ASPE Flashcards
Accounts receivable
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Accounts receivable (ASPE)
* Considered a financial instrument (financial asset), as it represents a contractual right to receive cash or another financial asset from another party
* As such, accounts receivable must be tested for impairment at the end of the reporting period if significant adverse changes during the period cast doubt on collectability
* If impaired, then should be written down to the amount expected to be collected through the use of an allowance account
* The amount of the reduction shall be recognized as a bad debt expense in net income.
Reference: ASPE 3856.05(h), .16, .17
Inventory valuation
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Inventory valuation (ASPE)
* Inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value (NRV).
* The cost of inventories shall comprise all costs of purchase, costs of conversion, and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.
* NRV is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less estimated selling costs
* Estimates of NRV are based on the most reliable evidence available, at the time the estimates are made, of the amount the inventories are expected to realize upon sale.
Reference: ASPE 3031.07, .10-12, .29
Inventory costs
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Inventory costs (ASPE)
* The cost of inventories shall comprise all purchase, conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition
* Trade discounts, rebates and other similar items are deducted in determining the costs of purchase
* Storage, administrative overhead, and selling costs are specifically excluded from the cost of inventories
Reference: ASPE 3031.11, .12, .17
Internally generated intangible assets – R&D
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Internally generated intangible assets – R&D (ASPE)
* Research costs are always expensed when incurred
* Accounting policy choice to either capitalize or expense development costs
* Development costs can be capitalized if all of the following exist:
o Technically feasible
o Intention to complete it
o Ability to use or sell it
o Availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development
o Ability to reliably measure the expenditures attributed
o Probable future economic benefits will be generated
Reference: ASPE 3064.37, .40, .41
Goodwill and intangible assets – Amortization
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Goodwill and intangible assets – Amortization (ASPE)
* Intangibles are to be amortized over their estimated useful lives unless they are considered to have an indefinite life
* Assets with indefinite lives are not to be amortized until the life is no longer considered indefinite (however it must still be tested for impairment)
* Amortization method and useful life should be reviewed annually
* The expected useful life must consider:
o expected use of the asset,
o expected useful life of related assets,
o contractual, legal and regulatory provisions and other economic factors
Reference: ASPE 3064.56, .57, .61
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Investments (ASPE)
* Investments subject to significant influence can be accounted for using the equity or cost method
* Investments without significant influence:
o Not quoted on an active market – accounted for using cost method
o Quoted on active market – accounted for at fair value
Reference: ASPE 3051 and 3856.11 - .15
Financial instruments – Impairment
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Financial instruments – Impairment (ASPE)
* Financial instruments tested for impairment at the end of each reporting period. Where impairment exists, reduce the carrying value to the highest of:
o Present value (PV) of cash flows expected from holding the asset
o Net realizable value (if asset sold)
o Amount entity expects to realize from exercising its right to collateral
* Impairment can be reversed if asset subsequently recovers in value
Reference: ASPE 3856.16 - .19
Revenue recognition – Consignment sales
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Revenue recognition – Consignment sales (ASPE)
* Consignment sales include goods shipped but not yet billed
* They could be returned if not sold or only billed for to the extent sold
* Performance is not considered complete upon delivery for such goods, as the risks and rewards are deemed not to have been transferred from the seller to the buyer because of the seller’s continuing involvement
* As such, revenue cannot be recognized up until either the goods can no longer be returned or a payment is made in regards to them
Reference: ASPE 3400.13 - .15
Asset criteria
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Asset criteria (ASPE)
Definition of an asset:
* Future benefit
* Entity can control the benefit
* Event that caused benefit already occurred
Reference: ASPE 1000.25
PPE – Betterments
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
PPE – Betterments (ASPE)
* A “betterment” enhances service potential (increase in physical output or service capacity, associated operating costs are lowered, useful life is extended, or quality of output is improved)
* If the expenditure can be classified as a betterment capitalize asset
* If the expenditure cannot be classified as a betterment expense as repair and maintenance
Reference: ASPE 3061.14
Non-monetary transactions
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Non-monetary transactions (ASPE)
* Asset exchanged in a non-monetary transaction should be measured at the more reliably measurable of the fair value of the asset given up and the fair value of the asset received, unless the transaction lacks commercial substance or neither the fair value of the asset received nor the fair value of the asset given up is reliably measurable, in which case, it should be measured at the carrying value of the asset given up
* A non-monetary transaction has commercial substance when the entity’s future cash flows are expected to change significantly as a result of the transaction, i.e.
o the risk, timing and amount of the future cash flows of the asset received differ significantly from the risk, timing and amount of the cash flows of the asset given up; or
o the entity-specific value of the asset received differs from the entity-specific value of the asset given up, and the difference is significant relative to the fair value of the assets exchanged
Reference: ASPE 3831.06, .07, .11
Impairment of long-lived assets
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Impairment of long-lived assets (ASPE)
* Steps:
1. Determine if factors indicating impairment exist
2. Group asset with other assets/liabilities to form group at the lowest level that generates cash flow (i.e. cash generating unit)
3. Determine if there is impairment by comparing net book value to recoverable amount (i.e. undiscounted future cash flows)
4. Calculate impairment by comparing carrying amount to fair value
* Cannot reverse write-downs
Reference: ASPE 3063.04-.09, .12, .18
Accounting for subsidiaries
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Accounting for subsidiaries (ASPE)
An enterprise can make an accounting policy choice to account for its subsidiaries using one of the following methods:
* Cost method
* Equity method
* Consolidation method
** Once a method has been selected, it must be applied consistently (i.e. all subsidiaries must be accounted for using the same method)
Reference: ASPE 1591, ASPE 3051
PPE – Costs
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
PPE – Costs (ASPE)
* PPE costs represent the amount of consideration given up to acquire, construct, develop, or better a PPE and comprise of all costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction, development or betterment, including installing it at the location and in the condition necessary for its intended use
* PPE costs include direct construction or development costs (such as materials and labour) and overhead / carrying costs directly attributable to the construction or development activity
* The cost of each item of PPE acquired as part of a basket purchase (i.e. when a group of assets is acquired for a single amount) is determined by allocating the price paid for the basket to each item on the basis of its relative fair value at the time of acquisition
Reference: ASPE 3061.03, .06, .08
Capital lease criteria – Lessee
Financial Reporting (ASPE)
Capital lease criteria – Lessee (ASPE)
* Must meet one of the criteria:
o Transfer of ownership or bargain purchase option at the end of the lease term
o Lease term at least 75% of economic life of asset
o PV of minimum lease payments at least 90% of FV of leased asset
Discount rate = lower of lessee’s incremental borrowing rate and implicit rate in the lease
Reference: ASPE 3065.06