attributes associated with the resource
What are attributes?
What is an output?
A way to output specific attributes of a resource
Where can you assign variables?
- Environment variables
- Command Line Flags
- From a File
- Variable Defaults
What is a type argument in a variable block?
the type argument in a variable block allows you to restrict the type of value that will be accepted as the value for a variable
What is a type list
Sequential list of values identified by their position. Starts with 0
What is a type map
a group of values identified by name labels, like
name = “Mabel”,
age = “52”
How can you reference a specific position in a list
var.[position (i.e. 1)]
What is a local value?
A local value assigns a name to an expression, allowing it to be used multiple times within a module without repeating it.
What is the general syntax of a function?
function(argument 1, argument 2)
What are the categories of functions in use by Terraform?
Date and Time
Hash and Crypto
IP Network
Type Conversion
Where can you test terraform functions?
terraform console
What does a lookup do?
retrieves the value of a single element from a map, given its key. If the given key does not exist, a the given default value is returned instead.
What does an element do?
retrieves a single element from a list.
What do data source allow
Data sources allow data to be fetched or computed for use elsewhere in Terraform configuration.
How can you setup detailed logs for debugging
You can set TF_LOG to one of the log levels
How do you enable logging?
by exporting the logs and setting a verbosity level from the local console
- export TF_LOG=
How can you export Terraform Logs to a file?
by specifying a log path to export the TF logs to
- export TF_LOG_PATH=
What is the most verbose level of TF_LOG?
How can you validate the terraform configuration files for systematic validation?
terraform validate
What is the Terraform State File?
The state allows terraform to map real world resources to existing configuration. Terraform stores the state of the infrastructure in TF files
What is a desired state?
The specific configuration defined in a resource block is what creates a desired state
What is terraform refresh
Terraform refresh fetches the latest information about the current state of your infrastructure.
What does Terraform plan do?
Match the desired state with the current state
What does terraform show do?
Shows all information within the terraform state file
Can Terraform providers have a different provider plugin version that Terraform?
Where are terraform plugins installed?
.terraform/plugins directory
Can you specify a specific version number or a base version number for installing a provider?
Yes by providing a version statement in the provider configuration block
How can you obtain HashiCorp Distributed providers?
They are automatically downloaded during terraform init
How can you obtain non distributed providers?
Manually installed locally
Where do you download and install plugins for manual installation?
- ~/.terraform.d/plugins directory
- All manual plugins should be copied into the above directory
- Terraform init will read from the ~/.terraform/plugins directory
What are terraform provisioners?
Provides the ability to configure an added resource using a defined script