asdf Flashcards
Baroque Architecture
Expressive + theatrical style
Rich details + dramatic use of light
Bold, immersive structures
Highly decorative interiors
Greek Architecture
Embodies beauty, proportion, and civic pride
Celebrates mythology through design
Materials: marble and limestone
Symmetry and proportion-focused
Distinct column styles: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
Art Deco
Sleek geometry + decorative flair
Modernity + luxury
Bold geometric shapes + vibrant colors
Stylized motifs + patterns
Romanesque Architecture
Solid, thick stone structures
Rounded arches + small windows
Modest decoration + emphasis on faith and protection
Reflects church authority
International Style
Focus on functionality + minimalism
Emphasis on transparency + openness
Clean lines + geometric forms
Use of steel + glass facades
Gothic Architecture
Tall spires reaching skyward
Flying buttresses for structural support
Large stained glass windows
Ornate, intricate carvings
Inspires awe and spiritual elevation
Roman Architecture
Expanded Greek ideals with advanced engineering
Emphasis on power and civic utility
Materials: concrete, brick, marble
Architectural features: arches, domes, Greek-inspired columns
Contemporary Architecture
Sustainability + environmental integration
Technological advancements
Innovative + sustainable materials
Freeform + organic shapes
Late 19th/Early 20th Century Architecture
Embraced iron, glass, + steel
Practical, tall structures
Engineering feats + skyscrapers
Renaissance Architecture
Return to classical balance and human-centered design
Emphasis on beauty with mathematical proportions
Key features: symmetry, balance, and domed roofs
Postmodern Architecture
Mixes history + diverse styles
Playful + colorful aesthetic
Rejects strict modernist principles
Utilizes mixed materials + varied textures
Egyptian Architecture
Monumental structures honoring deities
Durable materials: limestone, sandstone, granite
Massive, thick-walled architecture
Flat roofs with symbolic carvings
Expressive, theatrical style
Rich details with dramatic use of light
Bold, immersive structures
Highly decorative interiors
Baroque Architecture
Embodies beauty, proportion, and civic pride
Celebrates mythology through design
Materials: marble and limestone
Symmetry and proportion-focused
Distinct column styles: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
Greek Architecture
Sleek geometry and decorative flair
Emphasis on modernity and luxury
Bold geometric shapes and vibrant colors
Stylized motifs and patterns
Art Deco
Solid, thick stone structures
Rounded arches and small windows
Modest decoration emphasizing faith and protection
Reflects church authority
Romanesque Architecture
Focus on functionality and minimalism
Emphasis on transparency and openness
Clean lines and geometric forms
Use of steel and glass facades
International Style
Tall spires reaching skyward
Flying buttresses for structural support
Large stained glass windows
Ornate, intricate carvings
Inspires awe and spiritual elevation
Gothic Architecture
Expanded Greek ideals with advanced engineering
Emphasis on power and civic utility
Materials: concrete, brick, marble
Architectural features: arches, domes, Greek-inspired columns
Roman Architecture
Emphasizes sustainability and environmental integration
Incorporates technological advancements
Uses innovative and sustainable materials
Features freeform, organic shapes
Contemporary Architecture
Embraced iron, glass, and steel
Practical, tall structures
Engineering feats like skyscrapers
Artistic touches, e.g., Art Nouveau
Late 19th/Early 20th Century Architecture
Return to classical balance and human-centered design
Emphasis on beauty with mathematical proportions
Key features: symmetry, balance, and domed roofs
Renaissance Architecture
Blends historical references with eclectic styles
Playful and colorful aesthetic
Rejects strict modernist principles
Utilizes mixed materials and varied textures
Postmodern Architecture
Monumental structures honoring deities
Durable materials: limestone, sandstone, granite
Massive, thick-walled architecture
Flat roofs with symbolic carvings
Egyptian Architecture
Chrysler Building
Art Deco example (spire with metalwork highlights art deco’s luxurious style)
Cathedral Durham
Romanesque Example (solid walls round arches and vaulting represents R. stability and spiritual fortification. )
Sanctuary Apollo
Greek example (precision and proportion) G. harmony and balance.
Roman example (dome with oculus reflects R. innovation)
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Baroque example (massive dome and grand design) Baroque spectacle.
Notre-Dame Cathedral
Gothic example (buttresses, rose windows)Gothic emphasis on decoration and structure.
Villa Rotonda
Renaissance example (symmetry proportion) Renaissance harmony with nature and balanced form.
Pyramids of Giza
Egyptian example (limestone) E. religious pharoh)
late 19th/early 20th century (organic architecture ) L. nature, harmony with surroundings)
Schorder House
international example (simplicity and functional focus)
Piazza d’Italia
Postmodern example ( classical and contemporary elements) post. mix histoyr
Seattle public library
contemporary example (transparent, andgular facade with open interiors (c. engage viewers)
Art Deco example
Chrysler Building (spire with metalwork highlights art deco’s luxurious style)
Romanesque Example
Cathedral Durham (solid walls round arches and vaulting represents R. stability and spiritual fortification. )
Greek example
Sanctuary Apollo (precision and proportion) G. harmony and balance.
Roman example (
Pantheon dome with oculus reflects R. innovation)
Baroque example
St. Paul’s Cathedral (massive dome and grand design) Baroque spectacle.
Gothic example (
Notre-Dame Cathedral buttresses, rose windows)Gothic emphasis on decoration and structure.
Renaissance example
Villa Rotonda (symmetry proportion) Renaissance harmony with nature and balanced form.
Egyptian example
Pyramids of Giza (limestone) E. religious pharoh)
late 19th/early 20th century (
Fallingwater organic architecture ) L. nature, harmony with surroundings)
international example
Schorder House (simplicity and functional focus)
Postmodern example
Piazza d’Italia ( classical and contemporary elements) post. mix histoyr
contemporary example (
Seattle public library transparent, andgular facade with open interiors (c. engage viewers)