Assault s.39 Flashcards
D causes V to fear immediate unlawful physical violence (R v Ireland)
D’s act (4)
o An omission isn’t sufficient
o Words alone are sufficient (Constanza)
o Silent calls from D to V are sufficient (Burstow)
o Words can prevent an assault (Tuberville v Savage)
o factual: ‘but for’ test (White)
o legal: multiple causes, more than minimal (‘so’ sentence), need not be substantial
- thin skull’ rule/take your victim as you find him (Blaue)
o chain of causation: intervening act
V to fear (3)
o V must apprehend (anticipate, not fear) immediate force (Lamb)
o the fear does not have to be rational (Burstow)
Immediate (2)
- V genuinely apprehends ‘possibility’ of an immediate attack (Ireland)
- ‘V did not know what D was going to do next, but might be of a violent nature’ (Smith)
Unlawful (2)
o something is unlawful if it is not consented to/the feared touching is unwanted
o there is implied consent to everyday touching –handshake/hugs/jostling in crowded place
Violence (2)
o Force apprehended may be as slight as a touching (Collins v Willcock)
o Touching a person’s clothes is equivalent to touching the person (Thomas)
DI/OI/Recklessness to cause V to fear immediate unlawful physical violence (R v Savage)
• DI: D has the direct purpose of causing V to fear IUPV (Mohan)
• OI: D foresees that it’s a virtual certainty V will fear IUPV (Woollin)
• R: D realises his conduct could cause V to fear IUPV + takes that risk anyway (Cunningham)