Assessments and Tests Flashcards
Vineland - II Adaptive Behavior Scales
0-90 years
Evaluates personal and social skills
People with mental retardation, ASD, ADHD, Brain Injury, Dementia
To develop Treatment Plans
Interactive program provides info to users about career, self, plans
SIGI: System of Interactive Guidance and Information
Users input their values, expectations and aspirations. System helps with career choices.
California Psychological Inventory
Emphasis on positive, normal aspects of personality rather than psychopathology.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMPI-2 (MMPI-A)
Self-report, personality test, shows personality characteristics. 18 yrs +.
(for teens use MMPI-A)
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III and MACI)
Self-report inventory. Lasting personality Traits. Acute Clinical States.
MCMI-III - 18yrs+
MACI 13-19yrs
Mini Mental State Exam
(MMSE) Tests Cognitive Impairment. Orientation, Registration, Attention, Delay Recall, Language, Visual Construction
Strong Interest Inventory
General Occupational themes. Basic Interest Scales. Personality Scales.
CAGE = Alcohol Screening
CAGE-AID = All Substances
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Projective Personality test
Burns Depression Checklist
25-Question rating scale for depression
Tests-past week feelings
Stanford-Binet 5 (SB5)
Individually administered IQ Test. Ages 2-85+
Hierarchical model of Intelligence. Cognitive Functioning.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. IQ Test for
6-16 years
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Describes Personality. Career counseling helps kids choose path (ex: ENFJ)
Symptom Checklist 90-R
Rapid Assessment.
Type+Severity of symptoms
Helps figure out treatment, outcome, assessment etc.
Connor’s Rating Scales Revised
Evaluates problem behavior ages 3-17
(self-report ages 12-17)
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
Cognitive Ability
ages 3-18
minimal verbal needed
Thematic Appreciation Test
(TAT) Black & white pics, asked to make up story.
Test to see: Hero intensity, frequency, duration of needs, environment, outcomes of stories.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
IQ test
16-90 yrs
Bender Gestalt II
Test for visual-motor integration
Test for neuro-psychological impairment
General Aptitude Test Battery
GATB Apptitude for occupations. Vocational. 12th graders + adults.
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery
designed to assess brain and nervous system functioning; it can be helpful in pinpointing brain injuries and the cause of the damage.
(Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised)
Culture-fair measure of cognitive abilities 2-20 yrs
Mental Status Exam
Tests Current Mental Functioning (Behavioral & Cognitive)
Helps decide if client should get psych evaluation
Career Development Inventory
Test of Vocational Maturity
Beck Depression Inventory-II
Tests depression
Add. Tests: Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS)
Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation
Differential Aptitude Tests
5 Tests
Assess job-related abilities
3 tests
Assess Intellectual Abilities
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities
Tests strengths and weakness in terms of linguistics
Diagnose Dislexia
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
nonverbal group test typically used in educational settings to assess observational skills, problem-solving, and overall ability to learn in individuals ages five years and older. The questions are listed in order of difficulty. This format is designed to measure the test-taker’s reasoning ability. The individual is asked to identify the missing element that completes a pattern.
IPAT Depression Scale
The IPAT is based on seven depression factors, including such traits as somatic complaints, feeling of guilt, and excessive self-criticism. The IPAT is used with individuals ages 16 and older.
Self-directed Search Form
Based on Holland’s widely accepted theory of careers, the SDS lets people explore the entire range of occupational possibilities.
Beck Anxiety Inventory
With the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the client is asked to rate his or her answer for each question on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 3 (severely).
KeyMath Diagnostic Assessment
The KeyMath–3 Diagnostic Assessment can be used to identify with accuracy the grade level at which the examinee is functioning. It covers the complete range of math concepts and skills, from early experiences with rote and rational counting through experiences with factoring polynomials and solving linear equations, for grades K-12.
Draw-a-Person Test
The DPT is scored based on the details included in a drawing, not the artistic ability of the test-taker, and is used to measure and predict intelligence.
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
The BPRS is a clinician-administered tool that rates 24 symptoms on a scale of one to seven. Some of these symptoms include anxiety, depression, guilt, self-neglect, and disorientation.