Assessment Tests Flashcards
Adaptive Behavior Scales
Age 4-21
personal self-sufficiency
community self-sufficiency
personal-social responsibility
social adjustment
personal adjustment
“ID-Personal AA-DD but double double”
Addiction Severity Index
-for clients who have already been confirmed to have addiction
-determines what areas the substance has been most invasive
Adverse Childhood Experiences
For Adults
Measures 10 domains of ACE that impacted future relationships, behaviors, thoughts of self, etc
Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tools
Assesses alcohol use / abuse; self administer
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
For age 1 month - 42 months
Assess development on
Beck Anxiety Inventory
ages 17-80
Gauges severity of patient anxiety and help diagnose anxiety
Beck Depression Inventory
One of the most widely used psychometric tests
Measuring severity of depression
Behave AD
Alzheimers behavior scales
Behavior Assessment System for Children
A variety of Behavioral Assessment Rating Scales
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
Determines brain damage
Brief exam that involves responding to 16 stimulus cards containing geometric figures, which person must either copy or recall
Brief Psychotic Rating Scale
Psychotic and non-psychotic symptoms
Brigance Diagnostic Life Skills Inventory
assessing listening, speaking, reading, writing, comprehending, and computing skills w/in context of everyday living situations
Burden Interview
Measures feeling of burden for caretakers of persons with dementia
Burk’s Behavior Rating Scales
Children Behavioral Issues
CAGE Questionnaire
Brief, widely used screening tool for alcoholism
California Psychological Inventory
13+ adolescent
Interpersonal behavior and social interaction
Career Assessment Inventory
Assesses / contrasts occupational interests to aid individuals back into the workforce
Carroll Depression Scale
Adults - Depression
Child Behavior Checklist
2 versions
-1.5-5 yo
-6-18 yo
Teacher report, parent report, observation, self-report
-measures behavioral and emotional functioning
Child Functional Rating Scale
Behavior disorders including
-oppositional defiant disorder
-conduct disorder
Childhood Autism Rating Scale
Young children
Children’s Apperception Test
3-11 yo; Children’s version of TAT
Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for DSM
Adults scale for PTSD symptoms
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
3-10 yo
test of general reasoning ability that does not require fine motor skills or verbal responses
-useful for assessing students with cerebral palsy, brain damage, intellectual disability, and speech impediments
Communication Skills Assessment
children and adults
Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale for Children
6-14 yo
-For teachers to measure different dimensions of hyperactivity, anxiety, cognitive deficits, conduct disorders, and social competence
Connors ADHD Rating Forms
Assesses ADHD in children and adolescents
Connors Teacher and Parent Rating Scale
6-18 yo
-describes behaviors, moods, cognitions
-addresses ADHD, conduct disorders, behavior issues
Covi Anxiety Scale
Measures severity of anxiety symptoms in patients; relatively accurate in distinguishing between depressive and anxiety symptoms
Drug Abuse Screening Test
Assess alcohol abuse; self administer
DISC Profile
Personality test to determine motivations towards success
Disruptive Behaviors Disorders Rating Scale
children and adolescents
45 question completed by teachers and/or parents to identify symptoms of
-Oppositional defiant disorder
Conduct disorder
Drug Abuse Screening Test
deters level of clients drug problem
-yes or no to 22 questions
Dyadic Adjustment Scale
provides a measure of marital quality and marital adjustment
Eating Disorders Inventory
Ages 12 or older
Designed to measure psychological and behavioral traits common in Anorexia and Bulimia.
Not intended to be a diagnostic device for either disorder.
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
structured personality test based on personality theory of Murray
-225 items that present an either-or choice to examinee
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory
Ages 2-16
For grief / loss, anxiety / mood
-complete by parent or guardian
Fagan Test of Intelligence
Gauges information processing speed of an infant to predict childhood IQ
-introduces novel stimuli to child and observes reaction time
Folstein Mini-Mental Status Exam
Widely used, well validated screening instrument that can aid in determining if broad evidence of cognitive deficits exist, potentially influencing a patients choices and behaviors
Functional Assessment Rating Scale
Adult behavioral health assessment for cognitive, social, and role-functioning assessments
Geriatric Depression Scale
For older adults
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
Measures severity of anxiety symptoms
All ages
House-Tree-Person Interrogation Form
Scoring form that uses the H-T-P technique, a projective assessment used for both children and adults as an intelligence and personality test
Impact of Events Scale
Adults only
-Assesses subjective distress caused by traumatic events
Leiter International Performance Scale
For ages 2-21
A culture-fair assessment of cognitive sensibilities
Does not require verbal instructions, so can be useful with people who have language or hearing problems
Level 1 Cross Cutting Symptom Measures
Available for A child and adolescent ages 11-17
Available for adults 18+
The Level 1 DSM-5 assessments cover multiple diagnostic domains. There are three persons of level 1 assessments including an adult version, child, and adolescent version.
Level 2 Cross Cutting Symptom Measures
Available for A child and adolescent ages 11-17
Available for adults 18+
After engaging a client in an initial broad assessment (such as Level 1 CC), a counselor may choose to use more specific follow up assessments.
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Batter
15 yo to adult
Determines brain damage; contains 11 subtests that assess areas like rhythm, visual function, and writing
Marital Satisfaction Inventory
Nature and extent of conflict within a marriage or relationship
Mental Status Exam
Structured way of describing a patients psychological functioning at a given point in time; appearance, attitude, behavior, mood and affect, speech, thought process, thought content, perception, cognition, insight, and judgement.
McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities
Age 2.5-8.5 yo; measures cognitive and motor development
Michigan Alcohol Screening Test
Determines level of client’s alcohol problem
Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory
13-18 yo
Personality test for expressed concerns, behaviors, peer conflicts, confusion about self, fears, academic underachievement
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
18 yo to adult; personality test
Mini Mental Status Exam
Measures cognitive functioning of older adults
Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory
Originally developed to diagnose psychiatric patients.
-Commonly used as personality and behavioral assessment through profile analysis
-Criticized for being standardized on a disproportionate number of college graduate students
Meyers Briggs Type Indicator
Measures preferences by personality types:
-extrovert / introvert
sensing / intuitive
-thinking / feeling
-judging / perceiving
-Occupations are recommended based on a persons four letter code derived from this
NEO Personality Inventory
structured personality test; gauges herons’s level of Big Five personality traits:
-extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience
Pain Perception Profile
Somatoform disorder
Personality Assessment Inventory
Adolescent version is 12-18 yo
Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire
Adults - Personality Disorders
Prime MD
Assessment of psychiatric disorders, including somatoform disorders
PTSD Checklist 5
Adult Assessment of Post Traumatic Stress and Acute Stress disorders
Rotter Incomplete Sentence Test
Measures adjustment in high-school, college and adult ages
Scholastic Achievement Test
Measures verbal and mathematical reasoning skills - used to predict college success of high school students
Self-Directed Search
Adolescents and adults; career goals and interests
Sentence Completion
Designed to assess personality.
Individual is provided with the beginning of a sentence (“stem”) and asked to complete the sentence in a way that is meaningful to him or her
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
Structured personality test
Factor analysis based exam that identifies 16 primary personality traits and 5 secondary traits
Slosson Tests
Fast way of estimating intelligence to identify children at risk of educational failure
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales
measures cognitive ability and diagnoses developmental disabilities for ages 2-85+
verbal and non-verbal measures for five categories:
-fluid reasoning
-quantitative reasoning
-visual spatial processing
-working memory
State Trait Anxiety Inventory
Adult anxiety measure of long term or general anxiety
Strong Interest Inventory
based on Holland’s 6 categories
23 basic interest and 124 occupational scales
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory
Developed to disclose COVERT abusers
Helps counselor to understand the client and to create profiles for treatment planning
Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire
12-18 yo
Symptom Assessment
Somatoform Disorders
Thematic Apperception Test
Projective personality test
-examinee asked o make up a story based on random presentation of picture cards; useful for uncovering unconscious material
Vineland Behavior Scales
-daily living skills
for the purpose of development special education programs
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Measures intellectual ability of ADOLESCENTS and ADULTS
Considers intelligence to be made up of interrelated functions
-7 verbal and 7 non-verbal
Wide Range Achievement Test
Children 5-11 and
Adults 12-64
Short achievement test that assesses
-reading recognition
-arithmetic computation
Woodcock Johnson III
all ages
Group intelligence test
measures cognitive abilities and achievement in oral language and academics
Children 2.5-7.25
For ages 2 or 3, measures verbal comprehension and perceptual organization
For older children, measures same things with processing speed
Kuhlmann Anderson Test
The Kuhlmann–Anderson Tests (KA) measure academic potential by assessing cognitive skills related to the learning process.
Level: Kindergarten–Grade 12
Pain Perception Profile
-provides (1) measures of sensory threshold and pain connotative judgments, (2) a measure of an individual’s ability to make magnitude estimates of controlled nociceptive stimuli, (3) quantified pain descriptors, and (4) a pain diary format useful for ongoing evaluation.
Coopersmith Inventory
The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory is one of the most commonly used self-report questionnaires designed to measure attitudes toward the self in a variety of areas (family, peers, school, and general social activities) for adolescents and adults.
Ravens Progressive Matrices
a non-verbal test typically used to measure general human intelligence and abstract reasoning and is regarded as a non-verbal estimate of fluid intelligence.
Symptom Assessment 45
an assessment tool that prompts an individual to rate the degree of distress arising from psychiatric symptomatology
Schema Therapy
an integrative approach that brings together elements from cognitive behavioral therapy, attachment and object relations theories, and Gestalt and experiential therapies.
Self Directed Search
is a career interest test that asks questions about your aspirations, activities, skills, and interests in different jobs.