Assessing Healthcare Performance Flashcards
Bar graph
Graphical representation of data showing the relative slice of difference categories of a variable with each variable represented by a bar, usually with a gap between the bard.
Structured process for comparing an organization ‘s own performance and work practices to those of other comparable organizations judged to be the best for the purpose of learning how to create better performance.
Common cause variation
Instability in performance representing random variation inherent in the process being measured.
The metaphor of an automobile dashboard is used to describe a set of performance measures displayed in a concise manner that allow for easy interpretation.
Graphical representation of data showing the center, dispersion, and shape of the distribution of a data set.
Line graph
Graphical representation of a time ordered sequence of data with a center-line drawn horizontally through the chart.
Lower control limit
The lower line on a control chart below which random variation is not expected; mathematically represented by the average minus one, two or three standards deviations.
Performance trend
Pattern of gradual change in performance or an average or general tendency of performance data to move in a certain direction over time.
Pie chart
Graphically representation of data showing each unit of data represented as a pie-shaped piece of a circle.
Special cause variation
Instability in performance result that would not be predicted by chance alone.
Upper control limit
The upper line on a control chart about which random variation is not expected; mathematically represented by the average plus one, two, or three standard deviation.
A statistically terms for a measure denoting how much a process varies form perfection.
Performance Assessment
Are we meeting goals?
Organize and Present starts with confirming the raw data you want to organize and report are accurate and reliable:
Effectiveness of efforts
1 of 5
Have all cases that were to be included int he study population been identified and reviewed?
Effectiveness of efforts
2 of 5
Have all required data fields on the data collection tool been completed?