Asset Recognition and Revenue Revaluation Flashcards
Recognition criteria for Assets in B.S
4 Points (IAS 38), Define Assets
IAS 38
- LEGAL Position
- ECONOMIC Substance
PRESENT Economic Resource –> Controlled by an Enterprise –> as a result of PAST Events –> that has the potential to Produce FUTURE Economic BENEFITS.
VALUATION of NON-CA (Tangible)
- IAS16 = Choose
- IASB = F.V
- IAS36 & 38 = Specify a particular method
- IFRS13 = Value in Use & CURRENT Cost = FAIR Value ( Variation = deal with the variation Uncertainty)
Intangible = AMORTIZATION = (Can ONLY be REVALUED if there is an ACTIVE Market)
BOTH must Recognise Impairment
Any Reversal IMPAIRMENT: T= Recognized, IN = Recognized except Goodwill
IAS 36: IM, IAS 38: IN, IFRS 3: Buis.Com (scope for Variation)
- Define it
IAS 36: State them as IMPAIRMENT of Assets
IAS 38: as INTANGIBLE Assets
+YES AMORTISATION (Deemed to have LIMITED Useful life =>annual charge to I.S) /apart from GW
-unless the value is UNCERTAIN = AMORTISATION must be ADDED back into O.P & INT.NON-CA
IFRS 3: as Business Combinations
+GW should be CAPITALISED + ANNUALLY Reviewed for IMPAIRMENT (=RECOGNISED and Rcognised in R.E + O.P too) <– REDUCED -> EPS Reduction= IMP Loss / Number of Shares
- Held on an ONGOING Basis
- Lack Physical SUBSTANCE
- Representing the VALUE of the BUSINESS as a whole
- also DIFFERENT to other INT. –> CANNOT be Sold WITHOUT Disposing of the WHOLE Business / Business Segment
(Purchase Goodwill / Homegrown Goodwill)
INT. that are INCAPABLE of Separate Valuation at the AQU.Day = form PART of the Goodwill
+ Goodwill= COST - P% *(S’s F.Valued Net Assets on AQU.Day)
+ IF Intangibles could NOT be Reliably Determined = must EXCLUDE it from N.A
IAS 38 on R&D Recognition
- SAME for D unless:
- Technical + Comercial Viability of the PROJECT CAN be Demonstrated & a Clear Line can be DRAWN between the R & D PHASES
= CAPITALISED + AMORTISATION will Commence (product goes into PRODUCTION)
Subjectivity of Annual IMP. of GW
B.V of CGU > 2 Benchmarks
Scope for the 2 Benchmarks also
As the B.V of the CGU (Cash Generating Unit) GW belong to –> is Compared to 2 BENCHMARKS:
- Fair Value LESS Costs to sell the CGU
- Value in Use
IF B.V > BENCHMARKS = IMP = Deemed to have OCCURRED.
-USE the HIGHER Benchmark to Deduct from the B.V
- Difficult to say <- in the ABSENCE of an ACTIVE Market + ROUGH&READY PROXY
- PV of the CGU’s Future C.F -> UNRELIABLE Estimate & depends on Assessment of RISK (Discount.r)
Purchased vs Home Grown Goodwill
- Goodwill on AQu. = RECOGNISED in C-B.S
- A Transaction exists to measure it againse = PAST EVENT
For the PURCHASER: Goodwill will be RECOGNISED as an Addition to C.E (as ^ASSETS –>for ROCE)
- Goodwill developed INTERNALLY = NOT Recognised in B.S
- CANNOT be measured Reliably