Assignment 5 - Protections for Guarantors Flashcards
What are the major rights Guarantors have against the principal
The right of _______ allows the guarantor to sue the principal to force the principal to perform the guaranteed obligation
Performance - Restatement of Suretyship §21
Recover any sums paid on the guaranty. Restatement of Suretyship §22. Also UCC § 3-419(e).
Allows the guarantor to step into the shoes of the lender and assert against the principal all of the rights that the creditor could have asserted against the principal. §27
Chemical Bank v. Metlzer
If a single mortgage guarantees multiple debts then subrogation requires that the guarantor pay off all of the debts owed before receiving the benefit of subrogation.
If two mortgages apply to the same property and secure two separate debts, only one of which has a guarantee, the guarantor receives the full benefit of subrogation to the appropriate mortgage irrespective of payment to the lendee on the second mortgage.
Stahl v. Simon
Guarantor waived the right to indemnification.
Insider has waived the right to indemnification, so they are not creditors and therefore not subject to the bankruptcy rule on voiding payments. Splits from circuits that follow Telesphere.
** Key is that there is no provision in the loan for the G to be able to buy the loan or anything indicating that G did buy the loan.
Jurisdictions that follow this approach see the waiver of indemnification as a sham. They see all Deprizio waivers as a sham and the guarantor is a creditor no matter what.
What is a Deprizio waiver
When guarantor waives rights of indemnification.
Deprizio holds?
Guarantor has a contingent claim against the borrower as soon as a guaranty is signed. Harms unsuspecting lenders.
Congress enacted 550 (c) which makes repayment come from guarantor and makes Deprizio waivers irrelevant.
Suretyship defenses
Mistake: Restatement of Suretyship §42(1), (2)(a); UCC §3-605(d)
Extension: Restatement of Suretyship §40(b); UCC 3-605(c)
Modification: Restatement of Suretyship §41(b); UCC 3-605(c)
Release of liability: Restatement of Suretyship §39; UCC 3-605(a)
“Defense to a suit on his guaranty to the extent that the mistake harmed him.”
“The harm would be the amount the lender would’ve recovered had the mistake not been made, reduced by the amount that was recovered.”
This could result in a circumstance where debtor was solvent at the time the loan was due but then became insolvent.
Here the guarantor would have to prove that the extension decreased the lenders ability to recover to receive a discharge on his guaranty
Ex: Reinstating a loan with increased interest rate.
G would argue:
1. the lender would’ve been paid in full if they exercised their rights against the creditor; or
- the outstanding balance would’ve been smaller if they didn’t raise interest rates.
Look at the intent of the creditor. The law justifies the lender’s right to pursue the guarantor by preserving G’s right to pursue the principal.
Waiver of Suretyship
Under Restatement of Suretyship §48(1); UCC 3-605(f) a guarantor can waive their suretysip defenses.
This is common when the guarantor has a close relationship with the principal and allows for the lender to grant the principal flexibility without sacrificing the guaranty from the surety.