ASCP MLT Examination Flashcards
Humoral antibodies are produced by which cells?
B lymphocytes
Many microspherocytes, schistocytes, and spherocytes with budding cytoplasm can be seen on peripheral blood smears of patients with:
extensive burns
After 24 hours a blood culture from a newborn grows catalase-negative, Gram-positive cocci. The bacterial colonies are small, translucent, and beta-hemolytic on a blood agar plate. Biochemical test results of a pure culture are:
Test: Result:
bacitracin resisitant
CAMP reaction positive
bile esculin not hydrolyzed
65% NaCl broth no growth
Assuming that all controls react properly and reactions are verified, the next step would be to:
perform a Streptococcus group typing
A patient is group O, Rh-negative with anti-D and anti-K in her serum. What percentage of the general Caucasian donor population would be compatible with this patient?
Determination of compatibility can be determined by multiplying the percentage of compatibility of each antigen. 45% of the population is group O, 15% is D-negative, and 91% is K-negative. 0.46 × 0.15 × 0.91 = 0.06, or 6%.
Optimum growth of Campylobacter jejuni is obtained on suitable media incubated at 42°C in an atmosphere containing:
6% O2, 10 - 15% CO2, 85 - 90% nitrogen.
Campylobacter is microaerophilic, and requires a decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide atmosphere for growth.
A wound specimen grew 2 colony types on sheep blood agar and a single, clear colony type on MacConkey agar. Sheep blood agar growth was documented as:
colony type #1 swarming over the entire plate, Gram stain: Gram-negative bacilli
colony type #2 white colony, Gram stain: Gram-positive cocci in clusters
The best way to isolate colony type #2 from colony type #1 is to subculture:
colony #2 to CNA and/or PEA agar.
Colony #1 is a probable Proteus spp. To isolate the Gram-positive cocci in clusters from the swarming Proteus, a medium that is selective for Gram-positive cocci needs to be used. CNA and PEA agars are both selective for Gram-positive cocci. The swarming Gram-negative bacilli will not be able to grow on these media.
A young girl cuts her foot on a rock while swimming at the ocean. Her foot begins to show signs of infection and her parents take her to the ER. A culture grows a non-lactose fermenting Gram-negative bacilli that produces copious amounts of hydrogen sulfide and gas, is indole positive and motile. The organism most likely isolated is:
Edwardsiella spp.
Edwardsiella spp. are commonly isolated from reptiles and freshwater fish. Infections can occur during an aquatic accident resulting in an infected wound. Key biochemical characteristic is the production of hydrogen sulfide otherwise presents similarly to E. coli.
The light-colored zone adjacent to the nucleus in a plasma cell is the:
Golgi area.
Morphological identifiable perinuclear halo.
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) codes for which antigen?
Human Leukocyte Antigens
Which modified PCR technique or other methods of amplification is used to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Transcript-Medated Amplication
Washing Red Cells may be performed to remove what from the unit?
The eggs of Nectar americanus are basically indistinguishable from the eggs of:
Ancylostoma duodenale
Which common laboratory analyte is most often increased in newborns due to the newborn crying violently?
White blood cells (WBC)
What is the primary target of HBV (hepatitis B virus)?
The following characteristics can be seen in the microcytes present in some hemolytic disorders.
The following transfusion reactions can a diagnosis be more firmly established by evaluating B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels before and after transfusion:
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO)
This is currently used to diagnose acute coronary syndrome and/ or acute myocardial infarction:
CK-MB; Tnl; TnT
This lipoprotein will form a creamy layer at the top of stored, non-fasting plasma specimens:
Substances that can be used to induce platelet aggregation when performing aggregation studies:
Thrombin, ADP, and epinephrine, as well as collagen; snake venom, and ristocetin, can all be used to induce platelet aggregation using turbido metric or other methods.
The diagnosis of diphtheria must be confirmed by:
determining that a culture isolate is a non-toxin-producing stain.
An antibody to which platelet antigen is most commonly encounter in blood bank:
This test is suitable for quantifying the size of feto maternal hemorrhage (FMH)?
Kleihauer-Betke test
Factors that require vitamin K for their synthesis in the liver:
Factor VII (7)
Useful chemical tests for the diagnosis of hairy cells leukemia:
Tartrate-resistance acid phosphatase test (TRAP)