Aspects of Genetic Engineering Flashcards

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outline the principles of
restriction enzyme use to
“cut” sections of DNA and
ligase enzyme to “paste”
DNA together

(Restriction enzymes as
“molecular scissors” and
ligase enzyme as
“molecular glue”.
Importance of these
classes of enzymes in
development of R-DNA
technology. Mention
advanced genome editing
tools, such as CRISPR-Cas9)


Restriction enzymes and ligase enzymes are fundamental tools in genetic engineering, allowing scientists to manipulate DNA by cutting and pasting specific DNA sequences. Here’s an outline of the principles behind their use:

  1. Restriction Enzymes (“Molecular Scissors”):

Definition: Restriction enzymes, also known as restriction endonucleases, are enzymes that recognize specific DNA sequences and cleave the DNA at or near these sequences.
Principle of Action: Restriction enzymes function by scanning DNA molecules for specific recognition sites, which are typically palindromic sequences (sequences that read the same backward and forward). Once they bind to their recognition site, they catalyze the hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bonds in the DNA backbone, resulting in the cleavage of the DNA molecule.
Specificity: Each restriction enzyme recognizes a specific DNA sequence and cuts the DNA at precise locations within or adjacent to its recognition site.
Applications: Restriction enzymes are used extensively in genetic engineering to create DNA fragments with desired sequences for cloning, gene mapping, and other molecular biology techniques.
Importance in R-DNA Technology: Restriction enzymes played a crucial role in the development of recombinant DNA (R-DNA) technology by enabling the precise manipulation and splicing of DNA sequences from different sources.
2. Ligase Enzyme (“Molecular Glue”):

Definition: DNA ligase is an enzyme that catalyzes the joining (ligation) of DNA fragments by forming phosphodiester bonds between their adjacent nucleotides.
Principle of Action: DNA ligase acts on DNA molecules with cohesive (sticky) ends or blunt ends and catalyzes the formation of covalent bonds between the 3’ hydroxyl (OH) group of one DNA fragment and the 5’ phosphate (PO4) group of another DNA fragment, sealing the nick in the DNA backbone.
Specificity: DNA ligase has broad substrate specificity and can join DNA fragments with compatible cohesive ends or blunt ends.
Applications: DNA ligase is used in genetic engineering to ligate together DNA fragments generated by restriction enzyme digestion, facilitating the construction of recombinant DNA molecules.
Importance in R-DNA Technology: DNA ligase is essential for the creation of recombinant DNA molecules containing genes or DNA sequences from different sources, enabling the expression of foreign genes in host organisms for various applications.
Advanced Genome Editing Tools:

CRISPR-Cas9: CRISPR-Cas9 is a revolutionary genome editing tool that utilizes a programmable RNA molecule (guide RNA) to target specific DNA sequences in the genome. The Cas9 enzyme, guided by the RNA molecule, induces site-specific double-stranded breaks in the DNA. CRISPR-Cas9 has revolutionized genetic engineering by providing a highly efficient and precise method for editing genomes, including gene knockout, gene insertion, and gene modification.
In summary, restriction enzymes and ligase enzymes serve as “molecular scissors” and “molecular glue,” respectively, in genetic engineering, allowing scientists to precisely cut and paste DNA fragments. These enzymes have been instrumental in the development of recombinant DNA technology and continue to be essential tools in molecular biology research. Additionally, advanced genome editing tools such as CRISPR-Cas9 offer powerful methods for precise genome manipulation and genetic engineering.

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explain the basic steps
involved in recombinant
DNA (rDNA) technology

(An overview of the process
including the isolation of
genes; cloning of genes;
vectors. Use examples
including insulin production.)


Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology is a technique used to manipulate DNA sequences from different sources to create new combinations of genetic material. Here’s an overview of the basic steps involved in rDNA technology, including the isolation of genes, cloning of genes, and the use of vectors, along with an example involving insulin production:

  1. Isolation of Genes:

The first step in rDNA technology involves isolating the gene of interest from its source organism. This can be done using various techniques, such as:
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): Amplifies specific DNA sequences using DNA polymerase enzymes.
Restriction enzyme digestion: Cuts DNA at specific recognition sites to isolate the desired gene fragment.
cDNA synthesis: Converts mRNA (complementary DNA) into double-stranded DNA using reverse transcriptase enzyme.
2. Cloning of Genes:

Once the gene of interest is isolated, it is cloned into a vector, which is a DNA molecule capable of carrying foreign DNA into a host organism.
The vector is typically a plasmid or a viral genome that has been modified to accept and replicate foreign DNA.
The gene of interest is inserted into the vector using DNA ligase enzyme to create a recombinant DNA molecule.
The recombinant DNA molecule is then introduced into a host organism, such as bacteria, yeast, or mammalian cells, where it can be replicated and expressed.
3. Vectors:

Vectors are DNA molecules used to carry foreign DNA into host organisms for replication and expression.
Plasmids are commonly used vectors in rDNA technology. They are circular DNA molecules found in bacteria and can replicate independently of the host genome.
Other vectors include viral genomes (e.g., retroviruses) and artificial chromosomes (e.g., bacterial artificial chromosomes, BACs).
Example: Insulin Production:

One of the most well-known applications of rDNA technology is the production of insulin for diabetes treatment.
The human insulin gene is isolated from human pancreatic cells or synthesized using cDNA synthesis.
The insulin gene is cloned into a plasmid vector using restriction enzyme digestion and DNA ligase.
The recombinant plasmid containing the insulin gene is introduced into bacterial cells (e.g., Escherichia coli) using transformation.
Bacterial cells containing the recombinant plasmid are grown in culture, where they replicate and produce insulin protein.
The insulin protein is harvested, purified, and used for therapeutic purposes in diabetic patients.

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discuss the successes and
challenges of gene therapy
in modern medicine

(Concept of gene therapy.
Use case study examples
including cystic fibrosis)


Gene therapy is a promising approach in modern medicine aimed at treating genetic disorders by introducing functional genes into patients’ cells to correct or compensate for defective genes. While gene therapy holds great potential for treating a wide range of diseases, including genetic disorders, cancer, and infectious diseases, it also faces various challenges. Here’s a discussion of the successes and challenges of gene therapy, along with case study examples, including cystic fibrosis:

Successes of Gene Therapy:

Treatment of Genetic Disorders: Gene therapy has shown success in treating genetic disorders caused by single-gene mutations, such as severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), hemophilia, and Leber congenital amaurosis.

Cancer Therapy: Gene therapy approaches, including gene editing and viral vectors carrying therapeutic genes, have shown promise in targeting cancer cells and inhibiting tumor growth. CAR-T cell therapy, a form of gene therapy, has been particularly successful in treating certain types of leukemia and lymphoma.

Infectious Disease Vaccines: Gene-based vaccines, such as mRNA vaccines, have emerged as effective tools in combating infectious diseases. mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 have demonstrated high efficacy and rapid development timelines, showcasing the potential of gene-based approaches in vaccine development.

Challenges of Gene Therapy:

Delivery of Therapeutic Genes: One of the major challenges in gene therapy is the efficient delivery of therapeutic genes to target cells and tissues. Viral vectors, commonly used for gene delivery, may elicit immune responses or cause adverse effects.

Off-Target Effects: Gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, have the potential to introduce unintended mutations at off-target sites in the genome, raising safety concerns.

Immune Response: Patients may mount immune responses against viral vectors or therapeutic proteins, limiting the effectiveness of gene therapy and posing safety risks.

Long-Term Efficacy and Safety: Long-term efficacy and safety of gene therapy interventions need to be carefully evaluated, as potential adverse effects or loss of therapeutic efficacy may emerge over time.

Regulatory Hurdles: Regulatory approval processes for gene therapy products can be complex and time-consuming, hindering the translation of promising research into clinical applications.

Case Study: Cystic Fibrosis (CF):

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in the CFTR gene, leading to abnormal ion transport and the production of thick, sticky mucus in the lungs and digestive system.

Gene therapy approaches for CF aim to introduce functional CFTR genes into airway epithelial cells to restore normal ion transport and mucus clearance.

While early clinical trials of CF gene therapy showed promising results in improving lung function and reducing disease severity, challenges such as inefficient gene delivery and immune responses have limited the widespread adoption of gene therapy for CF.

Recent advancements in gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, hold promise for correcting CFTR mutations directly in patient cells, offering potential long-term benefits for CF treatment.

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discuss the implications of
the use of genetically
modified organisms on
humans and the environment.

(Medical, agricultural,
ethical and social


The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has significant implications for humans and the environment, encompassing medical, agricultural, ethical, and social considerations. Here’s a discussion of the implications of GMOs:

  1. Medical Implications:

Improved Healthcare: GMOs have the potential to revolutionize medicine by enabling the production of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and therapeutic proteins through biotechnology. For example, GMOs are used to produce insulin for diabetes treatment and recombinant proteins for various medical conditions.

Gene Therapy: GMOs are used in gene therapy approaches to treat genetic disorders and other diseases. Gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, offer precision in targeting disease-causing genes, providing new treatment options for patients.

  1. Agricultural Implications:

Increased Crop Yield: GMOs engineered for traits such as pest resistance, herbicide tolerance, and drought tolerance can improve crop yields and food security, particularly in regions with agricultural challenges.

Reduced Pesticide Use: Certain GMOs, such as insect-resistant crops engineered to produce insecticidal proteins (e.g., Bt crops), can reduce the need for chemical pesticides, leading to environmental and health benefits.

Controversies: However, the widespread adoption of GMOs has sparked debates regarding their safety, environmental impact, and socio-economic implications, particularly in relation to seed patents, farmer livelihoods, and food sovereignty.

  1. Environmental Implications:

Ecological Impact: The cultivation of GMOs may have unintended ecological consequences, including the development of resistant pests and weeds, gene flow to wild relatives, and disruption of non-target organisms.

Biodiversity Concerns: GMOs have raised concerns about the potential loss of biodiversity and genetic diversity in agricultural ecosystems, as monocultures of genetically uniform crops may replace diverse traditional varieties.

Long-Term Effects: The long-term environmental effects of GMOs, including their persistence in the environment and interactions with ecosystems, remain areas of ongoing research and concern.

  1. Ethical and Social Implications:

Food Safety: GMOs raise questions about food safety and consumer acceptance, with concerns regarding allergenicity, unintended effects, and long-term health impacts.

Consumer Choice: GMO labeling and transparency in food labeling are important ethical considerations, allowing consumers to make informed choices about the products they purchase and consume.

Socio-Economic Issues: GMOs have socio-economic implications, including issues related to intellectual property rights, corporate control of agricultural systems, and access to technology for small-scale farmers in developing countries.

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