ASL 2 8.2 Flashcards
Growing Up
Handshape: bent 5
Palm Orientation: facing down
Movement: moving up from the side of your chest to the side of your head
Placement: side of chest to side of head
NMM: smirk
Chubby and Cute!
Handshape: Claw Handshape and 13 handshape
Palm Orientation: facing inward
1. moving out
2. Brushing movement
1. near chest
2. Chin
1. Puffed cheeks
2. Smile
Skinny/ Thin
Handshape: I-hand shape
Palm Orientation: to the side and towards your other
Movement: moving down from the front of your face to your chest
Placement: front of the face to front of the chest
Handshape: S-handshapes
Palm Orientation: facing toward you
Movement: pulling down
Placement: chest to belly
NMM: Serious/ frowning face
Handshape: Y-handshape
Palm Orientation: facing out
Movement: moving down
Placement: From the root of your hair to the end of your hair.
NMM: mouthing “bl”
Salt and Pepper Hair
Handshape: V handshape, F handshape
Palm Orientation:
1. Facing down
2. facing down
3. Towards you on the side
1. dominant hand on top of nondominant hand in a tapping motion
2. Downward flicking motion
3. Pinching motion
1. Chest
2. Chest
3. Hair
Handshape: F-handshape
Palm Orientation: To the side and facing down
Movement: Up and Down motion
Placement: In front of chest
NMM: Satisfied face.
Handshape: G-handshape
Palm Orientation: facing up
Movement: moving backward down your scalp
Placement: scalp
NMM: “oo”
Handshape: g handshape into 20 handshape
Palm Orientation: facing up
Movement: squiggly movement from under your nose to your cheeks
Placement: both hands meet under your nose and slowly close near your cheeks
Long Eyelashes
Handshape: 2 4 handshapes
Palm Orientation: facing out
Movement: swooping motion
Placement: Pointing towards eyes and then up and out