Assassins Creed (Lib) - Response Flashcards
- developed by ubisoft and released on 30/10/12
- originally exclusive to PS Vita, in 2014 was released on other consoles
Typical Audiences
- male teenagers, take it seriousy and are competitive
- homogenous industry, most game developers have been male
- some may not react positively to a female assassin as the protagtonist
- typically female characters are the ‘damsel in distress’, treated as submissive or mysoginised
- typically, clothing is tight (exaggerating figure) and minimal
- female audiences will respond positively to Aveline
- she is a mixed race protagonist, with many androgyous characteristics
- fails to be sexualised
- her strength, bravery and combat skills confirm her post-feminist construction
Appeal of Role-Playing Games
- people can ‘try on’ characteristics, create their ideal self
- allows diversion/escapism from the real world
- offer the target audience a challenging gameplay, forcing audiences to use critical thinking
Intertextuality in Video Games
- audiences see familiar graphics, cinematic filming, audio and visual codes to create a familiar environment
- could allow for a more positive response from the audience
Positioning: Appeal of Role-Plays
- ‘omniscient’ persepective (3rd person)
- full control, visuals of Aveline and the digtal world she lives in
- ability to manipulate character and make key decisions if necessary
Are They No Longer Anti-Social?
- role playing games require player to be more active and connect with audiences online
- online forums allow them to communicate with one another
- resulting in a shared experience
Media Effects
Albert Bandura
- this game is rated a PEGI 18
- ‘Bobo Doll Experiment’ proved transgressive behavior in younger children
- children are easily encouraged and enticed to imitate aggressive behaviour
- video games often used as a scapegoat in the media (in cases where a younger peron has committed acts of violence/murder)
Henry Jenkins
- institutions can struggle to monitor and take ownership over what is theirs, when other pieces of media are being created by fans
- fans can either be strong supporters or harsh critics, impacting the development of games directly
- communities are created outsidce the core game experience
- passion expressed through alternate media outlets e.g. the movie (2016), comic con etc…