ASH INFO 103 Entire Course With Final Flashcards


ASH INFO 103 Entire Course With Final

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INFO 103 Entire Course With Final
INFO 103 Week 1 DQ 1 How Do You Currently Use Information Technology
INFO 103 Week 1 DQ 2 Innovations in Hardware and Software
INFO 103 Week 1 Quiz
INFO 103 Week 2 Assignment Using Microsoft Word What Does the Library Have to Offer
INFO 103 Week 2 DQ 1 Copyright and Fair Use
INFO 103 Week 2 DQ 2 Searching for Information
INFO 103 Week 2 Quiz
INFO 103 Week 3 Assignment Using Microsoft Excel
INFO 103 Week 3 DQ 1 Information Security and Privacy
INFO 103 Week 3 DQ 2 Connecting Your Home Network to the Internet
INFO 103 Week 3 Quiz
INFO 103 Week 4 Assignment Computer Ethics PowerPoint
INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 1 Computer Ethics
INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 2 Web 2.0
INFO 103 Week 4 Quiz
INFO 103 Week 5 DQ 1 Emerging Information Technology
INFO 103 Week 5 DQ 2 Reflection Question - Computer Use in Career Fields
INFO 103 Week 5 Final Paper


ASH INFO 103 Entire Course With Final

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ASH INFO 103 Week 1 DQ 1 How Do You Currently Use Information Technology

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INFO 103 Week 1 DQ 1 How Do You Currently Use Information Technology
How Do You Currently Use Information Technology?
Information technology is the process of using computers or computing devices to obtain and handle information and data. Using this technology is something that is performed daily by people all over the world. What is the impact of information technology in your daily life? How do you use technology in your daily life?


ASH INFO 103 Week 1 DQ 1 How Do You Currently Use Information Technology

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ASH INFO 103 Week 1 Quiz

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INFO 103 Week 1 Quiz
1. Machine language is made up of which of the following codes?
2. In the 1970s which company developed computer innovations such as the mouse, graphical user interface, and word processors?
3. An algorithm is BEST defined as:
4. Literacy is best defined as knowing how to:
5. Which of the following components was a significant development featured in the Macintosh LISA computer?
6. Which action BEST describes a branch in a computer program?
7. The term “clone” is a reference to a computer’s:
8. Who is typically considered to be the “father of computing”?
9. Computers are not just stand-alone desktop machines anymore. They are often embedded in common appliances and technology that we use every day. Which of the following does NOT have a computer in it?
10. How many generations of compute


ASH INFO 103 Week 1 Quiz

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ASH INFO 103 Week 1 DQ 2 Innovations in Hardware and Software

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INFO 103 Week 1 DQ 2 Innovations in Hardware and Software
Innovations in Hardware and Software
Review Chapter 2 regarding the hardware revolution and Chapter 3 regarding the software revolution from your course text. What is hardware? What is software? How is hardware different from software?
Using the Timeline - CHM revolution, identify and describe what you believe to be the two most important hardware innovations. Why are the two hardware examples you selected important?
Using the Timeline - CHM revolution website, identify and describe what you believe to be the two most important software innovations. Why are the two software examples you selected important?


ASH INFO 103 Week 1 DQ 2 Innovations in Hardware and Software

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ASH INFO 103 Week 1 Quiz

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INFO 103 Week 1 Quiz
1. Machine language is made up of which of the following codes?
2. In the 1970s which company developed computer innovations such as the mouse, graphical user interface, and word processors?
3. An algorithm is BEST defined as:
4. Literacy is best defined as knowing how to:
5. Which of the following components was a significant development featured in the Macintosh LISA computer?
6. Which action BEST describes a branch in a computer program?
7. The term “clone” is a reference to a computer’s:
8. Who is typically considered to be the “father of computing”?
9. Computers are not just stand-alone desktop machines anymore. They are often embedded in common appliances and technology that we use every day. Which of the following does NOT have a computer in it?
10. How many generations of compute


ASH INFO 103 Week 1 Quiz

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ASH INFO 103 Week 2 DQ 1 Copyright and Fair Use
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INFO 103 Week 2 DQ 1 Copyright and Fair Use
Copyright and Fair Use
Take a few minutes to explore the Copyright Clearing Center’s Copyright Basics tutorial.
Briefly describe copyright, public domain, and fair use. Provide a unique example of fair use. Provide an example of when copyright would be violated. Be sure not to duplicate an example that is already posted by one of your classmates.


ASH INFO 103 Week 2 DQ 1 Copyright and Fair Use
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ASH INFO 103 Week 2 DQ 2 Searching for Information
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INFO 103 Week 2 DQ 2 Searching for Information
Searching for Information
What are the benefits of using search engines, such as Google, Yahoo!, or Bing? What are some of the limitations and dangers of using information that is widely available on the Web?


ASH INFO 103 Week 2 DQ 2 Searching for Information
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ASH INFO 103 Week 2 Quiz

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INFO 103 Week 2 Quiz
1. While doing online research you enter this wildcard character: Met
Which of the following would be a possible response to your search?
2. Famed science fiction writer H. G. Wells once envisioned something to store vast amounts of information. What did he call it?
3. Which of the following is the tool used to automatically search new information on the internet and organize it for future searches?
4. Which application software allows you to compose written ideas on a computer?
5. Which of the following is NOT an example of a metasearch engine?
6. Of the following individuals, who was the most recent to develop information searching tools online?
7. Google’s main model for generating profit is:
8. Information resources that point the user towards data that they are looking for, and are organized according to a predefined scheme are called:
9. Which of the following is NOT a Google product?
10. Which of the following was the first commercial software package to incorporate WYSIWYG as a feature?


ASH INFO 103 Week 2 Quiz

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ASH INFO 103 Week 3 Assignment Using Microsoft Excel

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INFO 103 Week 3 Assignment Using Microsoft Excel
As indicated in the guidance for Week 3 Excel can be used for many purposes. For example, Excel can be used to develop and track your personal income and expenses against a monthly budget. Assume a family has developed a monthly budget and desires to compare actual expenses for July to their budget.
Before we begin, for income and savings we use the formula (Actual – Budget) and for costs or expenses we use the formula (Budget – Actual). We do this because we are trying to determine whether the difference or variance is better or worse. It is better to earn a higher salary but it is worse to spend more than budget.
Here are the detailed instructions:
1. In cell A1, enter the following title for this worksheet: Personal Budget vs. Actuals.
2. In cell A3, enter the following: Item.
3. In cell B3, enter the following: Factor.
4. In cell C3, enter the following: Budget Amount.
5. In cell C4, enter the following: Per Month.
6. In cell D3, enter the following: Actual Amount.
7. In cell D4, enter the following: July.
8. In cell E3, enter the following: Difference.
9. In cell E4, enter the following: (Better/Worse)
Be sure to expand the columns so that the contents don’t overlap the adjacent columns. At this point, this is what your spreadsheet should look like:

The following set of instructions will build your line items list:
10. In cell A5, enter the following: Salary
11. In cell A6, enter the following: Federal Taxes
12. In cell A7, enter the following: State Taxes
13. In cell A8, enter the following: Available Income
14. Leave cell A9 blank. Leave all other cells in row 9 blank
15. In cell A10, enter the following: Living Expenses: Rent/utilities/groceries/phone
16. In cell A11 through A14, use the example below to determine what should be entered.
17. In cell A15, enter the following: Total Expenses
18. Leave cell A16 blank, and leave all other cells in row 16 blank.
19. In cell A17, enter the following: Savings
This is what you should see in your line items list:

Next, let’s add the Factors:
20. In cell B6, enter the following: 15%
21. In cell B7, enter the following: 5%
22. Leave all other cells in column B blank
This is how it should appear:

The following set of instructions will help you create formulas in your spreadsheet. Excel has built in formulas to make calculating data easier. Formulas always begin with the equal sign (=) which tells Excel that a formula is being entered.
23. In cell C5, enter the following: 4000
24. In cell C6, enter the following: =+B6C5
Entering this formula will tell Excel to multiply the 15% federal tax rate within cell B6 by the $4,000 monthly amount in C5, which will return a $600 federal tax cost.
25. In cell C7, enter the following: =+B7
Entering this formula will tell Excel to multiply the 5% state tax rate within cell B7 by the $4,000 monthly amount in C5, which will return a $200 state tax cost.
26. In cell C8, enter the following: =+C5-C6-C7
Entering this formula will tell Excel to subtract the federal and state tax amounts from the salary amount to determine the monthly available income of $3,200 after taxes. Continue with the following instructions to enter the remaining data and formulas into your spread sheet.
27. In cell C10, enter the following: 1625
28. In cell C11, enter the following: 150
29. In cell C12, enter the following: 300
30. In cell C13, enter the following: 350
31. In cell C14, enter the following: 725
32. In cell C15, enter the following: formula: =SUM(C10:C14)
33. In cell C16, enter the following: blank
34. In cell C17, enter the following formula: =C8-C15
35. In cell D5, enter the following: 4100
36. In cell D6, enter the following: =+D5B6
37. In cell D7, enter the following: =+D5
38. Place the cursor over cell C8, presspress Ctrl and C at the same time, and move the cursor to cell D8, presspress Ctrl and V at the same time. You should see $3,280. You copied and pasted the formula from C8 into D8. From now on we will just say “press Ctrl C” for copy and “press Ctrl V” for paste.
39. In cell D10, enter the following: 1682
40. In cell D11, enter the following: 165
41. In cells D12, enter the following: 270
42. In cell D13, enter the following: 295
43. In cell D14, enter the following: 715
44. Place the cursor over cell C15, press Ctrl C, move the cursor to cell D15, press Ctrl V. You should see 3127. You copied and pasted the formula from C15 into D15.
45. Place the cursor over cell C17, press Ctrl C, move the cursor to cell D17, press Ctrl V. You should see 153. You copied and pasted the formula from C17 into D17.
46. In cell E5, enter the following: =+D5-C5
47. In cell E6, enter the following: =+C6-D6
48. In cell E7, enter the following: =+C7-D7
49. In cell E8, enter the following: =+D8-C8
50. In cell E10, enter the following: =+C10-D10
51. Place the cursor over cell E10, press Ctrl C, with the cursor highlight cells E11 through E14 then press Ctrl V.
52. In cell E15, enter the following: =+C15-D15
53. In cell E17, enter the following: =+D17-C17. You are almost done.
This is what your spreadsheet to this point should look like:

To see all the formulas you’ve entered into the spread sheet, click on the Formulas Tab and select Show Formulas to see the formulas.

This is what the formulas should look like in the spreadsheet:

Click Show Formulas again to return to the normal spreadsheet view.
54. With the cursor highlight cells from C5 through E17.
It should look similar to this:

  1. Right click, then select Format Cells in the popup menu:
    Then make the selections indicated in the options box pictured below.
    These selections will remove the decimals and add a dollar sign to the columns.
  2. Finalize your worksheet by making sure all columns are formatted to accommodate the size of the data. In the same popup box pictured above in the Border tab, you can format your table as needed to assure it looks clean and neat. Consider putting borders to separate cells. Consider making titles bold.
  3. Save your worksheet. This is what it should look like when you’re done:

Making a Chart for Budget Expenses
To view a brief ‘How To’ video for creating a chart in your spreadsheet, click on the video below.
58. To make a chart for budget expenses:
o Use the cursor to highlight from A10 to A14
o Hold down the Control key (Ctrl) and select C10 to C14.
o Hold down the Control key (Ctrl) and Select D10 to D14.
Your columns should look similar to this:

  • Click the “Insert” tab.
  • Click the column chart

Select 2-D Column

In Microsoft Office version 2010 and prior, you will see the Chart Tool activated at the top of the screen for the formatting elements. Click the chart and press the help key (F1) in Microsoft Office to open the help function for the options available in your version. This is a clip of Microsoft version 2010 for your reference:

In the 2013 version of Microsoft Office which is demonstrated below, you should then see something similar to the following graphic
• Use the options to the right to format your chart. Click ‘Chart Title’ to change it to ‘Personal Budget vs. Actuals’. You can also select other options to see how they affect the appearance of your chart.
• Move chart underneath the table by placing the cursor on the frame and dragging the diagram under the budget table. You can expand the size of the chart by selecting and dragging any of its corners.
Your finished spreadsheet should look similar to this example:

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


ASH INFO 103 Week 3 Assignment Using Microsoft Excel

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ASH INFO 103 Week 3 DQ 1 Information Security and Privacy

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INFO 103 Week 3 DQ 1 Information Security and Privacy
Information Security and Privacy
Facebook, email, electronic commerce, and collaborative sites for both work and leisure are a normal part of our everyday computing activities. Personal information entered on these websites become partially owned by the sites themselves. Deleting items never really gets rid of them.
After reading this week’s course materials, describe what Internet users should know about one of the following topics:
• What should you know about website privacy?
• How do you know when an online transaction is secure?
• Why is Anti-spyware software important to my online security?


ASH INFO 103 Week 3 DQ 1 Information Security and Privacy

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ASH INFO 103 Week 3 Quiz

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INFO 103 Week 3 Quiz

  1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a network configuration?
  2. A killer app is BEST described as:
  3. Which of the following can be used to determine how much traffic a website is getting?
  4. Which of the following BEST describes the difference between an intranet and internet?
  5. A computer network is BEST described as two or more computers that are:
  6. Which of the following is NOT a computer protocol?
  7. Which of the following would be useful to understand if you wanted to build a web page?
  8. People who are physically disabled are able to use the Internet due to:
  9. Which of the following is NOT included in The Web Accessibility Initiative?
  10. The Internet is BEST described as a vast _______ connection of computer networks that also link to smaller networks.

ASH INFO 103 Week 3 Quiz

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ASH INFO 103 Week 4 Assignment Computer Ethics PowerPoint

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INFO 103 Week 4 Assignment Computer Ethics PowerPoint
Computer Ethics PowerPoint
Review your initial post from this week’s discussion activity on computer ethics. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation based on your initial computer ethics discussion and associated research. To view a brief ‘How To’ video for creating a PowerPoint file for this assignment, click on the video in your course shell: Creating a PowerPoint (access this link through your online course)
Your presentation Should:
• Identify the key points you want to highlight.
• Contain a minimum of three slides in the body of the presentation.
o Each slide in the body of the presentation should have no more than three bullet points.
o Each slide must include animation.
• Include graphics, audio, video or embedded links as needed to support and enhance your topics.
In addition:
• Create a title slide that that includes a Title of PowerPoint, Students Name, Course Number & Title, Instructor’s Name, and Date, in that order.
• Create a reference slide that identifies all sources used within the presentation (including graphics or other multimedia)
• Format your references according to APA style as outline in the Ashford Writing Center, and use in-text citations where necessary throughout the body of your presentation.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


ASH INFO 103 Week 4 Assignment Computer Ethics PowerPoint

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ASH INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 1 Computer Ethics

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INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 1 Computer Ethics
Computer Ethics
As the use of computers and the internet becomes more prevalent, ethical issues related to computer usage will continue to make a larger impact on people’s lives and the way that society functions. Computer ethics involves the moral principles and behavioral guidelines associated with the way in which individuals, organizations and society as a whole use computers and information technology. Some examples of ethical issues related to computer use include personal information privacy, computer security, identity theft, intellectual property, equal access to information etc.
Find a current news article in the Ashford University Library’s ProQuest Newsstand database about an ethical issue that involves computer technology, or involves a technology company. The Ashford University Library is accessible through the online classroom via the Library tab. For tips on how to use ProQuest Newsstand, view this quick guide: ProQuest Newsstand Research Tips.
Summarize the facts and major points from the article and be sure to identify the ethical issue or issues presented in the article.
Cite your source within the body of your initial post and provide a complete reference for the source, formatted according to APA style as outlines in the Ashford Writing Center, at the end of your post.


ASH INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 1 Computer Ethics

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ASH INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 2 Web 2.0

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INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 2 Web 2.0
Web 2.0
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other Web 2.0 tools (file sharing, cloud-services, etc.) provide ways for us to connect with individuals and share information in almost real time. Describe how you use these tools in your life today. How do you think these tools will work in the future? How will they impact major societal concerns like education, jobs, or the economy?


ASH INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 2 Web 2.0

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ASH INFO 103 Week 4 Quiz

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INFO 103 Week 4 Quiz

  1. Exposure to internet pornography typically occurs when?
  2. Which of the following is NOT one of the MOST common uses of Twitter?
  3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a virtual community?
  4. first started out as a place to:
  5. What is the MOST important precaution to take when using social networking sites like Facebook?
  6. Which is NOT an example of a course management system?
  7. Which of the following BEST describes the concept behind Web 2.0?
  8. When Twitter is used to gather a large group for a face-to-face meeting it is called a:
  9. Moodle, BlackBoard and ecollege are examples of:
  10. Which of the following is NOT one of Facebook’s main features?

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ASH INFO 103 Week 5 DQ 1 Emerging Information Technology

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INFO 103 Week 5 DQ 1 Emerging Information Technology
Emerging Information Technology
Discuss some of the emerging trends in information technology (e.g. computer hardware, software, data analysis). What impact may they have on your daily life (e.g., workplace, school, recreation)?


ASH INFO 103 Week 5 DQ 1 Emerging Information Technology

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ASH INFO 103 Week 5 DQ 2 Reflection Question - Computer Use in Career Fields

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INFO 103 Week 5 DQ 2 Reflection Question - Computer Use in Career Fields
There are many careers that require computer literacy. In fact, most jobs today require some knowledge of information technology. What computer skills should you develop to help advance your personal career goals?
After your primary post, respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.


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ASH INFO 103 Week 5 Final Paper

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INFO 103 Week 5 Final Paper
Final Paper
For the Final Paper, you will select one topic from the list below. You will want to choose a topic that is important or interesting to you.
Instructions for completing the Final Paper:
• Please select from one of the following topics, which are addressed in the course textbook, Introduction to Computer Literacy:
o Collaborative Technologies (covered in Chapter 1)
o Ethical Concerns in Computing (covered in Chapter 1)
o The Digital Divide (covered in Chapter 1)
o Open Source Software (covered in Chapter 3)
o The Impact of Mobile Computing (covered in Chapter 4)
o Social Networks (covered in Chapter 7)
o Protecting Copyrights and Intellectual Property (covered in Chapter 8)
o The Future of Cloud Computing (covered in Chapter 9)
• Return to the textbook and review the pages in the chapter that pertain to your selected topic.
• Next, log in to the Ashford University Library and conduct a search on that topic.
o The INF103. tutorial will walk you through the basic steps of doing a search for scholarly articles within the Ashford University Library. A transcript of this video can be accessed through your online course.
• Select two scholarly articles to use in your paper. For each article, write down the author information, date of publication, title of the article, the publication information (journal title), and the database from which you retrieved the article. You will need this information when you create your references for the sources.
• Begin the writing process. You are going to compare the points of view offered by these authors (the author of your textbook and the authors of the two articles you have selected) on your selected topic, and then offer your own point of view based upon your analysis of the readings.
o The Ashford Writing Center (AWC) offers assistance with the writing process. The AWC contains many tutorials and offers online guides for how to develop an academic paper. Click on the Writing Center link under “Learning Resources” in the left navigation of this course to visit the AWC.
Criteria for Grading
You will be graded on how well your paper meets the following criteria:
• How clearly you demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen topic.
• Frequent and appropriate use of examples from the textbook and selected articles to support your points.
• Appropriate inclusion of relevant quotes from the discussion forum activities.
• At least one paragraph for each of your three sources (the textbook and two scholarly articles) that includes an accurate summary of the points made by the author(s).
• At least one paragraph for each of your three sources showing your thoughtful analysis of the point of view introduced by the authors.
• At least two paragraphs illustrating how the authors of those three sources agree or disagree with one another about the topic.
• At least two paragraphs that reflect your own point of view and provide a conclusion about your chosen topic.
Form The way your paper looks is also important to this assignment.
• Complete your assignment using Microsoft Word.
• Include a proper title page.
• Use correct APA formatting for an academic paper (see the Ashford Writing Center tutorial).
• Use proper citation style for all quotes.
• Your paper must be between five to seven pages long (excluding title and references pages).
• Make sure to review your paper for grammar and use the Spell Check function in Microsoft Word before submitting your work.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


ASH INFO 103 Week 5 Final Paper

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