Asia : Korea and cold war Flashcards
cold war
long period of tension between the democracies of the western world and the communist countries of eastern Europe. west led by the US and east led by the soviet union. 1947-1991, state of conflict between nations that did not involve military action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions. no direct military confrontation, lots of tension/hostility. war of words, nuclear arms race, propaganda, proxy wars: supported by superpowers but used by smaller countries - represent the bigger countries.
differences between capitalist US and communist USSR
US - property and business were owned by private individuals and companies, democracy: fair elections
USSR - one party state, elections were held but only soviet people only elect communist people, industry organised and run by state
US - extremes of poverty and wealth
USSR - low living standards but rare poverty and unemployment
US - rights and freedom of individuals more important than equality amongst everyone
USSR - rights of individuals less important than good of society as a whole, restrictions of freedom
US - felt communism threatened their way of living, believed in their ways
USSR - people opposed capitalism, believed other countries should also be communist
how did the soviet union extend its influence over eastern europe
- potsdam conference ended without complete agreement on major issues like eastern europe: accepted soviet union ideas, stalin did not wait to implement his plans. over the next nine months, stalin achieved domination over what he was seeking. many countries had communist govts and owed their loyalty to stalin
- many countries had strong communist parties that defeated other parties
- developed the ‘iron curtain’ as described by churchill - a border between stalin controlled countries and the west (east and west germany)
- red army controlled east germany (hard to defeat) - advancing and liberating countries, troops didnt withdraw and occupied eastern europe
- communist parties imprisoned opposing politicians and attacked church leaders in hungary
- communist leader elected as prime minister, abolished monarchy in romania - communist govts being established
- communist members executed leaders of the other parties - one party state as opposition parties were executed or exiled
truman doctrine
T urkey and greece were intervened/funded by America $4 million funded
R esulting in USA’s new attitude to world politics called the Truman Doctrine
U sa were prepared to help countries under the threat of communism
M oney, equipment and advice were sent to prevent communist takeovers
A new policy called containment was made to stop communism spreading any further
N ecessary for western countries to maintain capitalism, the soviet union were informed of military action being used if expansion went over the limit
what was the marshall plan
an american response to the poverty and hardship in post war Europe, helped rebuild countries destroyed by war
truman believed that communist spread in countries where people faced poverty and hardshi. he sent american general george marshall to assess the economic state of europe = ruined economy. countries of europe owed $11.5 billion to the USA, extreme shortages of all goods, most countries still rationing bread, coal shortages in the winter of 1947 meant that electricity was turned off in the UK for a select period of time everyday. churchill described it as ‘a rubble heap, breeding ground of hate’. marshall suggested that $17 billion should be sent to europe to aid in its recovery post war. ‘our policy is directed against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos’. in dec 1947, truman requested his plan to the congress and they first refused to grant the money. americans were concerned about truman’s involvement in foreign affairs.
the impacts on czechoslovakaia from the marshall plan
- marshall aid was to help america boost their slump their economy as truman didnt want another industrial slump, wanted to create new markets for american goods
- communists came down hard in march 1948 and anti-soviet leaders were purged. one pro-american minister, Jan Masaryak was found dead on his window. communists say he had jumped but americans believed he was pushed
- congress accepted marshall plan and made $17 billion ready over 4 years
stalin’s response:
- he refused any eastern europe states to apply for marshall aid
- tightened grip: set up comecon and cominform - tighten soviet control in eastern europe, to build collective heavy industry ad create a trade network between communist countries, draw together the european communist parties
- anti-communist aims would weaken his power on his european countries
- felt USA were trying dominate the states making them dependent on money
how did the marshall plan benefit america
- aid came in the form of goods made by american firms
- prosperity created a market for US goods
- element of american self-interest to prevent another depression
berlin blockade
couldn’t transport
stalin didnt want the industry in berlin to grow and for the west side to become better developed so blocked all supply lines to east berlin to west berlin = berlin blockade. force the allies out of berlin so it was completely dependent on the USSR
truman didnt want to start a war by sending tanks but wanted to show he was serious about the containment policy. he wanted berlin to be a symbol of freedom behind the iron curtain. in june 1948, the allies airlifted supplies. stalin didnt shut them down so they continued this for the next 10 months. there were many shortages but it showed they weren’t backing down.
in may 1949, it was clear the allies wouldn’t give up so stalin reopened communications.
differences between east and west berlin
west - new currency developed, better living standards, democracy, compensation for damage of war
east - dismantled factories that were took back to russia, divided into 4, poorer conditions
how was korea divided after the 2nd world war
by the 38th parallel
communist north: kim il sung
capitalist south: syngman rhee
before the war, it was controlled by japan
what happened on 25th june 1950
north invaded the south, v unprepared as not expected. low on equipment, attacks capital ‘seoul’, kept defeating the south, almost took over the whole of korean peninsula
how did the us respond
requested UN to support south korea: men and ammunition. troops entered through port of pusan. powerless to improve situation, faced terrible humiliation. containment policy
pusan = 14th sept
inchon = 15th sept and quickly recaptured seoul
early oct = all nk troops behind 38th parallel
what was macArthur’s plan
general ‘gung-ho’
rollback, wanted to push nk army back. sent troops in by sea to attack from behind. cut off army at port of inchon, risky: high tides, surrounded by the sea. 15th sept fired their guns, bombed the place.
operation chromite:
dangerous ambitions: tides, fortification, amphibious landing: from water to land, successful, seoul recaptured in 11 days, wanted to liberate whole of nk
development of plan:
took over nk capital pyongyang, approaching yalu river = border between china and korea in oct
how did china respond
mao tse-tung = china prime minister communism = 1949
oct 1950 chinese army invade nk to crush UN, protecting communism
tough, experienced soldiers
200,000 troops modern tanks and planes supplied by the soviet union
artillery = key weapon of the UN
UN panicked at the huge wave of chinese infantry, morale collapsed, bitter korean winter settling in
equipment failed due to cold weather conditions
UN = withdrawal, some soldiers fled
seoul regained in the hands of communism
chinese supply lines fell
recaptured seoul = UN = march 1951
stalemate at 38th parallel after see-sawing for 7 months
truman and macArthur’s different approaches
truman wanted peace whereas macArthur still demanded victory and wanted all of nk to become communist. favoured the attack of china using nuclear weapons
how was he conflict brought to an end
1951 chinese spring offence fails
clear to both sides neither could win
negotiations began july 1951 = lasted 2 years
stalemate = high casualties
1951, us and peng = direct commander of china, seeking armistice/ truce
kim and stalin wanted to continue - spring offence
nov 1952 = eisenhower = keen for end of war
talks at panmunjom - endless disagreement over border and return of prisoners
agreement not until july 1953 = ceasefire = border not changed
2 million died
causes of the korean war
- kim was a korean nationalist - hostility between him and syngman rhee. wanted to take over the whole of korea to become a communist country, whereas syngman wanted it to be non-communist, not specifically democratic but not communist. kim trained in the soviet union and wanted the country to be strong, united and independent.
- russia support gave kim confidence - USSR gave him equipment, southern half liberated by USA and northern half by USSR and china. stalin made kim see sk as weak and since they were significantly stronger he gained confidence. strong chance of winning. stalin supplied military aid. china had just become communist
- american decision to intervene escalated the conflict - truman sent advisers, supplies and warships to the waters around korea to put great pressure on the UN to condemn the actions against nk. didn’t want korea to become communist and asia as a whole, felt true to truman doctrine and containment. UN didnt veto as USSR wasn’t there and denied china entry as mao wasn’t the official govt of china but the taiwanese nationalists. regarded them as the rightful govt
- chinas involvement prolonged the war - wanted to save communism in nk and support from stalin pushed them forward. US troops close to yalu river and to the city of manchuria so wanted to protect their country. US and macArthur were also very anti-chinese so the security of their country made them get involved. mao’s chance to re-establish prestige
sacking of macArthur
truman - saving sk good enough, risks of attacking china = too great
macArthur - carry on war, invading china and use of nuclear weapons
march 1951, ignored UN instructions and threatened attack on china. april macArthur removed from position as commander and rejected his aggressive policies. containment was main policy. general omar bradley said macArthur’s approach was wrong and too risky.
truman = brave and right decision
reasons for US to cross the 38th parallel
3 Ms
1. momentum = attack on inchon = success
2. macArthur = success in war against japan, risky + aggressive
3. mid-term elections = every 2 years, elections = every 4 years, truman wants to look strong by removing communism from korea, gain public support
64% americans favoured invading north
lost china to communism in 1949 = truman accused
why did china attack
5 Ss
1. save communism in korea - nk defeated, UN strong
2. security/ safety - US troops close to yalu river, macArthur’s anti-chinese views well known, getting close to manchuria = industry, reliant on hydro-electric power from nk
3. status - chance to re-establish prestige
4. support from stalin - encouraged mao to get involved, hoped china and US would weaken one another
5 anti-US sentiment - US supported enemies of communism in china, denied UN membership. taiwan = non-communist. party = protected by US, govt in UN
impact of the korean war
USA - p: liberated sk from communism; containment, policy seen to work in asia
n: 30,000 casualties, 100,000 wounded, defences spending increased from 15—> 50 billion, failure to liberate nk
korea - p: regained democracy. and fulfilled hopes of truman and UN, weren’t taken into control by nk, border still stayed the same
n: horrendous suffering and devastation. 10% of korean population reported killed or wounded or missing. 1.3 million casualties, 80% of industry and govt buildings destroyed, agriculture ruined. didnt unite korea as they had fought for, no change, nk still a dictatorship
china - p: china success taken on US and forced it back. war helped to consolidate the regime’s hold on power in china, saved nk from capitalism and american control, secured a buffer state. gained respect of communist supporters in asia. financial aid from USSR.
n: 150,000 ++ troops killed, huge economic losses, increased US protection from chiang kai-shek on formosa. suffered loss of potential trade with US. failed to win sk for communism
USSR - p: achieved close friendship with china, closer links, conflict between china and USA was to russia’s advantage, weakened the threat of both countries
n: forced into expensive arms race with the USA
UN - p: gained respect by taking prompt direct action, used combined force to stop aggression, achieved joint-action showed they were more effective that league of nations
n: 30,000 majority US troops, only able to act bc of USSR’s absence from security council unable to exercise its veto