Assessment Card Flashcards
Omnipotent mean
Unlimited power
Unlimited knowledge
Omnibenevolent mean
No limit of is kindnesses and love
Immanent mean
Part of the world
Transcendent mean
Beyond our understanding
Evil mean
Opposite of good
What natural evil
Something that the earth did like earthquakes
Moral evil mean
Something people do evil like stealing
Natural mean
Something that the earth make and man made did not make.
Supernatural mean
It mean something or someone is Beyond the law of natural
Miracle mean
A rare and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific law.
Spiritual mean
A human soul or spirit in a material or physical things.
Globalisation mean
Is where beliefs and ideas are shared across the world
Touch mean
Contact with someone
Smell mean
The pear or scent by means of the organs in the noise.