asse midterm Flashcards
in response to a need to assess mastery in an emerging
occupation or profession; Can be traced to thoughts
IQ tests; Comparing test takers to each
Licensing exams; Mastery of particular material or skills
to evaluate whether they should be
included in the final form of the
instrument; Attempts to determine how best to measure a targeted construct
process of setting rules of assigning numbers in measurement
known for developing methodologically sound scaling methods
L.L. Thurstone
Measures test performance as function of age
Age Based Scale
Measures test performance as function of grade level
Grade Based Scale
transforms raw scores into scores ranging from 1 to 9
Stanine Scale
Measures one trait or dimension
Measures multiple traits or dimensions
Compares test taker’s to others
Places test takers into discrete categories
grouping of words, statements,
or symbols on which judgments of the
strength of a particular trait, attitude, or emotion indicated by the test taker
Rating Scale
The final test score is obtained by
summing the ratings across all the items
Summative Scale
Each item presents the test-taker with the five alternative responses, usually on an agree-disagree/ approve-disapprove continuum
Likert Scale
Test takers are presented with pairs of stimuli which they are asked to
Method of paired comparisons
One method of sorting, entails judgments of a stimulus in comparison with every other stimulus on the scale
Comparative Scale
Stimuli are placed into one of two or more alternative categories that differ
quantitatively with respect to some continuum
Categorical Scale
scaling method yielding ordinal-level measures; Items on it range sequentially from weaker to stronger expressions of the attitude, belief, or feeling being measured
Guttman Scale (Scalogram Analysis)
Obtain data presumed to be interval in natures; Direct estimation method; no need to transform responses into another scale.
Thurstone’s Equal Appearing Intervals Method
well from which items or will not be drawn from the final version of the test
Item Pool
Variable such as the form, plan, structure, arrangement, and layout
Item Format
Require test taker to select a response from a set of alternative responses
Selected-response format
Require test takers to supply or to create the correct answer
Constricted-response format
requires the examinee to provide a word or phrase that completes a sentence
Completion Item
completion item; can be a word, a term, a sentence, or a paragraph
Short answer item
requires the test taker to respond to a question by writing a composition
Essay item
the higher the score on the test, the higher the test-taker is on the ability, trait, or other characteristic that the rest purports to measure
Cumulative scoring
category scoring; responses earn credit toward placement in a particular class or category with other test-takers whose pattern of responses is
presumably similar in some way
Class scoring
comparing a test-taker’s score on one scale within a test to another scale within that same test
Ipsative scoring
administered to a representative sample of test-takers under conditions that simulate the conditions that the final version of the test
Test Tryout