Assessment Of learning Flashcards
What type of Assessment is this:
Before and during discussion (e.g., pre-test, diagnostic,etc)
Assessment FOR Learning
Clue in Assessment FOR Learning
What type of Assessment is this:
At the end of the instruction proper
(e.g., summative, periodical examNAT, SAT, RAT)
Assessment OF learning
Clue in Assessment OF Learning
OFficial- (OFFICIAL TEST once it is done, it is already graded. No remedial whatsoever)
3 types of Assessment Methods
- Traditional
- Alternative
- Authentic
It is an assessment method where it is done through pen and paper test
Traditional assessment
It is where the assessment is done through creating portfolios, performance based tasks, etc.
Alternative assessment
It is a type of Assessment where the student is being measured through the use of “Realia” or real life based tasks
Authentic/Realia assessment
There is an options/choices to the test. What type of response is this?
Selected Response
Matching type
True or false.
Alternative response
True or false, matching type, multiple choice. Type of response?
Selected response
Essay, Completion test. Type of response?
Constructed response
Identifying learning needs and responding to such needs. What type of test is needed in the situation?
Diagnostic test
2 types of portfolio
- Showcase
- Developmental
Where do we use the SHOWCASE portfolio?
Applying for a job
Why do we use the DEVELOPMENTAL portfolio?
To see the progress of a student/individual
Types of rubrics
- Holistic
- Analytic
General rubric
Specific rubric (5-outstanding, 4-very good, 3-good, 2-not so good, 1-bad)
Analytic rubric
Reliable tool in assessing the development of your pupils to their skill to write.
Portfolio assessment
5 types of Psychological Effects mnemonics
Si RR at si GOLEM kumain ng Halo Hawlo
5 types of Psychological Effects:
- Rosenthal
- Ripple
- Golem
- Halo
- Hawthorne
HIGH expectations, HIGH performance
ESCALATING (sanga-sanga) e.g., galit ng teacher
Ripple Effect
POOR expectations, POOR performance
Golem Effect
General impression/first impression
Halo effect
HIGH performance because of observation
Hawthorne effect
Another term referred to the Rosenthal effect?
Pygmalion effect
Clue for golem Effect
Golem-maliit poor
Fake scenarios in real life, simulations, etc. (if it is not possible to bring the real thing.)
Contrived learning
Proponent of Contrived learning
Edward Gale
(lowest to highest compression)
COntrived learning
REal thing
Exhibit or Demonstration
Which exhibits more senses?
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Mean: we can only judge by its results and practice and not based on the experiences
Examples of Assessment FOR learning
PADPre Fo!
PADPre Fo means
Placement test
Aptitude test
Diagnostic test
It is a test given to the students in hopes to measure their overall knowledge in order to assign them to their specified sections/courses.
Placement test (sectioning)
It is a test given to students in order to measure their specific area of knowledge
Aptitude test
It is a test given to know the weaknesses and strengths of a learner.
Diagnostic test
It is a test given to determine if the students are sufficiently prepared to begin a new course of study
Quiz, mastery, drills that are done during the instruction. What type of test is this?
Formative test
A test given to know the predictive validity
Sine qua non
It is an integral part of the teaching and learning process
Assessment OF learning
According to Hilda Taba, what is the first step in planning an achievement test?
Analyze a child’s needs (what are the needs of the learners)
According to_____, the first step in planning should be to present the purpose of the school by presenting the vision, mission, and core values to learners.
Ralph Tyler
A type of Assessment that is used for self-directed learning and reflections to one’s role.
Assessment AS learning
Self-directed learning
Reflections of one’s role
What are the characteristics of a good test?
Validity and Reliability
A characteristic of a good test where it is accurate, repeated, and increased the number of items
Measure what intends to measure
Comparing a student to other students
Norm reference
It is a degree of acceptable performance. The standard.
Criterion reference
4 basic parts of the objectives: mnemonics
A- udience
B- ehavioral
C- riterion
D- egree of acceptable performance