Assignment 1 Flashcards
Definintion of Propety
“a state created legally enforceable interest”
Purpose of managed/regulated capitalism in 21st century
need gov to protect rights from others, support private markets, regulate interferences with others rights, and the eminent domain power
(gov has right to take property for public use + duty to give fair market value for purchase)
3 Basic characteristics of ownership
o Right of exclusive possession
o Right of exclusive use
o Right of transferability / alienability
7 Ways to Acquisition Property
- Gift
- Inheritance
- Purchase/exchange
- Government grant
- Find it
- Steal it
- Operation of law
- Inheritance: Testate v. Intestate
Testate success - inherit by will
Intestate success - inherit with no will, based on state’s law

Types of Property
Real Property v. Personal Property
Real Property: land, fixtures, natural things on/under the land
Personal property: not real property, everything else! Tangible and intangible objects, including money
Real property that is not readily removable - more or les fixed to to the real property
Things on and under the land
• Property can be transmuted to other type of property
- Affix = personal → real
- Severance = real → personal
Greatest interest leag system recognizes in REAL property
Fee Simple. One stick
Greatest interest legal system recognizes in PERSONAL property
True ownership. All of the sticks.
Utilitarianism/Consequentialist Thoery
Maximize well-being of the greatest majority
• Choose rules based on the consequences they produce
• Labor theory (Locke)
o When you take something that is natural and work on it, add to it, it becomes your own
• Natural law theory (Rousseau)
o Considerations of fairness, justice, and basic values that should characterize a free society
• Social Contract Theory
o Legal rules structure the contours of social relationships
o Give people a safe environment to live

• Efficiency Theory
o Promote efficiency by productive activity, and granting security to those who invest in economic projects
• Distributive Justice: Fair distribution
o Takings Clause: Key question is whether regulation forces some people to bear public burden in which, all fairness and justice, should be borne by the public as a whole
- Income disparity in America
o Top 1% of households: (? %) of all income
o Top 50% of households: (? %) of all income
o Bottom 50% of households: (? %) of all income
Top 1% of households: 21.2% of all income
Top 50% of households: 87.2% of all income
Bottom 50% of households: 12.8% of all income