assist cardio-heart Flashcards
what is the PR interval
time it takes for electrical impulse generated in the SA node to travel through the atria and across the AV node to the ventricles
what is a PR segment
AV nodal DELAY
it weirdly stops bfeore q, it stops BEFORE the QRS complex starts!!!!!!!!! so between atrial dep and ventricular dep
what occurs in the atria at the same time as qrs
atria is simultaneously repolarizing but we cant see it
what occurs in the T wave
ventricular repolarization
what is P to T
one cardiac cycle (heart beat)
how should q and s appear
q shsould be small. s is small and may not be present
what is the QT interval
time it takes from the beginning of QRS complex to the END of the T wave.
what occurs in the ST segment- between the end of the QRS and the beginning of the T wave?
from the end of the QRS to the begining of the T wave; ventricles are contracting and emptying, plateau phase of action potential!!!!
what is the plateu plase of the action potential in terms of the ecg letters
ST segment!!!!! its between the end of the QRS segment and the beginning of the T segment
what happens between the end of the T wave and the beginning of the P wave? (TP segment)
from the END of the T wave to the BEGINNING of the P wave- ventricles are RELAXING and filling!!!!!! (t wave is ventricular repolarization!)
at what distance between qrs complexes is there tach/bradychardia
tach: >100 beats/min
brad: <60 beats/min
what is arrhythmia
variation from normal rhythym and sequence of excitation of the heart (flutters, fibrillations-a and v, heart block, complete heart block)
what is atrial flutter
how it appears
rapid but regular sequence of atrial depolarization. ventricles can’t keep up, inadequate filling of ventricles and lessened cardiac output is the result..
-can increase the HR
appearance on ecg is just lots of p waves in between regularly spaced qrs complexes
what is atrial fibrillation
uncoordinated atrial depolarization-> chaotic asynchronized atrial contractions.
- impulses reach AV note erratically and ventricular rhythym is irregular too.. (bc they are reaching it erratically)
- atria “QUIVERS” rather than fully conttracts so its HARD TO FIND THE P WAVE
- QRS DOES NOT appear at regular intervals.
- lowers cardiac output tooo..
what is ventricular fibrillation
- uncoordinated ventricular depolarization-> chaotic asynchronized ventricular contractions.
- difficult to determine Heart rate- atrial depolarization and repolarization are normal but hard to discern on ECG. cardiac output goes DOWN!!!!!