Assisi Flashcards
What technique is “the dwarf” and what is its annotation ?
Word choice-Makes the dwarf seem less human right from the start of the poem
What technique is “hands on backwards” and what is its anotation?
Hyperbole and imagery- emphasises the dwarfs deformity
What technique is “slumped like a half filled sack” and what is its annotation
Simile-Suggests the dwarf is that deformed that he can’t even hold himself up straight
What technique is “slumped” and what is its annotation?
Word choice -Suggests disheartens and hopelessness- dwarf feels this
What technique is “Legs from which sawdust might run” and what is its annotation?
simile and irony-His legs are that week that he can’t escape the poverty physically and mentally
What technique is “outside” and what is its annotation?
Word choice-The dwarf has been kicked out of the church
What technique is “He had the advantage of not being dead yet
” and what is its annotation?
Tone and simile-He had the advantage of not being dead yet
What technique is “clever” and what is its annotation?
Subtle irony and word choice- priest is shown to be an arrogant man. It is ironic how the church spent money on paintings rather than teaching the poor to read-more interested in creating an ornate church than caring for the poor
What technique is “a priest” and what is its annotation?
Tone:condescending-priest thinks himself superior to Giotto (the man who painted the walls)-priests would be more humble/modest
What technique is “tell stories” and what is its annotation?
Word choice- adds emphasis on arrogant priest-he is speaking to the group like they are children-the word “stories” is laced with superficiality(fake)-the priest lost the ability to understand the meaning of the bible.
What technique is “reveal and illustrate” and what is its annotation?
Word choice-connotations of ignorance and stupidity reviling unpleasantness of priest- superior attitude
What technique is “goodness of god and the suffering of his son” and what is its annotation?
Double alliteration of ’g’/‘s’
Sounds draw our attention to the message the church should be spreading.
What lines in stanza 2 have Enjambment and how are they annotated?
Lines 10-15
Echos MacCaig feelings of frustration with the church and the priest.
What is the annotation of the line break between “goodness” and “suffering”?
Draws attention to the contrast between what church is doing and what it is supposed to be doing-criticism of hypocrisy.
How is the caesura “I understood the explanation and the cleverness” annotated?
Brings attention/focus to the next statement-MacCaig moves onto reveal his private thoughts.