Assisting with Ongoing Conditions Flashcards
What can COPD cause?
Emphysema–>destruction of the lung tissue overtime (elasticity decreases)
Bronchitis–>inflamed airways
- ->mucous - ->cough
What is COPD?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Is a progressive disease
Damages/restricts the airways and aveoli (small sacs in lung that exchange oxygen & carbon dioxide.
What are the causes/risk factors of COPD?
Smoking Environmental Infections(repeat) Asthma(childhood) Other co-morbidities
S&S of COPD?
Dyspna Headaches Wheezing Confusion Coughing Chronic chest infections Fatigue SOB(E) Cyanosis
Tx for COPD
Steroid. O2 therapy(88-92%)
Bronchodilators. Cough assist
Scopolamine Suction
Chest physio Increase fluids
Humidify DB&C (deep breathing &
PSW Role for COPD
Monitor breathing
Make sure ct is taking meds
Monitor fluid intake
What is TB?
Bacteria that affects the lungs
Air Bourne(droplets are very tiny)
Reportable to PH
S&S of TB
Cough. SOB
Hemoptysis(blood in cough). Fatigue
Dysphasia Chest pain
Wheezing–>stridor. Wt loss
(continuous harsh high
pitched wheeze)
What is Dysphasia?
Dysphasia is a partial or complete impairment of the ability to communicate.
Tx of TB
Negative pressure room Antibiotics Inhalers Nebulizers Hospital
Catheter care?
Catheter is medical asepsis(clean, not sterile)
Indwelling catheter
Sterile when putting in
What’s involved in Catheter care?
Keep drainage bag below level of bladder
-don’t let tubing hang lower then drainage bag
-prevents urine backtracking(infection)
Make sure urine flows freely(0 kinks)
Wear proper PPE
-gloves(prevent spread pathogens)
Make sure catheter connected to drainage tub
Secure catheter to inner thigh
-prevent movement
Monitor I&O of fluids
What is HARS?
HIV/AIDS Regional Services
884a Princess street
What is HIV/AIDS?
Human immunodeficiency Virus(HIV)
-weakens the immune system
-you can have it and not know(passing it on)
- can damage other parts
-immune sys to weak to fight off serious illness
Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome(AIDS)
- final stage
- become sick with life- threatening infections
Who can get HIV/AIDS?
Anyone can be infected with HIV no matter…..
- age - sex - race or ethnicity - who you have sex with
How is HIV transmitted?
body fluids(5) 1.blood 2.semen(including pre-cum) 3.rectal fluid 4.vaginal fluid 5.breast milk 2 main ways 1.unprotected sex 2.needle sharing
How can a women pass HIV to her baby?
During pregnancy
At birth
Through breast-feeding
Less than 2% risk of passing HIV to the baby
How can a pregnant woman can protect her baby from HIV?
In whom Proper care of HIV -take medication After birth Feed formula when nursing
Bennie hyperplasia(enlarged prostate)
Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus
A strain of Staph infection that is antibiotic resistant
(HA-MRSA) Health care-associated MRSA
- hospitals
- nursing homes
- retirement homes
- other health care settings
Insulin-Dependant Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1
Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2
What is diabetes mellitus?
DM is a condition when the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin or cells to stop responding to the insulin produced, glucose in blood cannot be absorbed into cells of body.
High levels of glucose in blood damages:
- organs
- blood vessels & nerves
What are the 4 types of Diabetes Mellitus?
- Pre- diabetic
- Gestational
- Type 1(IDDM)
- Type 2(NIDDM)
S&S of Stroke(5 major warning signs)
- Sudden numbness of weakness
- Sudden confusion
- Blurry vision
- Dizziness/Balance
- Sudden onset headache
Quick Stroke assessment
- Smile
- Arms up
- Repeat a sentence
- Pushes, Pulls, Grips
2 Types of stroke
- Embolic–> travels to brain
2. Thrombolic–> forms in brain
S&S (7 warning signs) of Cancer
- unusual bleeding/ discharge
- sores that do not heal
- changes in bowel or bladder
- lump
- nagging cough
- change in mole
- dysphagia
S&S of MS
Fatigue Numbness Blurred or loss of vision Disordered speech Swallowing changes Partial or complete paralysis Swallowing problems Walking, balance, and coordination problems Emotional changes Bowel or bladder incontinence
What is Arthritis?
Inflammation of the joint
2 types most common:
-1. Osteoarthritis
-2. Rheumatoid
What is Osteoarthritis?
When cartilage breaks down. Boney spurs Weak & Stiff muscle around joint Appears around middle age May need Sx to replace joint
What are the Causes/Risk factors for Arthritis?
Aging Low ca Job Diet Family Hx Sports
S&S of Arthritis
Stiff in the morning and/or when rain or damp
Boney spurs
Swelling of joint
Heat vs Cold
- pain second
- swelling first (20 min interval)
What are the different types of diets?
- low Na(sodium)
- liquid
- diabetic
- hight protein
- high fibre
- bland
- hight and low calorie
- low cholesterol
- gluten free
Fluid retention Edema -S&S are: -bloating -puffy eyes & feet -weeping
Dehydration S&S -headache -skin tugor(decreased elasticity in skin) pinch test -dizzy -lethargic -constipation - dark urine -eyes sunken in -delirium -dry mouth(xerostoma)
What can be done for dehydration?
IV therapy
- fluids
- nutrients
- minerals
- vitamins
- blood products
What is incontinence?
Involuntary urination or defecation
What does Braidy mean?
What is Edema?
Edema is the swelling caused by fluid retention