ASL 1 Flashcards
Hold “bent” handshape(s) a few inches out from your upper chest. Move your hand(s) back and touch your chest once.
“i” sign, palm out, moved side to side.
middle finger touched to chin, then to heart
correct (is right)
both hands, fist with index finger extended; bottom of upper fist onto top of lower fist.
correct (to fix)
right hand flat, palm up (sheet of paper); left hand, index finger extended (pen) marks an X on palm of right hand.
“x” sign, double downward signal at chest height
right hand, “h” handshape, fingers down; left hand, bent “h” handshape (like legs hanging), set on top of right hand fingers.
right hand flat, palm up (sheet of paper); left hand “h” handshape, placed down on right palm.
Both hands palms up, one slightly forward of the other, fingers wiggling
waiting room
Both hands, vertical palms towards body, back of one hand to the front of the other. Hands pull apart to the left and right, then are turned 90 degrees each so palms are facing, and then pulled towards body. This sign, “room”, is followed by the sign for “wait”.
short duration
both hands in “h” handshape; extended fingers of one hand scrape off the fingers of the other hand in an arc from above the hand, along the fingers, and off into the air.
“n” handshape, tap up-turned wrist twice.
“m” or “d” handshape, tap up-turned wrist twice.
call (summon)
One hand open, palm down. Other hand similar, sweeps fingers across the top of lower hand, then pull back towards body and off to the side, and fingers curl under.
“y” handshape held up to ear in classic telephone mime
signing / sign language
both hands in “d” handshape, palms facing, rotating in parallel circles towards the body.
interpret / interpreter
both hands with index and thumb touching, other fingers fanned; tip of one hand’s index/thumb touch other hand’s index/thumb and twists a couple times. Add “person” sign for “interpreter”.
come to here
Index finger extended out away from body, gesturing from out and away back towards body, up and in until pointing at self.
Open palm hand against chest, rotated clockwise (to observer); usually at end of sentence
thank you
Open palm hand starts touching chin, then falls away from body to 45 degree angle
(I’m) sorry
“a” handshape, against chest, rotated clockwise (to observer)
Start with open hand, palm towards face over mouth, then rotating away from face to a palm-down position
Start with open hand, palm towards face over mouth, then bring hand down into open palm of other hand