Assets Flashcards
Describe Shell Canada’s Upstream business.
Shell Canada’s Upstream businesses explore for and extract natural gas, and market and trade natural gas and power. Over the last decade, we have expanded our onshore natural gas portfolio, using advances in proven technology to tap rich resources of previously inaccessible “tight” gas, including gas locked in shale formations.
Name all of Shell Canada’s upstream assets
Caroline Gas Complex Deep Basin Groundbirch/Montney In Situ Jumping Pound Gas Complex Sable Offshore Energy Project Shelburne Basin Deep-water Exploration Project Waterton Gas Complex
Describe the Caroline Gas Complex.
Shell Canada is the major owner and operator of the Caroline Complex which includes the gas field, 14 wells, three compressor stations, a major gas processing plant and a sulphur forming and storage facility. Caroline is one of four Shell gas complexes in southern Alberta, contributing to a combined overall production average of 300 million cubic feet per day (mmcfe/d) of natural gas
Where is the Caroline Gas Complex located?
About 170 km northwest of Calgary near Caroline, Alberta.
Describe The Greater Deep Basin venture.
The Greater Deep Basin venture is becoming an increasingly significant part of Shell Canada’s oil and gas business. Comprised of two assets, Deep Basin and Fox Creek, the venture currently has over 400 producing wells.
Where is Deep Basin Located?
West central Alberta
Describe Groundbirch
Shell Groundbirch consists of multiple facilities including water and fluid handling, oil batteries and gas processing including two main complexes. With two active drilling rigs, 1000+ kilometres of pipeline and over 420 wells, Groundbirch’s daily production for 2015 is expected to be over 410 million cubic feet of raw gas per day (mmcfe/d). Groundbirch uses pad drilling technology, which allows multiple wells from one site or ‘pad’ with one road and multiple pipelines in one pipeline right-of-way to reduce environmental footprint.
Where is Groundbirch located?
About 50 km south of Fort St. John, British Columbia
What are/were Shell’s In-Situe projects?
Carmon Creek
Peace River Complex
Cliffdale Battery
Describe the Jumping Pound Gas Complex.
Shell Canada is the major owner and operator of the Jumping Pound Complex, which produces natural gas (methane), ethane, propane, butane, condensate and sulphur. Jumping Pound is one of our four Shell gas complexes in southern Alberta, contributing to a combined overall production average of 300 million cubic feet per day (mmcfe/d) of natural gas.
Where is the Jumping Pound Gas Complex located?
33km west of Calgary near Cochrane, Alberta
Describe the Sable Offshore Energy Project.
Shell is one of the owners of the Sable Offshore Energy Project (SOEP). SOEP is the first offshore natural gas project in Atlantic Canada to deliver gas to the Maritimes and to the northeastern United States via the Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline.
Describe the Shelburne Basin Deep-water Exploration Project.
The Shelburne Basin Exploration Project is a proposed deep-water drilling program involving six exploration licences (ELs) located approximately 250 kilometres offshore, south of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Describe the Waterton Gas Complex
Shell Canada is the major owner and operator of the Waterton Complex, which produces natural gas (methane), ethane, propane, butane, condensate and sulphur. Waterton is one of four Shell gas complexes in southern Alberta, contributing to a combined overall production average of 300 million cubic feet per day (mmcfe/d) of natural gas.
Where is the Waterton Gas Complex located?
About 30 kilometres southwest of Pincher Creek in southern Alberta