assessment key points Flashcards
GDC definition
state of depression of CNS
enabling tx
communication can be maintained
will respond to command (verbal/normal method)
margin of safety wide enough to render unintended LOC unlikely
retains protective reflexes
guidelines for conscious sedation
- RCS standards for Conscious sedation in the provision of dental care 2020
- SDCEP CS in Dentistry 2017
nature of fear phobia vs anxiety general vs specific anxiety questionnaire e.g. MDAS occupation escort alcohol responsibilities e.g. children transport age (extremes)
referral source e.g. GDP prev bad experience prev sedation/GA - any problems? symptoms - acute/chronic proposed procedure - completed within 45mins (IV)
purpose of assessment visit
confirm tx whether sedation needed preferred technique informed consent info to pt - written
separate visit mandatory
assessment visit steps
history exam - general, oral, height and weight, vital signs tx plan consent info for pt and escort
drug history
recreational drug use
almost all drugs increase sedative effect of midazolam
normal healthy pt
minimal alcohol
which pts can be seen in primary care?
ASA 1 and 2
mild systemic disease obesity 30-40 BMI current smoker pregnancy well-controlled epilepsy/asthma NIDDM/ type 2 diabetes borderline hypertension
severe systemic disease, limits activity but not incapacitating IDDM/ type 1 daibetes/ uncontrolled diabetes >6mo post MI/CVA stable angina COPD BMI >40 severe asthma
severe systemic disease, constant threat to life
unstable angina (pain at rest)
<3/12 post MI/CVA/stenting
severe COPD
moribund, not expected to live >24hrs
pt who is brain dead for organ donation
sedation and resp disease
almost all sedative agents cause respiratory depression
Qs to ask about asthma?
drugs? freq?
exacerbated by stress?
pharmacokinetic interactions
one drug alters the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of another therefore increasing or decreasing the amount of drug available to produce its pharmacological effects
not predictable
only affects small number of cases
pharmacodynamic interactions
interactions between drugs which have similar/antagonistic pharmacological effects or SEs
predictable from pharmacology
theoretical risks
? teratogenic
? sedative effect on baby
? lactation
avoid if possible
vital signs and monitoring
before and every 5mins during pulse bp O2 sats visual monitoring sedation score
BMI cut off for IV sedation
general exam
signs of anxiety discomfort with surroundings eye contact speech vital signs
tx planning
avoid overcomplicated tx - good working time 45mins
misconceptions re sedation
- LOC/amnesia
- lack of control - emphasise they can still ask you to stop,
they are in control