Assisting with Eye and Ear Care Flashcards
the ability of the lens to change shape, allowing the eye to focus images of objects that are near or far away
a condition in which the cornea has an abnormal shape, which causes blurred images during near or distant vision
a healthcare specialist who focuses on evaluating and correcting hearing problems
an electronic device that measures hearing acidity by producing sounds in specific frequencies and intensities
cloudy areas that form in the lens of the eye that prevent light from reaching visual receptors
cochlear implant
amplification device surgically implanted with its stimulating electrodes inserted directly into the nonfunctioning cochlea
conductive hearing loss
a type of hearing loss that occurs when sound waves cannot be conducted through the ear; most types are temporary
an infection of the conjunctiva caused by bacteria, viruses, and allergies; symptoms may include discharge, red eyes, itching, and swollen eyelids; “pinkeye”; highly contagious
units for measuring the relative intensity of sounds on a scale from 0 to 130
the number of complete fluctuations of energy per second in the form of waves
a condition in which too much pressure is created in the eye by excessive aqueous humor; this excess pressure can lead to permanent damage of the optic nerves, resulting in blindness
a condition that occurs when light entering the eye is focused behind the retina; farsightedness
Meniere’s disease
an inner-ear disease characterized by attacks of vertigo, tinnitus, and nausea; permanent hearing loss may result
a condition that occurs when light entering the eye is focused in front of the retina; nearsightedness
a hand-held instrument with a light; used to view the inner eye structures
a medical doctor who specializes in the health of the ear
a common eye disorder that results in the loss of lens elasticity; develops with age and causes a person to have difficulty seeing objects close up
refraction examination
an eye examination in which the patient looks through a succession of different lenses to find out which ones create the clearest image
sensorineural hearing loss
hearing loss that occurs when neural structures associated with the ear are damaged; neural structures include hearing receptors and the auditory nerve
slit lamp
an instrument composed of a magnifying lens combined with a light source; used to provide a minute examination of the eye’s anatomy
an abnormal ringing in the ear
an instrument for determining pressure or tension, especially determining ocular tension