Assessing Syntax and Morphology Flashcards
Assessing Syntax and Morphology
• MUST separately assess comprehension and
• Child may not understand the same utterance he
produces in a decontextualized setting
• Contextualized v. Decontextualized
▫ Lets you see the LINGUISTIC understanding
▫ Allows you to determine best method of
intervention for the child
If child does better with context clues, CC
appropriate; if child does not do better in context,
more structure is needed
Assessing Comprehension
• How the child responds gives more information
into errors
• Comprehension strategies (Chapter 7) are still in
play, particularly probable event
▫ Provide multiple probable agent + action + object
as well as improbable combinations
• Look at contingent responses
▫ 2 year olds = less than 50%
▫ 3 ½ year olds = greater than 75%
Production Syntax and Morphology
• Speech Sample Analysis – most valid look at
• How to collect sample?
▫ Record it!
▫ Stories from pictures, free play
No difference in MLU between structured and
unstructured activities
How long of a sample?
50 – 100 utterances
• 50 utterances yields 80% information obtained
from 100 utterances
• Heilman, Nockerts, and Miller (2010): longer
samples have nearly no effect on the syntactic
structures used
• BUT if analyzing specific language features (not
MLU), may need longer sample
• Multiple samples in various settings helpful, but
not necessary — Just do it
Analyzing the sample
• Transcribing level depends on what you are
l0oking for
• Relational analysis of speech sounds – full
phonetic transcription
• Intelligibility – full transcription
• Syntactic analysis – word-for-word transcription
• MLU – word for word transcription
• Contingent responses – full transcription with
both adult and child utterances
Counting Morphemes
I like Mickey Mouse so much ▫ 5 morphemes ▫ Mickey Mouse = 1 • He hops along the road ▫ 6 morphemes ▫ Hops = 2 • She’s skipping the rocks on the water ▫ 10 morphemes ▫ She’s = 2, skipping = 2, rocks = 2 • Total MLU: 21 morphemes in 3 utterances= 21/3 = MLU 7 morphemes
Segmenting Utterances Practice
We went to the store and then we went to the
school //and over there we saw nine ducks = 2
I like chocolate because it takes so much better
than vanilla because it just does. = 1 utterance
I play (fall of intonation)//. . . . . . Bubbles! = 2
Using MLU
Can not be used alone to determine a delay
• Helps guide intervention
• MLU 4.5 – more complex syntactic structures
• Is a good way to track productive language
Too global to highlight syntactic deficits
• Time consuming – requires full transcription
• Must become efficient in sampling
• Not every scenario warrants a sample – only use
when disorder has been shown
• Do analysis “online” by looking at only one thing
at a time — don’t have to transcribe
• Computer software does analysis once entered
into system
Language Sample Analysis
• Various programs to analyze by hand • What are you looking for? ▫ Obligatory contexts – when certain forms are required (Forms are considered to be acquired when used correctly for 90% of OC) ▫ Level of syntactic development (use developmental resource such as Brown’s)
Structural Stage Analysis (Miller)
Noun phrase elaboration • Verb phrase elaboration • Negation • Question • Complex sentences • Always give child the highest level possible according to Brown’s stages