Assessment Prep 1-A Flashcards
Help prepare students for EOPA
Discontinuing medical care without giving the proper notice or providing a
competent replacement.
accounts receivable ledger
Document that provides detailed information about charges, payments,
and remaining amounts owed to a provider.
active files
Section of medical charts for patients currently receiving treatment.
administrative services only (ASO) contract
Contract between employers and private insurers under which employers fund the plans themselves, and the private insurers administer the plans for the employers.
Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) Form provided to a patient if a provider believes
that a service may be declined because Medicare might consider it unnecessary.
Form provided to a patient if a provider believes that a service may be declined because Medicare might consider it unnecessary.
advance directive form
Document that spells out what kind of treatment a patient wants in the
event that he can’t speak for himself. Also known as living will.
allowable amount
The limit that most insurance plans put on the amount that will be allowed for reimbursement for a service or procedure.
appointment cards
Used to remind patients of scheduled appointments and to eliminate
misunderstandings about dates and times.
assault and battery
Willful and unlawful use of intimidation and physical force or violence on
another person.
The properties owned by a business.
assignment of benefits (AOB) form
Form that authorizes health insurance benefits to be sent directly to providers.
audit trail
A report that traces who has accessed electronic information.