Assessing Five Components of Reading Flashcards
What is Phonemic Awareness?
The ability to hear and manipulate sounds in words
What is phoneme matching?
The ability to identify words that begin with the same sound (i.e. sat and sip sound alike)
What is phoneme isolation?
The ability to isolate a single sound from within a word (i.e. isolate the /b/ sound in bat)
What is phoneme blending?
The ability to blend individual sounds into a word (i.e. blend the three sounds, /c/ /a/ /t/ to say cat)
What is phoneme segmentation?
The ability to break a word into individual sounds (i.e. identify three sounds - /m/ /a/ /t/ in mat)
What is phoneme manipulation?
The ability to modify, change, or move the individual sounds in a word (i.e. moth becomes math when you switch the /o/ sound with /a/)
What is recognizing rhyme?
The ability to identify repetition of sounds in different words (i.e. the /at/ sound in mat is the same /at/ sound in cat, sat, splat)
What is blending onset-rime?
The ability to blend the onset, or first consonant sound/cluster in the word and the rime, or the rest of the vowel and consonants that follow (i.e. /tr/ is onset and /ain/ is rime in the word train)
What is DIBELS® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) Assessment?
- A free assessment tool from the University of Oregon
- Short (one min.) procedures used to regularly detect risk and measure early literacy and early reading skills development. It identifies students who would benefit from additional support
- Available in Spanish (IDELS)
How should DIBELS® be administered?
Administer to all K-8 students three times a year (fall, winter, and spring)
What is PAST (Phonological Awareness Screening Test) Assessment?
A short, informal diagnostic tool that helps teachers evaluate 14 separate aspects of phonological awareness, including phoneme-level phonological awareness.
How should PAST be administered?
Administer to all K-2 students as a screening tool. It can be given to students in 3rd grade through adults to identify areas of intervention.
What is ERDA (Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment) Assessment?
Evaluates early reading skills to help teachers plan instruction targeted to the specific reading needs of a student.
How should ERDA be administered?
Administer to all K-3 students. Administered individually only.
What is phonics?
The process of using letter sound correspondences to recognize words.
What does it mean to understand phenome-grapheme correspondence?
The ability to understand a written symbol (letter) represents a sound (i.e. the letter m says /m/).
What does it mean to identify consonant and vowel sound relationships?
The ability to differentiate and blend consonant, short, and long vowel sounds and identify common phonics spelling patterns (i.e. when a vowel is immediately followed by the letter r, it is no longer pronounced as a short/long vowel like ir, or, er).
What does it mean to use phonics generalizations to decode?
The ability to apply rules to pronounce a word correctly (i.e. the letter c when followed by an a, u or o makes a /k/ sound).
What does it mean to use morphology (prefixes, suffixes, and roots) to decode?
The ability to recognize word parts and their meanings (i.e. unbelievable is made up of three morphemes – un (not), believe (trust), able (capable).
What does it mean to manipulate syllable patterns?
The ability to separate or blend words the way that they are pronounced (i.e. a syllable with a single vowel followed by a consonant and then the vowel e, the first vowel is long, and the e is silent, as in bike).
What does it mean to recognize non-decodable or irregularly spelled words?
The ability to memorize high frequency/sight words that are common but do not follow phonics rules.
What is the BPST III (The Basic Phonics Skills Test III) Assessment?
- A tool that assesses students’ recognition of letter sounds, specific phonics patterns, and the blending of single syllable and polysyllabic words out of context.
- A relatively quick way for teachers to isolate the phonics sounds students can identify and blend successfully.
- It is best used in conjunction with other types of assessments.
How should the BPST III be administered?
Administer to all K-2 students several times a year. It can be given to 3-6 students who are considered “below proficient” on graded word list scores.
What does it mean to read fluently?
The automatic ability to read words accurately in connected text.
What is reading with automaticity?
The ability to read words in a connected text effortlessly with speedy word recognition. When students are reading at > 95% accuracy, that have automaticity.
What is reading with accuracy?
The ability to read words correctly in a connected text. Often measured by counting the number of words read correctly.
What is reading with prosody?
The ability to read words in a connected text with proper inflection and expression.
What is reading with speed?
The ability to read words correctly and smoothly in a connected text. Reading rate is expressed in correct words per minute (wpm).
What is the CBM (Curriculum Based Measures) Assessment?
Brief, timed exercises pulled from reading curriculum to assess letter sound, word-identification, and passage reading fluency.
How should CBMs be administered?
Administer to K-6 students individually as a progress monitoring tool.
What is the GORT - 4 (Gray Oral Reading Test IV) Assessment?
A measure of growth in oral reading.
How should the GORT - 4 be administered?
Administer to students aged 6-18. Administered individually only.
What is the TOWRE-2 (Test of Word Reading Efficiency) Assessment?
A measure of word reading accuracy and fluency.
How should the TOWRE-2 be administered?
Administer to K through adult. Administered individually only.
What is the TPRI (Texas Primary Reading Inventory) Assessment?
An assessment tool that provides a comprehensive picture of a student’s reading development.
How should the TPRI be administerd?
Administer to K-3 students. Administered individually only.
Can DIBELS® be used to assess fluency?
What is vocabulary?
The words we must understand to communicate effectively.
What is word consciousness?
An awareness and interest in words and word meanings.
What is oral vocabulary?
The words students need to convey meaning in speaking (expressive) and to comprehend in listening (receptive).
What is reading vocabulary?
The words students need to comprehend when read in text (receptive) and used in print (expressive).
What is structural analysis?
The process of applying word-learning strategies, such as context clues and analyzing word parts to understand their meaning.
What is listening comprehension?
The ability to understand a story being read out loud.
What is the The Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) Assessment?
-Self-report assessment that is consistent with incremental stages of word learning (generalization, application, breadth, precision, and availability).
- Students self-report knowledge of teacher-selected word and construct a response demonstrating knowledge of each target word.
How should the VKS be administered?
Administer to K through adult. May consider combining with other assessment measures.
What is the The Vocabulary Recognition Task (VRT) Assessment?
- Self-report assessment teachers use to estimate vocabulary recognition in a content area.
- Teacher-constructed task (yes-no) that students read and associate with a topic of study to demonstrate the breadth of vocabulary knowledge.
How should the VRT be administered?
Administer to K through adult. May consider administering pre- and post-unit of study to identify growth. May consider combining with other assessment measures.
What is the The Vocabulary Assessment Magazine (VAM) Assessment?
- Originally created to assess students’ knowledge of scientific terms and reading comprehension of science texts.
- Students answer open-ended questions about a text and use content-specific terms to demonstrate knowledge about the topic (i.e. draw and label a diagram, draw and describe the steps in a process, etc.) to show students’ depth of word knowledge.
How should the VAM be administered?
Administer to K through adult. May consider combining with other assessment measures.
What is reading comprehension?
The process of understanding the meaning of text.
How do students apply background knowledge when reading texts?
Students connect previous knowledge to concepts presented in a text.
How do students actively read a text?
Students think deeply about what has been read.
How do students apply literary and informational reading skills when reading a text?
Students develop and apply strategies, such as close reading and use of graphic organizers to comprehend a text.
How do students engage in higher order thinking when reading a text?
Students use critical thinking skills, such as creating pictures, predicting, summarizing, questioning, and analyzing to comprehend a text.
What is reading comprehension?
The ability to understand a story in written form.
How do students evaluate points of view when reading a text?
Students identify who is telling the story.
How do students identify literacy devices when reading a text?
Students understand how word choice and tone impact meaning in a text.
How do students construct literal and inferential meaning when reading a text?
Students answer questions that can be found in a text (literal) and questions that are indirectly referenced but not directly stated in a text (inferential).
How do students understand structural elements when reading a text?
Students identify and use text structures, such as main idea, key details, and cause and effect to comprehend a text.
What is the IRI (Informal Reading Inventory) Assessment?
- Short, grade-level passages that are used to assess grade level reading, fluency, and oral reading accuracy.
- Explicit, implicit, and open-ended questions can be asked at the end to assess comprehension, recall, and vocabulary knowledge.
How should IRIs be administered?
Administer to K-12 students. Ongoing and should be given 2-3 times a year (mid-year and end of year).
What is the ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) Assessment?
- Assesses the reading areas of vocabulary, word analysis, and reading comprehension.
- Determines how prepared students are for academic instruction, what individual accommodations may be necessary, which students may require early intervention, and each student’s individual baseline of achievement.
How should the ITBS be administered?
Administer to K-8 students. Administered individually or in a group.
What is the Degrees of Reading Power® (DRP) Assessment?
- Easily implemented assessments used to measure a students’ understanding of a text and ability to think critically about the information learned.
- Results help determine the level of text complexity a student can read and provide recommended leveled texts.
How should DRPs be administered?
Administer to 1-12 students multiple times throughout the year to measure growth. Administered individually or in a group.