Assessment 2 Flashcards
What does EEG measure?
electric activity in the brain and how it changes
What does FMRI measure?
small changes in blood flow that occur in the brain
What’s the difference between EEG and FMRI?
EEG are signals directed towards the neuronal processing and FMRI are responses from changes in blood oxygen levels.
What effect does acetylcholine have on the brain?
alters the neuron excitability
state of being awake and aware of surrroundings
Active attention
when a person gives their full attention to a task or another person (top priority)
What happens when patients get split brain surgery?
The left and right side of the brain is no longer connected causing the patients body to act different.
Ex. seeing out of one side but not the other or reacting different since the brain isn’t working together.
Corpus Callosum
Connects the right and left side of the brain together
Hemispheric Specialization
two hemispheres in the brain (right and left) that have different functions
Active attention example
if you were talking to a person they would have nothing to distract them and they’re only focus would be on you
Passive attention example
something in the environment that can be distracting such as a bright light, strong odor, or loud noise
Automaticity example
driving, biking, or any physical activity
Subconscious processing
information we take in, but not aware it influences our behavior
A situation where subconscious cues are most persuasive
Music influences which type of alcohol we purchase and drink
voluntary and involuntary emotional response occurring simultaneously and conflicting with one another
Subliminal processing
sensory stimulus processed but not aware
Inattentional blindness
failure to see visible objects when attention is directed elsewhere
Change blindness
failure to notice changes in the environment
Cocktail party effect
ability to focus on one person in a room full of other people
Inattentional blindness example
even though you think you’re paying attention to the road, you fail to notice a car swerve into your lane
Dichotic Listening
receiving two different messages at the same time to each ear
Circadian rhythm
physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24 hour cycle
How do circadian rhythms affect sleep?
When it’s light in the area you want to be awake, but if it’s dark your body wants to be asleep.
Stages of sleep
- Awake stage
- Stage 1 Sleep: Theta activity
- Stage 2 Sleep: Sleep spindles and K complexes
- Slow-wave sleep
- REM sleep
What is REM?
Where dreams occur, EEG recording become highly irregular, and the sleeping person’s eye will move side to side rapidly
What is slow-wave sleep (SWS)?
Broad term for stages 3-4 and EEG shows delta waves. It’s also the deepest stage of sleep.
What is cognitive processing?
conscious and putting in effort to explicitly process info
What is experiential processing?
Unconscious and automatic. Implicit process of info.
How does cognitive and experiential processing relate to selective attention?
one of them is when you’re trying to process info and the other one just happens when you’re not paying attention. selecting what you want to pay attention to.
What is ironic processing?
the more we try not to think about something the more we want to think about it
What is learning?
experience that changes our beliefs and values
Three types of learning
associative, consequences, acquisition of behavior