Assignment 2 Flashcards
Crossing of chatoyant bands, creating a star in the dome of a cabochon
The cloudy bluish white light in the moonstone, caused by scattering of light
A glittery effect caused by light reflecting from small, flat inclusions within a gemstone
A gemstone’s basic color, determined by its selective absorption of light
Bands of light in certain gems, caused by reflection of light from many parallel, needle- like inclusions or hollow tubes
Small defect in the atomic structure of a material that can absorb light and give rise to a color
Color center
A distinct change in gem color under different type of lighting
Color change
The selection of color in which a gemstone occurs
Color range
Areas of different color in a gem, caused by variations in growth conditions
Color zoning
The separation of white light into spectral colors
Dark areas in the faceted transparent colored stone
The color or colors in a gemstone’s color range considered by the trade to the most desirable
Fine color
Emission of visible light by a material when it is simulated by ultraviolet radiation
The first impression of an object’s basic color
A rainbow effect created when light is broken up into spectral hues by thin layers
A broad flash of color in labradorite feldspar that disappears when the gem is moved
A two-toned effect seen when a chatoyant gem is positioned at right angles to a light source
Milk and honey
Iridescence seen in some natural and cultured pearls and mother of pearl
The flashing rainbow colors in Opal
Play of color
When a gem shows different bodycolors from different directions
The color’s strength of intensity
Process by which a material absorbs some components of visible light and returns others
Selective absorption
Degree of darkness or lightness of a color
Terms often used in the jewelry industry to describe particular gemstone colors or link gems with specific geographic locations
Trade terms
An area of weak saturation in a transparent gemstone’s bodycolor that usually results from the way the gem was cut