Assessment of Lung function II Flashcards
Describe DICO or TICO
- Transfer or diffusion of CO (carbon monoxide) across the lung in a single breath manoeuvre (2 step process)
- Rate of uptake of CO (ml/min) divided by the driving pressure (mm/Hg)
- The alveolar volume (VA) – accessible lung volume seen by the gas exchange surface (participating in gas exchange)
- Total diffusing capacity of the whole lung = diffusing of the pulmonary membrane component plus capacity of the pulmonary capillary blood volume
Describe how DICO works
- Diffusivity or driving pressure of the gas (the difference in partial pressure between the two sides of the tissue)
- Tissue area (volume) of lungs participating in gas exchange
- Thickness of the tissue
- Diffusion constant (D) which is proportional to the solubility and inversely proportional to the square root of MW
Pulmonary capillary volume
Integrity of capillary vascular bed
Haemogolobin concentration and reactivity
Alveolar concentration fo CO not same as inspired, as it is diluted in the air in the lungs at residual volume:
- The concentration of CO at alveoli is calculated by the amount that the inert gas diluted in the residual volume
Describe the procedure of gas transfer techniques
Test performance
- Patient exhales to residual volume
- Maximal inspiration to TLC during which a volume of test gas is inhaled
- The test gas is held in the lungs for approximately 10 seconds
- A portion of exhaled air/gas mix is discarded to wash out the mechanical and anatomical dead space not associated with gas transfer
- A portion of exhaled alveolar volume is analysed to calculate the TLCO and VA
Describe how gas transfer is interpreted
Comparison of TLCO against LLN and severity based on %predicted
* > 60% and < LLN : Mild gas transfer impairment
* > 40% and < 60%: Moderate
* < 40%: Severe
Consider correction for haemoglobin and Carboxyhaemoglobin
Increase in TLCO > ULN, but remember this can still be normal!
Serial Change (Trend)
- TLCO change > ± 4.78mmol/min/mmHg in 1 week is considered to be significant
- 10% change over 1 year is considered to be significant for TLCO
Describe reasons for TlCO decrease
- emphysema and reduction in alveolar surface area
- anemia, due to reduced haemoglobin and elevated CO-Hb
- PE due to reduction in capillary blood volume
- Fibrosis or pneumonitis due to increased thickness of alveolar membrane
- Volume loss pneumonectomy or atelectasis due to reduction in alveolar membrane SA
Note: Valsalva Manoeuvre – increase in positive pressure decreases pulmonary capillary blood volume in thoracic cavity
Note 2: changes in gas composition in lung: PIO2
Provide examples of OLD causing DLCO decrease
Emphysema (decreased surface area)
Cystic Fibrosis (increased thickness of alveolar – capillary membrane)
Provide examples of parenchymal disease causing DLCO decrease
Parenchymal Lung Diseases (increased thickness of alveolar – capillary membrane)
Interstitial lung disease
List some examples of Pulmonary involvement in Systemic Diseases causing DLCO decrease
Pulmonary involvement in Systemic Diseases (increased thickness of alveolar – capillary membrane)
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Rheumatoid arthritis
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Describe other causes of decreased DLCO
But also,
Cardiovascular diseases
Acute and recurrent pulmonary thromboembolism (decreased perfusion surface area)
Pulmonary oedema (increased thickness of alveolar-capillary membrane)
Pulmonary Hypertension (decreased capillary volume)
Lung resection
- Pneumonectomy (decreased surface area)
Cigarette smoking prior to testing
Oxygen supplementation
Valsalva manoeuvre
Describe cases of DLCO increase
Increases occur in
* Low PIO2 due to altitude: due to changes in gas composition in lung
* Exercise, redistribution of blood flow due to pneumonectomy, Mueller manoeuvre: due to increase in capillary blood flow
* Impaired gas exchange: due to polycytehamia
* Pulmonary haemorrhage: blood in alveolar spaces
* Supine Posture
Descrube exercise testing
6 Minute Walk Test
Measure of overall physical functioning and prognosis
Measures walk distance, oximetry & dyspnoea perception
Responsive to change
Less technical equipment needed
Standards needed to minimise variability
Describe the clinical utility of 6MWT
Clinical Utility in pre and post treatment including:
Lung transplantation
Lung resection
Lung volume reduction surgery
Pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD and Congestive Heart failure
Therapeutic response for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Describe cardio-pulmonary tests
A test of integrated function under stressful conditions using increasing workload
- Measures:
- Ventilatory parameters
- Cardiac parameters including ECG
- Metabolic parameters
Determine underlying course of dyspnoea or reduced exercise tolerance; e.g. lungs, heart, vascular, perception
- Can be used to monitor treatment
- Resource intensive (As compared to 6MWT)