ASD/VSD Flashcards
Ostium Secundum ASD facts
- Most common
- Located in center of fossa ovalis
- Associated with mitral valve prolapse
- Amenable to closure in cath lab
What are the 4 types of ASDs?
- Ostium secundum
- Ostium primum
- Sinus venosus
- Coronary sinus
Ostium Primum ASD facts
- Second most common type
- Associated with cleft leaflets because located near the atrioventricular valves (cleft septal TV leaflet and anterior MV leaflet)
- Found in patients with T21
- Makes up part of an AV canal (partial, transitional, or complete)
Sinus venosus ASD facts
- Third most common type
- Associated with anomalous pulmonary venous return
- Located near superior or inferior vena cava
- SVC sinus venosus ASD most common and associated with anomalous RUPV drainage
- IVC sinus venosus ASD is associated with Scimitar Syndrome
Coronary sinus ASD facts
- Least common type
- Associated with persistent L SVC
What is a partial AV canal?
An isolated primum ASD
What is a transitional AV canal?
A primum ASD + restricted inlet VSD
What is a complete AV canal?
A primum ASD + unrestricted inlet VSD
What are the components of Scimitar Syndrome?
- Hypoplastic right pulmonary artery and right lung
- Displacement of cardiac structures into right hemithorax
- Anomalous arterial supply to the right lung
- Anomalous right pulmonary drainage into a Scimitar vein that drains into the IVC
- Associated with inferior sinus venosus ASD
How to tell septum secundum from sinus venosus ASD?
Crista terminalis (ridge above RAA) is cephalad to the defect in a secundum ASD and caudad to it in a sinus venosus ASD
What heart defect is associated with cleft AV valve leaflets?
Ostium primum ASD
What creates a PFO?
Incomplete fusion of the septum primum and septum secundum, creating a flap in the fossa ovalis.
Which VSD is associated with AV canal defects?
Inlet VSD
Which ASD is associated with AV canal defects?
Ostium primum ASD
Which VSDs cause prolapse of the coronary cusps?
Membranous and subpulmonic VSDs (RCC prolapse)
What are the two anterior VSDs (seen in RV inflow-outflow view)?
Membranous VSD (adjacent to TV) and subpulmonic VSD (above the crista supraventricularis, below the PV)
Which VSD is posterior (retroflex on ME 4C)?
Inlet VSD
Which ASD is associated with mitral valve prolapse?
Ostium secundum ASD
Which VSD is the most common?
Membranous VSD
Which VSD is associated with an LV septal aneurysm?
Membranous VSD