Assignment 1 Flashcards
What is orthokeratology
The study of the straightening of the cornea
What is blepharitis
Pertaining to the inflammation of the eyelids
What is anisometropia
Unequal measurement of vision
What is an iridectomy
Pertaining to the removal of the iris
What is keratotomy
Pertaining to the cutting into the cornea
What is cycloplegia
Pertaining to stroke or paralysis of the ciliary body
What is carcinoma
Cancerous tumor
What is dermatitis
Inflammation of the skin
What is hyperphoria
A tendency to turn up
What is exophthalmus
Pertaining to the protrusion of the eye
What is dacryocystitis
Pertaining to the inflammation of the sac in the lacrimal system
Two eyes
What is pathology
The study of diseases
What is intraocular
Within the eye
What is keratoplasty
Pertaining to the surgery of the cornea