Assessment Criteria Flashcards
Formative Questions to prepare you for future exams
Where would I find information regarding Food Safety guidelines and procedures?
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
Can I keep my High Risk food above 5.C and below 60.C and what Standard verifies this?
FSANZ Standard 3.2.2 - Division 3 - Food Handling Controls
A food handler must, when engaging in any food handling operation………… Include the reference also.
Take all practicable measures to ensure his or her body, anything from his or her body,
and anything he or she is wearing does not contaminate food or surfaces likely to come
into contact with food.
FSANZ Standard 3.2.2 Division 4, Sub Division 1 - Requirements for food handlers
What are 2 things that Caterers are to check when food is delivered to their establishment?
- Temperature of hazardous foods
- Any cross contamination
- Identify the received food and its supplier
- Check non-packaged food condition i.e. eggs, fresh fruit and vegetables
- Packaging condition/damage, splits etc
- health and bearing of the driver
- HACCP certified food transport vehicle
Name 3 x potentially hazardous food
- Raw and cooked meat/poultry
- Food containing eggs, beans, nuts and other protein food
- Dairy products and foods containing dairy products
- Seafood
- Prepared fruits/vegetables (salads)
- Cooked rice and fresh pasta
- Foods that contain any of the listed i.e. sandwiches
Where would a kitchen facility store their cleaning schedule?
Within their Food safety Program (FSP)
What is a HACCP Program?
A HACCP Program is a Food Safety Program based on Codex Principles. A HACCP Program uses the Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) system to identify and control hazards in the production, manufacturing and handling of food.
Will a FSP help prevent food safety hazards and if so, how
A Food Safety Program is a proactive approach to food safety and aims to prevent food safety hazards before they occur. It includes procedures for each food safety step to ensure food is kept safe at all times.
Why is it important to have an Entry and Exit Brief with Catering staff?
It allows for effective consultation, provides the stakeholder the information as to who, what, when , where, how and upon exit, allows the POC to fully understand any corrective actions that have been identified.
Is the Establishment of Critical Limits, one of the HACCP Principles and what is Principle 7?
YES, Critical Limits is Principle 5 and Principle 7 is the Establishment of Record Keeping Procedures.
What are three of the Personnel Management programs that Defence applies, when creating a FSP?
- Catering Personnel Hygiene
- Catering Personnel Clothing
- Illness and Injury
- Personal Accessories and Grooming Products
- Eating, Drinking and Smoking
- Catering Personnel/Visitor Movement,
- Training Program
What does the 4 Hour / 2 Hour Rule mean to you?
Potentially hazardous foods may be held in the ‘temperature danger zone’ (between 5°C and 60°C) only for less than four hours. This is because it takes more than four hours for food-borne pathogens to grow to dangerous levels. If food is kept in the temperature danger zone for less than two hours it may be returned to the refrigerator or used immediately. However, if food is kept in the temperature danger zone for between two to four hours it should be used immediately, and not be refrigerated. If food is kept in the temperature danger zone for more than four hours, it should be disposed of in a manner that prevents subsequent human consumption.
Total time between 5.C and 60.C
a. Less than 2 hours - Refrigerate or use immediately
b. Between 2 and 4 hours - Use immediately, do not refrigerate
c. More than 4 hours - Discard, throw out
What is the variation acceptance for Food thermometers, IAW the Standard?
+/- 1.C
If I wanted to know more about Food Premises and Equipment IAW FSANZ, where would look?
Standard 3.2.3 - Food Premises and Equipment
What is a Tier 1 Audit within the ADF Catering Governance Framework
T1 Audits are an internal self-assessment conducted at the Ship/Unit/Establishment level. T1 Audits are to be co-ordinated by the senior catering manager and must critically examine the two technical streams in order to identify the current health of the catering account, potential issues and opportunities for improvement (OFI). Designed to provide a health check for the Organisations’ command, providing a Quality Assurance outcome. The additional outcome is to gain trend analysis across Defence in both technical streams with the view to improve policy.
The WOCATR of your unit has requested a Standing Offer to assist with Tier 1 Audits. How often are you expected to assist every year?
At least once per year. DEFLOGMAN, Part 2, Vol 4, Chap 7, Annex A - Catering Governance Framework Ready Reckoner.
What does a Critical Control Point (CCP) mean?
A critical control point (CCP) is a step, point or procedure that is applied during the food manufacturing process to control the risk of potential hazards occurring.
You conduct an inspection of a local catering facility and note that their sanitisation processes for eating utensils, is not adequate and they are unable to reach the required temperature. What alternative could they use, IOT effectively sanitise utensils and equipment?
- Using a chemical sanitiser for eating and drinking utensils and other items that require
sanitising such as large mixing bowls, chopping boards etc. - Installing a hot water system, sink element or other method to heat and maintain water
at 77°C for at least 30 seconds (or equivalent time and temperature) — items can then
be sanitised by submerging them in the hot water using a rinsing basket - Installing a dishwasher capable of sanitising
- Using disposable cups, plates and other utensils and discarding them after use instead
of sanitising and reusing items.
What is a Critical Limit?
Critical limits are the minimum and maximum limits of each separate CCP. These limits are set so that each hazard is managed safely in order to eliminate, prevent or manage food safety risks.
What’s an example of Critical Control Monitoring?
- Using a probe thermometer daily to check the temperature of a fridge or freezer.
- Scheduling regular pest inspections to maintain bait traps.
- Having staff record certain cleaning procedures in the Food Safety Program.