Assessment Flashcards
Lengthened Muscles
anterior tibialis posterior tibialis vastus medialis gluteus medius gluteus maximus hip external rotators
Chronic Disease
can lead to or exacerbate chronic problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other heart conditions
Beta Blockers
treat high blood pressure (hypertension ) or irregular heart rate (arrhythmia)
help purge excess water from the body and are used to treat edema ,congestive heart failure or high blood pressure
Frontal Plane
The pane of glass passes through the body from head to the toes bisecting the body into front and back halves
Transverse plane
the glass pane passes through the center of the body at the abdomen bisecting the body into top and bottom halves
sagittal plane
the pane of glass passes through the body from head to toe bisecting the body into right and left halves
movement in toward the center of the body
movement away from the center of the body
rotation out either the radioulnar joint or subtalar joint
rotation in of either the radioulnar joint or subtalar joint
the straightening out of a joint to increase its angle
the bending of a joint to increase its angle
concentric muscle action
a concentric contraction results in the shortening of the muscle
eccentric contraction
an eccentric contraction results in the lengthening of the muscle
Isometric muscle action
the muscle is exerting a force equal to the force acting on it
force velocity curve
the ability of muscles to produce more force at a higher speed
Over active muscles
Hip flexor complex Erector spinae Levator scapulae sternocleidomastoid upper trapezius
shortened muscles
Gastrocnemius soleus pernoeals adductors lliotibial head hip flexor complex bicep femoris