ASL 2 Flashcards
Dominant hand, claw handshape. Palm orientation in, movement in small circles on belly. Eyes squint, tongue sticks out slightly and mouth slightly open. Think of the old green Mr. Yuck stickers.
Dominant hand, B handshape. Location at chin. Palm orientation out. Dominant hand circles start about 4 inches away from the chin and circles back to chin, brushing fingertips at the chin, and circling back out two times. Eyebrows furrow, mouth frowns
Both hands extended out in front of torso in open 5 handshapes. Palm orientation up. Hands squeeze together to S handshapes while dropping about 6 inches. Eyebrows slightly furrowed. Lips slightly pursed.
Both hands in closed 5 handshapes on either side of forehead. Palm orientation down. Fingers drop down to bent handshape. Eyebrows raised
Both hands in closed X handshape at sides of eyes. Palm orientation forward. Fingers flick open to L handshapes. Eyes open wide at this point. If it is a happy surprise, smile. If it is a shocking surprise, clench teeth.
Both hands in open 8 handshape, palm orientation in. Alternate hands in circular movements, starting with one hand placed on the chest, and other hand about 8 inches away from chest. Circles move up and out. Eyebrows raised.
Both hands in open 5 handshape, located on both sides of chest, toward top of torso. Both hands move downward once. Tongue sticks out slightly, eyes look down
ASL grammar structure:
(Time) Topic Comment
If your sentence includes a time marker, such as yesterday, last week, next month, and so on, then that needs to come first. The time marker will indicate the verb tense. Next comes the topic. What is the sentence about? Finally, you add the comment you have regarding the topic of the sentence.
I am going to California for Thanksgiving.
The time marker is Thanksgiving, indicating a future tense. The topic is California, and the comment is I am going.
I am learning ASL.
Role shifting includes:
body shifting, gaze shifting, and head shifting.
Body Shifting
Can be seen when a signer shifts his entire body to one side to represent two different people in a dialogue.
Gaze shifting
Is implemented to reference the individuals or characters a signer has already placed to her right or left.
Head shifting
Is used to show height differences or power dynamics between individuals
B handshape, palm orientation out, tap fingertips twice at the side of the mouth. You must tap twice to mean BREAKFAST.
The other main sign for breakfast is listed below:
MORNING: Non dominant arm will lay flat in front of the body, palm down, creating a horizon line. Dominant hand, palm up, elbow at non dominant hand fingertips. Dominant hand will rise vertically from the elbow, about 8 inches to represent the sun rising over the horizon.
EAT: Dominant hand, flat o handshape. Taps lips once with fingertips. Think of putting food into your mouth.
Non dominant hand held out in front in a flat hand shape. Dominant hand in an open F shape squeezes the palm of the non dominant hand. Slight shaking movement. Think of checking the thickness of a steak.
Dominant hand at side of chin in V handshape, with only index finger touching chin. Twisting movement to rotate the V handshape back and forth.
VEGETABLE: Dominant hand at side of chin in V handshape, with only index finger touching chin. Twisting movement to rotate the V handshape back and forth.
PERSON: Both hands in flat handshapes at sides of torso. Start a little below shoulder level and move straight down once. Note: You may also see this same movement with P handshapes.
Dominant hand in Bent V handshape, palm orientation in. Tap fingertips on side of jaw twice.
Both hands in 1 handshapes, palm orientation in, placed at either side of the mouth. Hands rotate out and off the chin. Mouth makes a “pah” shape.
Dominant hand in F handshape, start at the nose, palm orientation down. Move handshape out and down until palm orientation is down. Then handshape transitions to a 1 handshape and points. Nose wrinkles.
Dominant hand in 1 handshape. Palm orientation to the side. Dominant hand picks up and moves about 8 inches in front. If the intent is very far away, the dominant hand can move further away in front.
Both hands in flat handshapes, palm orientation down. Dominant hand starts above the non dominant hand and settles on top of the non dominant hand.
Both hands in flat handshape, palm down. Dominant hand moves in a circular movement under the non dominant hand.
Both hands flat handshapes, palms facing in, about 4 inches apart. Dominant hand will bounce to the side, about 4 more inches.
Both hands in A handshapes. Palm orientation in. Dominant hand will twist behind non dominant hand until the backs of the dominant fingers are touching the base of the non dominant thumb.
Dominant hand in flat handshape, palm orientation in. Start at the top of the forehead and slide down, ending at the chin. Transition dominant hand to a 1 handshape and point.
Dominant hand in 1 handshape. Palm orientation to the side. Movement is forward and then twists 90 degrees to the intended direction. If I intend “around the corner to the left,” I will twist to the left. Same for the right.
Both hands A handshapes, out in front of the body. Palm orientation in. Hands alternate rocking back and forth. This sign is also used for COMPETITION.
Both hands flat handshapes, out in front of the body. Non dominant hand above dominant hand. Dominant hand chops the bottom of the non dominant hand. This sign is also used for TO KICK.
Non dominant in flat handshape, palm orientation up. Dominant hand in X handshape, palm orientation up. Dominant hand swipes across the palm of the non dominant hand. Think of your non dominant hand as the ice rink, and your dominant hand as the hockey stick swiping across the ice.
Dominant hand in A handshape, palm orientation to the side. Swinging movement similar to actually swinging a golf club.
Dominant hand in A handshape, palm orientation up. Movement is similar to swinging a tennis racket.
Both hands in L handshapes. Non-dominant hand in front. Palm orientation inward. The thumb of your non-dominant hand will hook on the index finger of your dominant hand. Index finger on the non-dominant hand will squeeze a few times.
Both hands in X handshapes, palm orientation up. Dominant hand slightly in front. Movement is a slight forward and back motion. Think of your handshapes as the skis with the tips curled up, and the movement as the slight bumping you feel as you ski over the surface of the snow.
Both hands in Bent B handshapes, non dominant hand in front of dominant hand. Palm orientation down. Movement is a slight forward and back motion
Both hands Y handshapes. Start with palm orientation in and twist back and forth rapidly.
Fingerspell B-A-L-L-E-T
Non dominant hand in open flat handshape, palm orientation up. Dominant hand in 2 handshape, fingertips down. Dominant hand swings back and forth across the non dominant hand a few times.
Paint (house)
Non dominant hand in open flat handshape, held up with palm orientation to the side. Dominant hand in Flat handshape. Fingertips swish back and forth across the non dominant palm. Think of your non dominant hand as your surface, and your dominant fingertips as a brush.
Paint (fine art)
Non dominant hand in U handshape, held up with palm orientation to the side. Dominant hand in Flat handshape. Fingertips swish back and forth across the non dominant palm. Think of your non dominant hand as your surface, and your dominant fingertips as a brush.
Non dominant hand in open flat handshape, held up with palm orientation to the side. Dominant hand in I handshape. Pinky finger of dominant hand brushes across the palm of the non dominant hand. Think of your pinky as the pencil sketching on the canvas of your non dominant hand.
Both hands in A handshapes, placed on the center of the chest. Dominant hand in front. Both hands move out and away from the chest and open into open 5 handshapes. Palm orientation remains up. Think of the poetry as pouring forth out of your heart.
Both hands in open flat handshapes, placed with palms on the chest. Dominant hand on top. Hands move in circles across the chest. Dominant hand moves clockwise, and non dominant hand moves counter clockwise at the same time.
Oh I See
Dominant hand in y handshape, palm orientation down. Hand bounces up and down a few times.
Cool #1
Dominant hand in open 5 handshape. Thumb is placed on the center of the chest. Fingers wiggle a few times.
Cool #2
Dominant hand in X handshape, placed on the side of the chin, palm orientation down. Twist hand from the wrist until palm orientation is back.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Dominant hand in M handshape, small circular movement. Moves to L handshape, small circular movement. Finish with K handshape, small circular movement.
Valentine’s Day
Both hands in Open 8 handshapes placed over the heart. Palm orientation in. Draw a heart.
Both hands E handshapes, placed out in front with palm orientation out. Wrists rotate back so that the palm orientation is back, and then rotate back out forward.
Mother’s Day
sign “mother” + “day”
Father’s Day
sign “father” + “day”
Fourth of July
July: Fingerspell J-U-L-Y
4th: Dominant hand in 4 handshape, palm orientation out. Hand twist backward until palm orientation is back
Both hands in V handshapes placed over the eyes, palm orientation toward face. Slide hands down sides of face, and close handshapes. Think of a Halloween mask covering the face.
Dominant hand in G handshape, placed on the chin. Moves down to chest and taps twice. Think of a turkey’s wattle.
Dominant hand in C handshape, located out in front, palm orientation out. Move C in an arc. Think of outlining a Christmas wreath.
Dominant hand in open 8 handshape. Middle finger touches chin and moves down to tap chest.
Both hands in X handshapes, arms held up slightly. Move hands in small circles, moving out and then in. Palm orientation is in.
Gift/ To-Give
Both hands X handshapes, hands held up with palm orientation facing each other. Hands move out and down.
Both hands in U handshapes, located near the dominant side of the forehead. Movement is straight out.
Fingerspell O-F-F, remembering to slide the double letter.
Both hands in Open 5 handshapes, palm orientation toward each other. The hands will alternate bouncing off and then back to chest
Both hands in D handshapes, palm orientation up. Index fingers tap thumbs several times.
Both hands in O handshapes, placed about eye level, fingertips facing each other. Moving across the “sky,” open hands to an open 5 handshape, and repeat. Think of fireworks exploding into the night sky.
CREATIVE: Dominant hand in Open 5 handshape. Index finger starts at the forehead and moves up and out in small circles.
CLOTHING: Both hands in open 5 handshapes, placed on either side of upper torso. Palm orientation in. Thumbs brush down until palm orientation is down, alternating hands. Repeat movement twice.
Both hands open in 8 handshapes. Dominant hand moves in touch forehead, and non dominant hand moves in to touch center of chest. Facial expression will indicate degree of sickness. If the illness has been ongoing, the fingertips will move in small circles.
Dominant hand in open 8 handshape located at the center of the chest. The hand will move up and off the chest and then back to the chest in a small circle.
Dominant hand in an open B handshape, palm orientation in. Fingertips start at the chin, and then brush out to create an A handshape.
Wash hands
WASH: Both hands A handshapes. Non dominant hand palm orientation up, dominant hand palm orientation down, so that the knuckles are touching each other. Dominant hand will slide back and forth. Think of soap that requires grating.
HANDS: Both hands in open B handshapes, palm orientation in. Brush the palm of one hand up the back of the opposite hand, and then repeat with the other hand.
Wash face
WASH: Both hands A handshapes. Non-dominant hand palm orientation up, dominant hand palm orientation down, so that the knuckles are touching each other. Dominant hand will slide back and forth. Think of soap that requires grating.
FACE: Dominant hand in open 5 handshape, palm orientation in. Circle the face.
Note: These two signs can be combined into a single sign. Both hands in Open 5 handshapes, palm orientation in. Hands will alternate in small inward circles across the face.
Both hands in 1 handshapes and palm orientation. Slightly bounce the handshapes in and out.
Both hands in 1 handshapes. Hands start slightly apart, about 6 inches. Move the index fingers closer together while twisting them slightly, and then slide them back out several times. Location at the forehead. Think of how a throbbing headache feels. Facial expression will communicate intensity of headache.
Both hands in 1 handshapes. Hands start slightly apart, about 6 inches. Move the index fingers closer together, and then slide them back out several times. Location at the jaw. You will note this movement is different than HURT. Think of how a throbbing toothache feels. Facial expression will communicate intensity of toothache.
Both hands in 1 handshapes. Both hands palm orientation in. Move the handshapes in small circles, coming up first, and the out and down. Location at the stomach. Facial expression will communicate intensity of stomachache.
(Head) Cold
This handshape is a bit unique. Think about how you hold a key when you are inserting it into a lock and twisting. Now lift your thumb slightly. Take that handshape and slide it down your nose twice.
Dominant hand in an X handshape. Palm orientation down. Tap the index finger twice. Facial expression can communicate the intensity of the need.
Non dominant palm up. Dominant hand in open 8 handshape. Middle finger touches the non dominant palm and wiggles back and forth. Think of crushing a tablet into your palm.
Non dominant wrist up. Dominant hand in a Bent B handshape. Dominant fingertips tap non dominant wrist twice. Think of a doctor checking your pulse.
Note: An acceptable variation is to use the M handshape.
Dominant hand in an H handshape, placed on the non dominant upper arm. Move the H handshape across and then down. I always imagine the Red Cross symbol when I use this sign.
Both hands in 1 handshapes, located at the nose. Dominant hand moves out, non dominant hand moves back, until they are about 10 inches apart.
LIBRARY: Dominant hand in L handshape, palm orientation out. Draw small circles clockwise with your hand. Movement originates at your elbow.
Secretary/Administrative Assistant
Dominant hand in U handshape, palm orientation in. Start near the ear and move down to the non dominant hand (held palm orientation up), and swipe across the palm. Think of pulling a pencil out from behind your ear and writing a note.
Both hands in Flat O handshapes. Palm orientation in. Twist hands out and then back in. Movement originates with the wrist
SERVE: Both hands in Flat handshapes, palm orientation up. Hands at shoulder level. Alternate hands sliding out about 8 inches and then back in. Think of the large trays that wait staff carry.
COOK: Non dominant hand in Flat handshape, palm orientation up. Dominant hand also in Flat handshape. Start with the dominant hand placed palm up; flip it over several times. Think of flipping a burger on a griddle.
To denote the noun version, point to yourself after signing the verb.
Both hands in A handshapes. Non dominant hand on top, with dominant hand thumb touching the base of the non dominant hand. Thumb taps several times.
Customer Service
CUSTOMER: Both hands in C handshapes. Thumbs touch upper chest and slide down. Palm orientation in.
SERVE: Both hands in Flat handshapes, palm orientation up. Hands at shoulder level. Alternate hands sliding out about 8 inches and then back in. Think of the large trays that wait staff carry.
Dominant hand in C handshape. Non dominant hand in Flat handshape, palm orientation down. C handshape moves in a circle on the forearm or wrist of the palm-down non dominant hand. The thumb of the dominant hand brushes against the surface of the back of the base hand.
Non dominant hand in Flat handshape, palm orientation down. Dominant hand in B handshape, palm orientation out. Dominant hand placed on the side of the non dominant hand. Slide the B handshape back and forth several times.
Both hands in A handshapes, palm orientation down. Hands alternate making small circles in and down. Think of pouring chemicals into beakers to make solutions.