Assessment, careers, and business Flashcards
interest measure
the context of vocational assessment and pre-employment counseling as an instrument designed to evaluate test takers likes, dislikes, leisure activities, curiosities, and involvements in various pursues for the purpose of comparison with groups of members of various occupations and professions
strong interest inventory
a questionnaire designed to assess children’s interest in various recreational persuits
self directed search (RIASEC)
explores interests of vocational personality types and work environments (REALISTIC INVESTIGATIVE ARTISTIC SOCIAL ENTERPRISING CONVENTIONAL)
The Bennet mechanical comprehension test
measure of a test taker’s ability to understand the relationship between physical forces, various tools, and other common objects
general aptitude test battery
used to identify aptitudes for occupations and is a test just about anyone of working age can take
integrity test
specifically designed to predict employee theft, honesty, adherence to established procedures, and or potential for violence
second order meta analysis
high conscientiousness scores were correlated with good work performance in high neuroticism scores were correlated with poor work performance, extroversion was also positively correlated with positive work performance
a relatively superficial process of evaluation based on certain minimal standards, criteria, or requirements
a process where by each person evaluated for a position will be either accepted or rejected for that position
does not imply acceptance or rejection, but rather a rating, categorization, or pigeon holing with respect to two or more criteria
a disposition transfer or assignment to a group or category that may be made on the basis of one criterium
leaderless group technique
a performance test in the assessment of business leadership ability
in-basket technique
a performance test frequently used to assess managerial ability, organizational skills, and leadership potential
assessment center
a widely used tool in selection, classification, and placement
physical test
a measurement that entails evaluation of one’s somatic health and intactness and observable sensory and motor abilities
false positives
an individual tests positively for drug use when in reality there has been no drug use
false negatives
an individual tests negatively for drug use when in reality there has been drug use
output or value yielded relative to work effort made
forced distribution technique
involves distributing a predetermined number or percentage of assessees is into various categories that describe performance
critical incidence technique
involves the supervisor recording positive and negative employee behaviors
intrinsic motivation
primary driving force stems from things such as the individuals involvement in work or satisfaction with work products
extrinsic motivation
primary driving force stems from rewards such as salary and bonuses or from constraints such as job loss
organizational commitment
a person’s feelings of loyalty to identification with an involvement with an organization
organizational culture
the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns characteristic of a particular organization or company, including the structure of the organization and the roles within it, the leadership style, the prevailing values, norms, sanctions, and support mechanisms and the past traditions and folklore methods on incculteration in characteristic ways of interacting with people and institutions outside of the culture
implicit attitude
a nonconscious automatic association in memory that produces a disposition to react in some characteristic manner to a particular stimulus
consumer psychology
the branch of social psychology that deals primarily with the development advertising and marketing of products and surfaces
diary panel
detailed records of behavior
semantic differential technique
graphically placing a pair of bipolar adjectives on a 7 point scale (good/bad or strong/weak)
motivation research methods
individual interviews and focus groups
dimensional qualitative research
an approach to qualitative research that seeks to ensure a study is comprehensive and systematic from a psychological perspective by guiding the study design and proposed questions for discussion on the basis of basic ID dimensions
Behavior Affect Sensation Imagery Cognition Interpersonal relations Drugs